Minutes - April 2015
Present: Chairperson: L Moore
C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse
J James
G B Jones
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
2 Members of the Public.
383. None.
384. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
385. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 March 2015 as being a true record.
386. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 340. Ongoing.
387. Dog Control Orders. Minute 341. Ongoing.
388. Community Emergency Plan. Minute 342. Ongoing.
389. Bus Stops/Shelters. Minute 343. The Clerk informed members that the quote for works to the bus shelters from Paul and Andrew was approximately £2000. As the amount exceeded £1500 it was agreed to go to tender.
390. Defibrillators. Minute 344. Cllr Bryn Jones gave a brief update on progress to date and informed members that the grant application for two devices has been fully processed and approved. Members resolved to send a cheque for the Councils contribution to the British Heart Foundation for £800. The ultimate aim would be to train in the region of 30-40 people and to apply for a further two defibrillators.
391. Ecodyfi. E-mails consisting of various updates etc.
392. One Voice Wales. An online link to the call for evidence for Stage 2 of the Review of Designated Landscapes in Wales.
393. Works at Borth Outfall. An e-mail advising that works on the outfall pipe should begin after Easter. And that the access bollards on the boat park would have to be temporarily removed. Any reinstatement works needed will be carried out as part of the work.
394. One Voice Wales. Details of two seminars, one in Bangor and the other in Cardiff, on “How to save our town centres”.
395. Alun Jones. An e-mail from Mr Alun Jones asking for assistance in dealing with a water pollution issue that is currently causing a foul water smell in the vicinity of Ty Newydd, Borth. The Clerk confirmed that she wrote to NRW and they have sent an e-mail to Mr Jones confirming that enforcement action will be undertaken if the matter is not dealt with.
396. Ceredigion County Councils Residential Care Homes. The deadline for the consultation has been extended to the 30th April 2015.
397. One Voice Wales. An invitation to propose a maximum of two motions for debate at the AGM on Saturday 3rd October 2015.
398. One Voice Wales. Details and an online link on “Consultations on Council Tax Exemptions for Long Term Empty Homes and Second Homes in Wales”. The deadline for responses is 13 June 2015.
399. Fuel Poverty. Online links to guidance issued by the National Energy Charity to town and community councils across Wales to help them address local issues relating to heating and energy bills.
400. One Voice Wales. An invitation to get involved in this year’s Wales in Bloom Campaign.
401. One Voice Wales. Natural Resources Wales is holding a series of events across Wales to explain the work of their Board Members and to provide information to anyone who might wish to apply to become a Board Member in the future.
402. Welsh Government. Contact details for Resource Efficient Wales who give advice and information on energy, waste and water.
403. Welsh Government. Natural Resource Management Bulletin Issue 19.
404. Ceredigion County Council. The annual Ceredigion Joint Community Safety Public Engagement event scheduled for April 27th has been postponed.
405. Natural Resources Wales. NRW and the Welsh Government are holding informal local “drop in” days to discuss sea areas around Wales which are currently being considered for possible identification as new Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas.
406. Ceredigion County Council. The columns and lanterns for the re-lighting of Cambrian Terrace will be delivered and installed as soon as possible in the new financial year.
407. The Pensions Regulator. Details of a new law whereby every employer with at least one member of staff must automatically enrol those who are eligible into a workplace pension scheme and contribute towards it. The staging date for Borth Community Council is 1 July 2016.
408. Donations. Thank you letters from organisations which were given donations during the 2014/15 financial year. A letter of thanks was also received from Ayla Hulse for the donation of £100.
409. Ceredigion County Council. Details of “Caru Ceredigion’s Spring Clean” and how they are looking at ways of promoting the positives in Ceredigion which includes attitudes, profile and behaviours towards environmental issues.
410. White Paper Consultation. The period of consultation ends on the 28th April 2015. One Voice Wales will be holding consultation events across Wales with colleagues from Welsh Government to discuss and debate the contents of the White Paper.
411. Ben Dearnley. A thank you card for his and his partners’ invitation to the Council’s annual dinner.
412. Donation Request. A request for financial support for Theatr Troedyrhiw.
413. One Voice Wales. Details of a Consultancy Service available to member Councils.
414. BDO. Notice of the annual audit for the year ending 31 March 2015. The notice of appointment of date for the exercise of electors’ rights must be displayed for 14 days from 13 April 2015 to 26 April 2015. The accounts and other documents must then be made available for 20 working days from 27 April 2015 to 26 May 2015. It is the duty of Borth Community Council to submit a copy of the annual return and supporting documentation to the auditors by the audit date of 27 May 2015. As the dates were very close this year the Clerk advised members that she would ask BDO to put back the audit date by two weeks.
415. Clerks and Councils Direct. March issue of the magazine.
416. Charles Swift. A copy letter sent to Huw Williams of CCC expressing his concerns that have arisen over the granting of planning permission for Application A140400. The Clerk was asked to send a letter to Mr Swift advising him that Cllr Quant is not a member of Borth Community Council and does not get involved in any planning issues or decisions.
417. Martine Ormerod. A letter asking for financial assistance for The Art & Friendship Group which aims to increase access for the participation of arts for older people, reduce loneliness, anxiety and isolation. Cllrs Ashley and Jones declared an interest and left the room. The Clerk was asked to contact Ms Ormerod to ask for more information.
418. Mid Wales Housing. Details of a consultation paper which could offer tenants an opportunity to buy a share of their current home and an invitation to attend the launch event of the paper which will be held on Friday 24th April at 10.30am at the Park Lodge Hotel.
419. Came & Company. A copy of the Spring edition of the magazine.
420. Network Rail. An e-mail advising that there will be increased services along the Cambrian Railway line on the 17th May.
421. Ceredigion County Council. An invitation to put forward the Council’s views and comments as part of the consultation process into the possible closure of Llancynfelyn School and the potential effect on the Welsh Language.
422. Standardisation of Place Names. A list from CCC of all the place names and suggested names from the Welsh Language Commissioner.
423. Overnight Parking. A letter of complaint from Mr David Knowles in respect of the overnight parking of campervans and caravans along the sea front and a request that the Council adopt the same bye law as Aberystwyth. The Clerk was asked to forward the letter to Highways. Cllr Willcox suggested putting up notices on the offending vehicles windscreens advising that overnight parking is not welcome. In the end it was agreed that Cllr Hulse and Willcox put together a notice for approval at the next Council meeting.
424. Balance of Accounts at 13 March 2015
Nationwide 28,916.95
Community Acct 500.26
Business No Notice Acct 18,969.08
Deposit Account 2,908.64
425. Income
Morris & Bates Sols-Landfill & CAS rents 4,616.50
Business No Notice – gross int to 5/3/15 4.91
Nationwide – gross int to 1/3/15 17.82
426. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Railway Hotel - guests council dinner 71.00
Transfer from Community a/c to deposit a/c 140.00
Post Office Ltd – PAYE Jan, Feb, March 138.40
M Walker –salary 537.30, off exp 5.30 542.60
Victoria Leisure – BAM function 100.00
British Heart Foundation – 2 x defibrillators 800.00
427. Application for Planning Permission.
A150112. Replacement garage with guest accommodation above. Linkside, Ynyslas, Borth. NO OBJECTIONS.
A150145. Proposed extension to dwelling. Gerlan, High Street, Borth. NO OBJECTIONS.
A150162. Create a hardstanding drive within the garden which faces Dolwen. Myfanwy, High Street, Borth. NO OBJECTIONS.
428. Cllr Quant gave all members a copy of a letter which he had prepared on behalf of the Community Council. Members were happy with its content and resolved to send the consultation response.
429. Cllr Hulse confirmed that a Facebook page has now been set up and gave brief examples of its content to date. Mr James Davies pointed out that it should be bilingual in accordance with the Welsh Language Policy.
430. Cllr Quant gave a brief update and is now waiting for a mutually convenient date to meet with NRW on site.
431. Cllr Moore had been approached by Mr Jeff Thomas of It’s A Gift complaining that two coaches could not access the car park during the Easter break and he therefore volunteered to hold a set of keys. BAM are still holding 2 sets for the gate which need to be returned to the Council. Cllr Moore discussed in excess of fifty cans of body spray which has been deposited on Coronation Path. Members arranged to meet on Tuesday the 21st April to clean up the mess. The village PCSO has been informed.
432. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on a recent meeting by Dyfed Powys Police Authority to discuss a “Community Speed Watch” scheme. It was agreed to sign up for the scheme. Cllr Dalton is progressing with changing the Nationwide account to a higher interest account. She also mentioned that she was concerned that a child could easily crawl into the chamber of the outfall pipe opposite Pebbles as it has no cover. Cllr James asked for a warning sign to be placed on the hairpin bend at Clarach to raise awareness. Cllr Williams said that we need speed bumps in Borth similar to those put in Commins Coch. Cllr Willcox mentioned that someone had set fire to BAM property on Saturday night. Cllr Griffiths has been approached by members of the public expressing their concerns over the tattoo parlour in Borth and whether a change of use has been applied for. Cllr Ashley asked whether the Council could discuss paying someone to be a dog warden. Members asked for this to be included as an agenda item next month. Residents of Ynyslas have raised concerns in respect of human waste and loo paper left behind in the car park through the Golf Course. It was suggested that no entry should be allowed on the car park unless they have a chemical toilet with them. Cllr Bainbridge said she would raise the issue with the Golf Club. The matter of the recapping work on the sea wall towards Ynyslas has also been raised and it appears that only 500 metres of work is to be completed out of the original 1000 meters. Cllr Quant said he would look into the matter. Cllr Hulse gave a brief update on the knotweed. Cllr Jones mentioned the passing away of two elderly residents of Borth.
433. No report.
434. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.56 pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 11 May 2015 to include AGM and Dog Warden. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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