Minutes - March 2015
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge (Acting Chairperson)
G Ashley
M Griffiths
G B Jones
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
2 Members of the Public.
336. Cllr L Moore (Chairman), Cllr J Hulse (Vice-Chair), Cllrs J James and W J Williams.
337. There was no presentation this evening. BAM will be in Borth until the end of April and all outstanding jobs will be completed. Rhodri Llwyd has secured more money for extra works including capping all groynes up to Ynyslas. Cllr Willcox asked for a marker to be put at the end of the outfall pipe. CCC has told BAM to leave all the litter bins on the promenade. Cllr Willcox asked for at least one or two to be placed at the bottom of the steps.
338. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
339. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 February 2015 as being a true record.
340. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 304. Ongoing.
341. Dog Control Orders. Minute 306. Ongoing.
342. Community Emergency Plan. Minute 307. Ongoing.
343. Bus Stops/Shelters. Minute 308. Cllr Hulse has met with Paul and Andrew and has compiled a more in depth appraisal showing the works required. A quotation for repair works will be prepared for the April meeting.
344. Defibrillators. Minute 301. Cllr Bryn Jones gave a brief update on progress to date. He has completed an online application form but needs authority from the British Heart Foundation to proceed. It was agreed to send a letter to Arriva, firstly asking for permission to install a defibrillator on the walkway to the train station and secondly to ask for a contribution towards the cost.
345. One Voice Wales. An invitation to renew its membership at a cost of £226. Members resolved to continue membership.
346. Natural Resources Wales. NRW and the Welsh Government are holding two drop-in sessions where interested organisations and individuals can find out more about proposals for identifying a number of seas around Wales to be considered as new Special Areas of Conservation and Special protection Areas.
347. Ceredigion County Council. Local Development Plan 2007-2022. Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance on Community and the Welsh Language. The document is intended to provide guidance on the manner in which the Local Planning Authority will deal with developments which may have an affect on the future of communities and on the Welsh Language within those communities.
348. Ceredigion County Council. The Clerk confirmed that she had displayed Notice of Co-option” notices in all noticeboards.
349. Ceredigion County Council. An invitation for two members of Council to attend a meeting to discuss the future provision of CCC Residential Care Homes.
350. Welsh Government. A request to respond to the formal consultation on proposals for a Land Transaction Tax to replace Stamp Duty Land Tax in Wales in 2018.
351. White Paper. Online links to the White Paper. The deadline for consultation is 28th April. Also a copy of the written statement by The Welsh Government.
352. Ecodyfi. Information on various items and events.
353. One Voice Wales. Details of a link on a Consultation Document issued by the Minister for Finance and Government Business on proposals for a Landfill Disposals Tax to replace Landfill Tax in Wales in 2018.
354. One Voice Wales. Details of training sessions in the area.
355. One Voice Wales. Details of a link to a press release from the First Minister of Wales regarding the Welsh Governments plans for the commemoration of the First World War in 2015.
356. British Red Cross. Graham Hedges has been appointed as the Flood Support Worker for the Red Cross in Ceredigion and is willing to meet groups, individuals or just to forward literature.
357. Elin Jones AM. The latest news from Elin Jones AM.
358. Kidney Wales Foundation. Information on the Walk for Life 2015 which takes steps to raise awareness and support kidney disease and renal failure.
359. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a temporary road closure for remedial surfacing works by Dolybont.
360. Bus Service to Borth. A reply from Mrs Sian Witts confirming that she has written to Mid Wales requesting that the evening bus goes via Borth for 3 days and via Talybont for the other 3 days. She is still awaiting a reply.
361. One Voice Wales. Details of the Mid Wales Joint Local Transport Plan for the next 5 years.
362. Marine Planning. An invitation to attend a Welsh Stakeholder event on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Programme of Measures Consultation at the Welsh Government Offices on Friday 6th March.
363. Dyfed Powys Police Authority. Details of a Community Speed Watch scheme which is a locally driven initiative where active members of the community join together and, with the support of the Police and use of speed detection devices, are able to monitor the speed of vehicles travelling through their area. There is also an invitation to attend a presentation at Aberystwyth Police Station on Monday 30th March at 7pm. Cllrs Bainbridge, Griffiths and Cllr Ashley volunteered to attend.
364. Cantref. A letter enquiring whether the Supported Housing Officer could attend a Council meeting to discuss the services provided by the organisation. The Clerk was asked to find out whether there were any Cantref houses in Borth.
365. National Assembly for Wales. An invitation to attend the latest Women in Public Life lecture in Cardiff on the 19th March.
366. One Voice Wales. A link to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Report – February 2015.
367. One Voice Wales. A request for feedback from the Council on the general approach to training contained in the Draft Revised National Training Strategy 2015-2019.
368. James Davies. A letter from Mr James Davies explaining the proper procedure to go into closed session.
369. Other Correspondence. Play for Wales.
370. Land Registry. An application from Josette Maxine Ormerod has been received to register a portion of land to the front of West End House, Borth. Members resolved to authorise Cllr Ray Quant to submit observations on their behalf.
371. Grass Cutting Tenders. 5 tenders were received and it was agreed to go into closed session at the end of the meeting to discuss the tenders.
372. Balance of Accounts at 13 February 2015
Nationwide 28,899.13
Community Acct 500.26
Business No Notice Acct 20,124.17
Deposit Account 2,908.64
373. Income
Scottish Power – Wayleaves 33.43
374. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
One Voice Wales - 2015/16 membership 226.00
One Voice Wales – FOI training session Cllr Moore 15.00
Cartridgesave – printer ink and copier paper 44.56
M Walker – clerks salary 530.87
Capel y Garn – donation 100.00
Age Cymru Ceredigion 100.00
Wales Air Ambulance 100.00
Y Tincer 100.00
Citizens Advice Bureau 150.00
Talybont YFC 50.00
Cruse Ceredigion 100.00
St Mathews Church 150.00
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Inst Ceredigion 50.00
Ayla Hulse 100.00
375. Application for Planning Permission.
A150087. Removal of condition 1 of planning permission 3517 to “The use of the caravans shall be retained as holiday let use only and not be occupied by anyone as their main residence. The caravan can be let throughout the year without any exclusion periods”. Troedyrhiw Caravan Site, Clarach Road, Borth. Borth Community Council requests that if this application is approved that Ceredigion County Council can confirm that it will monitor the site to ensure that it is only used for holiday lets and that the site owner maintains a register for inspection at any given time. Borth Community Council is concerned that it will become a permanent site.
376. The Clerk distributed a list of donation requests from various organisations received throughout the financial year together with a letter from Miss Ayla Hulse of Ynyslas asking the Council to consider financial assistance towards the World Street Dance competition in August 2015 of which she is a member. After considering all requests it was resolved to donate to the following:
Capel y Garn 100.00
Age Cymru Ceredigion 100.00
Wales Air Ambulance 100.00
Y Tincer 100.00
Citizens Advice Bureau 150.00
Talybont YFC 50.00
Cruse Ceredigion 100.00
St Mathews Church 150.00
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Inst Ceredigion 50.00
Ayla Hulse 100.00
377. Cllr Quant has spoken to NRW and CB Environmental Ltd and has arranged to meet with them on site at a mutually convenient time. Members resolved to give Cllr Quant the power to act on behalf of Borth Community Council.
378. None.
379. An update from Jill Hulse sent in her absence. There is currently no defibrillator at Ynyslas. However there are early stages of discussions on this within NRW and they would be interested in what we may be thinking of in Borth and Ynyslas, I have the contact names to discuss further with.
Graham Hedges Flood Support Worker for the Red Cross in Ceredigion has been in touch to introduce the Ceredigion Red Cross Flood Support service, he has leaflets and flood posters. It is useful to be aware of other voluntary organisations within the village to coordinate/liaise in any future emergency events. He is keen to have a Red Cross Flood Support Link on the community website page. Had meeting re bus stop survey and work required for a quote to be produced for the Community Council to consider. Should have a quote for the next meeting (April). The shelter outside ‘It’s a Gift’ is of significant concern, very wobbly, some rivets have sheared and its moving in the wind, in addition to needing considerable maintenance and replacement of some perspex. I think there is a case for emergency work/removal and a brand new shelter. Approach County Council/bus company to help with costs (~£2k) – could this be discussed at the meeting and agreement from Councillors on how to proceed?
White Paper: Reforming Local Government: Power to Local People, shared some comments on the consultation by email on 23 February, happy to help with the formal form if required.
The sheep at Ynyslas NNR have been moved across to the east side of the road until Easter. The gates to the western grazing enclosure have been all been opened now except the roadside ones. NRW is encouraged by the effect of the grazing on the vegetation, this will prevent further expansion of brambles and reduce the height of the grass sward that will benefit the distinctive plants that are a key feature of the dune grassland. The sheep will be completely off site from the end of March until October.
Japanese knotweed in Borth, looking to identify extent, monitoring and management of the problem. Have contacted local staff member in NRW, have two further suggested contacts to follow up on, no further progress yet.
NRW has a Dyfi Ynyslas Facebook page for topical information and notices https://www.facebook.com/DyfiYnyslas/timeline?ref=page_internal
11 March, talk by Royal Commission military expert, Medwyn Parry, on World War I remains in Wales, at Borth Community Hall, 7pm, Borth Branch of the Royal British Legion.
4 Ynyslas residents have confirmed they have seen bus drivers using the bus shelter in Ynyslas as a toilet, one of them was on 24th January 2015 on the 12.10 bus (512).
I’d like to set up a Facebook page for Borth Community Council, are people supportive of this and can I go ahead? Will set it up with a generic username and login that we can all use to put updates on.
Cllr Dalton commented that there were no markings on the road for the bus stop by the YHA. Cllr Quant said he would speak to Highways. Cllr Willcox said that a bracket on the swing bridge at the playground had broken and mentioned that 6 houses and the Premier Stores had their windows broken at the weekend. Cllr Quant said he would speak to Chief Inspector Rob Mason. Cllr Bryn Jones asked whether Mr Fullerlove had planning consent for the dumping of tons of waste hardcore and topsoil on the site at the end of the Leri. Cllr Bainbridge has applied for the road to be closed for the carnival. Cllr Bryn Jones gave an update on a meeting held by Ceredigion County Council to discuss Residential Care Homes. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on a team day she attended with Plant Dewi and said they were looking into doing something for the older children.
380. All issues were covered during the course of the meeting.
381. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.45pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 13 April 2015 to be notified to the Clerk.
382. A total of five tenders were received for the position. It was resolved, after a discussion to offer the position to Mr Patrick Norrington-Davies who had quoted £875 for the works. Members agreed that his quotation was highly professional and very competitive. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Norrington-Davies and to write to the other four applicants stating that they had been unsuccessful on this occasion.
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