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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - June 2015

Present:   Chairperson:        J Hulse
C Bainbridge
G Ashley
      R Dalton
J James
G B Jones
L Moore
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr:   R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
                                           3 Members of the Public.  
44.  Cllr M Griffiths.
45.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
46.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Council held on 11 May 2015 as being a true record.
47. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 11 May 2015 as being a true record.  
48.  World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 4.   The talk and presentation by Michael Freeman on “Ceredigion during the First World War” has been re-arranged to Saturday 13th June.   
49.  Bus Stops/Shelters.   Minute 6.  The Clerk advised members that she had received a breakdown of all works as requested with a total cost of £1,820.  Members resolved to accept the quotation.  
50.  Defibrillators.  Minute 7.  The Clerk read out an e-mail from Arriva Trains Wales under correspondence.  Cllr Jones is hoping to arrange for two boxes to house the equipment and for training to begin in July.  
51. One Voice Wales. Details of two seminars organised and run by the Wales Audit Office on “Continued Independence of Older People”.  
52. One Voice Wales.  Links to a consultation which has been launched by the Minister for Communities and tackling Poverty on “Protecting Community Assets”.  
53. One Voice Wales.  Clarification on Register of Interests for members of Town and Community Councils.   
54. Defibrillator.  A letter of acknowledgement from Arriva Trains Wales and confirmation that the information has been passed on to the relevant management for consideration.      
55. Horticulture Wales.  An invitation to sample some of the flowers, plants, fruits, vegetables and herbs grown by local producers at three special “Buyer Meets Grower” events.  
56. Martine Ormerod.  An e-mail clarifying the situation with The Art and Friendship Group and confirming that they are not a business.  Cllrs Ashley and Jones declared an interest and left the room. Cllr Bainbridge was asked to arrange a meeting with Ms Ormerod for further clarification.  
57. One Voice Wales.  Dates of forthcoming training sessions.  
58. Borth Rowing Regatta.  A letter asking for permission to use the car park opposite Brynowen to store visiting club boat trailers on their regatta day on the 28th June. Members resolved to allow the organisers to use the car park on the day.  
59. Mid Wales Housing.  A short questionnaire on their proposal to give tenants the ability to own/part own the home they are renting but with a security of a safety net.  
60. One Voice Wales.  The Climate Change Commission for Wales (CCCW) Adaptation sub-group is arranging 3 events to support the development of Sectoral Adaptation Plans in Wales for business and tourism, communities and infrastructure. The workshop will take place on Monday 15th June at Cardiff University.  
61. Ceredigion Community Safety Partnership.  Agenda for the June 10th Public Engagement meeting at Penmorfa.  
62. One Voice Wales.  Notification of One Voice Wales larger Councils conference at the Royal Welsh showground on the 8th July 2015.  
63. Council Vacancy.  A letter from Ms Naomi Salmon wishing to be considered for the vacancy on the Council. Ms Salmon was present during the meeting and was asked to leave the room whilst the request was being discussed. The Chairman invited Ms Salmon to attend the next meeting when she would be co-opted onto Council.
64.  Balance of Accounts at 13 May 2015
       Nationwide                                                                                                            28,916.95        
       Community Acct                                                                                                     3,445.76        
       Business No Notice Acct                                                                                     38,357.64        
       Deposit Account                                                                                                     3,049.66 
65.  Income
66.  Expenditure.   It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
       M Walker – salary 537.30, off exp 6.78, maintenance 16.80                             560.88
       P J Norrington-Davies – branch and shrub clearance on Coronation Path      100.00
       Dyfed Alarms Ltd – CCTV maintenance                                    192.00
67.  Planning Permission Granted.
A150087.  Removal of condition 1 of planning permission 3517 to “The use of the caravans shall be retained as holiday let use only and not be occupied by anyone as their main residence. The caravan can be let throughout the year without any exclusion periods.  Troedyrhiw Caravan Site, Clarach Road, Borth.
A150089.  Removal of condition 1 of planning permission 133 (to allow all year occupancy).  Northfield, Clarach Road, Borth.
A150112.  Replacement garage with guest accommodation above.  Linkside, Ynyslas, Borth.
A150162.  Create a hardstanding drive within the garden which faces Dolwen.  Myfanwy, High Street, Borth.
68.  Cllr Ashley gave an update on progress to date.  She had contacted the Dog Warden Association but had not received a reply. She produced a copy of the stencil which could be painted on the walkways to the beach.  Members resolved to approve expenditure up to £300 to include the paint.
69.  Nothing to report.
70.  Cllr Hulse suggested mapping out the extent of knotweed in the area at the last meeting and produced a poster designed for the noticeboards asking residents to help identify locations where the plant is growing.   
71.  The Chairman produced a template of the Borth and Ynyslas Community Survey.  Members were happy with the version and resolved expenditure of up to £75 for the translation into Welsh and up to £100 for the printing of both versions. The forma could then be handed in to the NISA, Premier, Lower Borth post Office or to any member of Council.
72.  Cllr Hulse has prepared a flyer for the noticeboards alerting readers to the Councils Facebook page and the Borth Community Website.  
The flyer welcoming visitors to Borth but highlighting no overnight stays along the seafront has been completed.  
This has been posted in noticeboards, community website and on the facebook page. Cllr Hulse has updated Ynyslas residents on the situation regarding repairs to Ynyslas sea wall by email. Cllr Carol Bainbridge and Cllr Hulse met with the Police regarding the fire at the Ynyslas bus stop and submitted photographic evidence.
The Community priority questionnaire has been drafted with the assistance of Cllrs Bryn Jones and Carol Bainbridge. Drafted an information notice on Japanese Knotweed as the starting point for identifying the extent of the problem locally. Met Borth & Ynyslas Golf Club with Cllr Carol Bainbridge to discuss the camper van and litter situation at Ynyslas and look to establish positive mutual coordination and co-operation.
Cllr Hulse gave an update on the Planning (Wales) Bill and how this may affect the Community Council, examples from One Voice Wales include providing us with a mandatory opportunity to engage with developers on major development proposals before a planning application is submitted, a new National Planning Framework will replace the Wales spatial plan, Place Plans will have SPG status and will be prepared between LPAs and community council.  Royal assent should occur by Summer 2015.
Posts on Facebook
Accounts 114
Cancellation WW1 meeting 116
Overnight stays 54 
Train times changing from 17 May 2015 257
Bus stop fire 129
73.  CB Environmental has been given a key to the car park for ease of access to the bottle and paper banks. Members resolved to ask the Clerk to order an A3 sign for the car park gate giving information on access to keys. The Council has received a quotation for £190 to include labour and materials from Mr Phil Dalton for repairs to the shed roof by the play area.
Cllr Dalton declared an interest and left the room. Members resolved to accept the quote.
Cllr Williams referred to the seat at Ty’r Helyg which has still not been replaced. Cllr Jones mentioned heavy arctic lorries on the Clarach Road.
Cllr Moore had received a complaint about a camper van opposite Hafan Wen which has been parked overnight on and off for the past few months.  
Cllr Quant said he would investigate the matter further. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on the Family Centre who has acquired a 2 year lease on the Hall on Clarach Road.
74.  Cllr Quant advised members that the opening of Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme has been postponed. He informed members that he had spoken with Mr Charles Raw-Rees regarding the piece of land to the rear of the doctor’s surgery and had offered a price of £200 as an annual lease. Cllr Quant has had a meeting with Sian Witts of Ceredigion County Council and confirmed that they are considering a late bus to Borth.  Cllr Quant referred to an article in the Cambrian News and said that the rates for road closures do not apply to Borth on carnival day.  Road monitoring strips are to be put down in Ynyslas. Cllr Quant confirmed that the Standards Committee will attend the July meeting and suggested holding the training session at 6.30pm prior to the start of the monthly meeting.  He informed members with effect from the 9th May the Welsh Government has stopped 100% funding for coastal defence schemes. Local Authorities will have to contribute 25% of the funding in future. 
75.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.09pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 6 July 2015 to include Presentation by the Standards Committee and Co-option of Member onto Council. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.  
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