Minutes - July 2015
Present: Chairperson: J Hulse
C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
L Moore
In Attendance:County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
3 Members of the Public.
80. Cllrs M J Willcox, W J Williams and Cllr G B Jones.
81. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
82. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 1 June 2015 as being a true record.
83. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Extra Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 8 June 2015 as being a true record.
84. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 48. Cllr Bainbridge said that the talk and presentation on Saturday 13th June had been very successful.
85. Defibrillators. Minute 50. Arrive Trains Wales has written to inform the Council that Borth Station is a Grade 11 listed building and that approval would need to be sought from the Local Conservation Officer before the defibrillator could be installed on the premises. Following approval the Property Department would need to see the confirmation. After a brief discussion it was agreed to seek permission from Ceredigion County Council for the equipment to be installed on the outside wall on the southern side of the public toilets and meanwhile consider the Victoria Inn as another possibility for its location.
86. Dog Warden. Minute 68. Cllr Ashley has received the stencils for the dog signs. Mr Peter Moore will carry out the work at each access point and in between the steps onto the beach up as far as the YHA.
87. Disposal of Waste on Common Land. Minute 69. Ongoing.
88. Knotweed. Minute 70. Mr John Mathews advised the Clerk that there is knotweed behind Resolute, Beatrice and Lerry House. Also notification of knotweed behind Y Wern.
89. Community Priorities. Minute 71. This item was dealt with under Chairman’s Business.
90. Land Registry West End House. Minute 78. Following the decision at the extra ordinary general meeting held on the 8th June 2015, Cllr Wilcox informed the Chairman he had been advised by a relative of Ms Ormerod that the crux of the problem was that there had been an error in the initial registration of the land and all they were seeking was to formalise the situation and they had no intention to stop us using the land as present. Nevertheless given the tight time constraint to respond to the Land Registry, informal legal opinion was taken which confirmed that given the history of the use of the land in respect of the siting of a litter bin, serving as a collection point for the weekly refuse collection and the occasional use of A Frame display boards, the preferred route was to enter into negotiations with Ms Ormerod though it was appreciated that a formal decision would be required by the Community Council at the July meeting. In the meantime there has been a flow of emails between Ms Ormerod’s solicitor and the Clerk. On 17 June Cllr Quant phoned the solicitors secretary to confirm the likely decision of Borth Community Council and the Clerk wrote to the Land Registry to state the Council would prefer to negotiate an outcome; though the objection was not formally withdrawn at that time as that would be a decision of the Council. On 22 June Cllr Quant spoke with Ms Ormerod’s solicitor and the outcome being Mr Morris Jones was to send an email to the Clerk stating that Ms Ormerod only seeks to regularise the position of the land on her Deeds and the intention would be to issue a licence which will permit the continue present use of the land i.e. litter bin, a weekly refuse collection point and the occasion display of A Frame Boards. In their conversation it was confirmed there was no intention to fence the land that may restrict visibility to the highway. Following that discussion, the Clerk wrote to the Land Registry stating that negotiations have taken place between both parties and therefore it was anticipated the Council will formally withdraw their objection at its meeting to be held on 6 July 2015. Following consideration of the above the Council resolved to withdraw the objection and any claim on the land and to inform the Land Registry accordingly.
91. The Chairperson invited Ms Naomi Salmon to join the Council. Ms Salmon swore the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed as a member of Council. The Clerk gave Ms Salmon a copy of the Council’s Code of Conduct and a copy of the Standing Orders.
92. Overnight Parking of Campervans etc. A letter from Mr Rod Harris of Troiad y Llanw and an e-mail from Mr David Knowles of Elton, Borth in respect of overnight parking by campervans etc on the promenade. County Cllr Ray Quant asked for copies of the letters to take to the Highways department of CCC. Mr Harris attended the meeting and was invited to speak. He felt that the latest initiative by Borth Community Council was not working and that he himself had placed notices on lamp posts but they too were ignored. Cllr Hulse suggested that the Council gathers information and documentary evidence as proof. Cllr Moore said that 2 vehicles had parked overnight on the car park opposite Brynowen because the gate had been left open.
93. One Voice Wales. Ceredigion Area Committee meeting agenda held at Penmorfa on the 24th June.
94. Natural Resources Wales. An invitation to attend a workshop concerned with managing natural assets in the Dyfi area at Y Plas, Machynlleth on Saturday 11th July at 4pm.
95. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. A copy of their Annual report 2014/15.
96. Elin Jones AM. Monthly newsletter.
97. One Voice Wales. An online link to a “Briefing Note on Shale Gas and Hydraulic Fracturing”.
98. One Voice Wales. Details of the Wales Green Energy Awards. Nominations to be in by the 3rd July.
99. One Voice Wales. Details of a “Support your High Street Campaign 19-26th September”.
100. Ceredigion County Council. Correspondence relating to the 2015-16 Budget Consultation with all views to be submitted by the 30th June 2015.
101. Provision of Public Toilets. Each local authority in Wales has to prepare and publish a local toilets strategy on the provision of toilets available for use by the public in their area.
102. Electoral Services Canvassers. An invitation to be an Electoral Services Canvasser whose role would be to assist the Registration Officer with the annual compilation of the Register of Electors.
103. One Voice Wales. A questionnaire on what progress has been made in the past three years and the impact of the grant funding to set up Council websites
104. One Voice Wales. Details of a workshop held in Barry on the 10th June on Asset Transfer.
105. One Voice Wales. A consultation on the Energy Efficiency Strategy for Wales began on the 17th June and ends on the 9th September.
106. One Voice Wales. Details of an online link to a written statement by the Minister for Finance and Government Business on the “Collection and Management of Devolved Taxes”.
107. Welsh Government. An invitation for nominations to be considered for the Birthday 2016 Honours List.
108. Ceredigion County Council. Details of the review of a Statement of Licensing Policy which sets out the basis upon which the Authority will make its license application decisions.
109. Car Park Sign. The Clerk showed members suggested artwork from Rebus for a sign for the car park gates indicating where coach drivers etc can gain access to the keys. Members proposed to make the sign bigger with additional information to include free parking and no overnight parking and resolved to agree a price of up to £150.
110. One Voice Wales. A flyer advertising the OVW Conference on Saturday 3rd October at Pontrhydfendigaid.
111. Dog Fouling on Borth Beach. A complaint has been received in respect of an incident of dog fouling on Borth beach. Cllr Quant has passed it on to Environmental Services at Ceredigion County Council for them to follow up.
112. One Voice Wales. A survey for completion on “How does the climate change affect your organisation”.
113. Clerks and Councils Direct. Monthly magazine.
114. Balance of Accounts at 13 June 2015
Nationwide 28,946.75
Community Acct 1,870.79
Business No Notice Acct 38,361.41
Deposit Account 3,049.66
115. Income
Business No Notice account – gross int to 4 June 3.77
Nationwide – gross int to 1 June 18.22
Nationwide – closing interest to 10 June 1.58
Nationwide – Goodwill gesture 10.00
116. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
George Jones – translation service 30.00
Post Office Ltd – PAYE April, May & June 108.00
M Walker – salary 537.30, Off exp 4.33 541.63
Philip Dalton–repairs to shed roof by tennis courts 190.00
117. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A150350. Conversion of former chapel and vestry into boutique cinema and holiday let. Gerlan Chapel, High Street, Borth. Borth Community Council has NO OBJECTION to the application and we welcome it as an exciting new innovative business with its existing character being retained. This is also an opportunity to create new jobs within the community.
118. Planning Permission Granted.
A130757. Erection of a bungalow, garage and storage shed. Tynewydd, Borth.
A140872. Conversion and change of use of 2 No. agricultural units into 2. No holiday accommodation and siting of shipping container to be used for food preparation in conjunction with adjoining kitchen for the preparation and cooking of pies. Felinwern, Glanwrn, Borth.
A150145. Proposed extension to dwelling. Gerlan, High Street, Borth.
119. Cllr Hulse gave details of the Access to Information on Community and Town Councils Statutory Guidance May 2015, Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013, which states that one of the duties under Section 55 is to make certain information available. Borth Community Council has a statutory duty to have regard to the guidance. Cllr Hulse has started a Councillors and compliance review, including collating Councillors details. The Borth Community priorities survey was printed in both Welsh and English and was distributed mainly by Councillors and Wardens. The results have been analysed and presented to Council at the meeting. The responses were very pleasing with the top 5 priorities identified as Crime, Litter, Dogs, Community, Flooding. Cllr Hulse is to analyse the information further, present to the community and prepare a Borth Community Council action plan.
A Japanese knotweed poster has been completed and now publicised in noticeboards, website and facebook. Sent out to organisations that provided information, Reserve Manager- likes to hear and discuss management options for control. One resident has sent photos and locations in for the survey. The Clerk confirmed that she had also received two responses which confirmed that knotweed is very prominent behind the area of Y Wern and also behind White Lion Place. NRW likely to assist with production of maps for the survey and several volunteers identified. Key is to progress the survey next.
NRW has launched its new flood risk maps at http://www.naturalresources.wales/floodriskmap. They replace the maps which were previously hosted on the Environment Agency’s “What’s In Your Backyard” and there are some improvements to using the maps.
Flood Awareness Wales Project Manager (NRW) working on community engagement, flood plan development and supporting volunteers within local communities. Asked to meet to discuss what we have done here (have heard positive reports) to help other communities who face similar challenges across Wales, future strategies, hear first-hand about what will help increase community resilience across Wales. RNLI Community is rolling out a lifesaving plan for each community with a lifeboat station (which will also highlight top 3 high risk local activities). This will be an opportunity for good links with our Community Emergency Plan.
Natural Resources Wales has asked for feedback on how the community have reacted to the Cymerau project. Face book – posted information on (numbers reached in brackets) defibrillator (470), advertised WW1 talk (154) and Cymerau event (474), Japanese knotweed (487) community survey (493) take litter home from parties in the dunes (1436), ban on air lanterns (489), NRW stakeholder event (210), orchids (672), beach/lifeguard notice Ynyslas (582), windlass from a Norwegian sailing ship (20,688 in 3 days), BCC agenda and new flood risk maps (just posted).
Residents comments/questions.
Request for a covered cycle shelter at train station Speeding in Ynyslas reported, 6th June, as an example, 6 racing and revving Mazdas and ~40 speeding cars, pedestrians, horses and dogwalkers at danger. Speed strips welcomed.
Remove 2 Community Wardens from Plan.
Information passed on regarding a skatepark/pump track, design, finding etc if we were to look into this Request asking when Borth-Clarach road will have its verges trimmed, getting narrow and more of an issue with increased holiday traffic.
120. Cllr Ashley said that she had not heard anything in respect of the Community Speed Watch Scheme.
Cllr Bainbridge asked for volunteers to help remove graffiti from the slide on the playground and arranged to meet at 1pm on Wednesday the 8th June.
Cllr Moore referred to the bags of bottles dumped by the bottle bank despite the container being empty. Members asked for a sign directing people to the bottle and paper bank site. Cllr Quant to chase up.
Cllr Moore asked whether restrictions on planning applications had been lifted following completion of the coastal defence scheme.
Cllr Quant said that Borth was still considered a floodplain.
Cllr Moore asked how often Coronation Path was cut as it had not been done for a while.
Cllr Salmon raised the issue of clearing waste from the area of common land and felt that those responsible should be made to contribute to the cost of clearing the site.
121. Cllr Quant informed members that money will be allocated to complete sea defence works down to Ynyslas.
Highways have filled in potholes between the Community Centre and It’s a Gift. Ceredigion County Council has arranged for the last bus to Ynyslas, travelling via Borth to Tre’rddol, to be reinstated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There were no issues in relation to the function held at the Community Hall on Saturday 4th July. Cllr Quant suggested holding an information evening in the autumn with various organisations taking part. This would showcase all village activities and refreshments could be provided. A date of 23rd September was provisionally set and members resolved to set aside the sum of £50 for refreshments.
Cllr Quant said he would look into why speed strips had not been placed at Ynyslas as promised.
122. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.23pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7 September 2015 to include Borth Priorities and Borth Information Evening.
Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
- Hits: 6745