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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - November 2015

Present:   Chairperson:                       J Hulse
G Ashley
C Bainbridge      
R Dalton
G B Jones
L Moore
N Salmon
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance:                 County Cllr: R P Quant
                                                 Clerk: M Walker                                    
                                                            2 Members of the Public.  
217.  Cllr J James.
218.  PCSO Goffin was unable to attend as he is currently off sick.
219.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
220. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 5 October 2015 as being a true record.  
221.  World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 180. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on plans for a meeting in December and a film in January.  
222.  Defibrillators.  Minute 181. Ongoing.  
223.  Knotweed.  Minute 183.  This was discussed under Chairman’s Business.  
224.  Land Registry West End House.  Minute 184.  A letter was read out under Correspondence.  
225.  Leanne Wood.  An e-mail received from Leanne Wood AM inviting members to ask questions via Facebook between 7 and 8pm on the 14th October 2015.  
226.  One Voice Wales.  An invitation to register for the Grow Wild seed kits to receive wild flower seeds native to the country. Also organisations and groups across Wales are being invited to apply for funding of £1000 to £4000 from Grow Wild to create inspiring spaces.  
227.  Groundwork.  Details of funding opportunities for community green spaces. It will fund capital projects that provide community benefit and have free and open access to all members of the community for a minimum of 6 days a week.
228.  Ceredigion County Council.  An invitation to hold a recycling day for small electrical items. Cllr Salmon agreed to follow up.  
229.  Grass Cutting.  A response to the Clerk’s e-mail requesting a further and shorter cut to the play area. Mr Norrington-Davies says that the grass gets the same level of cut each time set on the machine and has had 12 cuts this season to date. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Norrington-Davies to request a final cut. If this is not possible members resolved to pay up to £150 for an independent cut. The grass cutting contract will be put out to tender again next year.  
230.  One Voice Wales.  Details of an advertisement for Appointment of a Trustee for Wales – Heritage Lottery Fund/National Heritage Memorial Fund.  
231.  Welsh Government.  Natural Resource Management Bulletin October 2015.  
232.  One Voice Wales.  The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Draft Annual Report must be published by the 28th February 2016 and therefore any representations must be made no later than the 30th November 2015.  
233.  West End House.  An e-mail from Keene and Kelly Solicitors advising that they are now in a position to proceed with a licence for the Council’s signature.  
234.  Ecodyfi.  Details of the Ecodyfi AGM to be held on Wednesday 11th November in the Tabernacl, Machynlleth.  
235.  One Voice Wales.  A list of all training sessions to be held in November at various locations.  Cllr Salmon asked to attend Module 20 – Sustainability at Park Lodge on Tuesday 17th November.  Members resolved to pay £35 for the training session.  
236.  One Voice Wales.  The National Assembly for Wales is consulting on the draft Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Bill and the closing date for any contributions is the 18th January 2016.  
237.  One Voice Wales.  Information on a Green Paper and two events being held by the Welsh Government on a range of topics relating to quality in the health service.  
238.  Donations.  A request from the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.  
239.  Painting of a Seat.  A letter sent from Mr Cadman of Bugeilyn, Borth to Ceredigion County Council and forwarded to BCC. The letter states that Mr Cadman sat on a seat by It’s a Gift on Sunday September 13th and found gloss paint on his expensive trousers from the newly painted seat.  He claims that the seat was probably painted on the Thursday prior to Sunday the 13th. He is requesting the Council reimburse him for the cost of the ruined trousers. The Clerk confirmed that she had spoken with the contractors who confirmed that the works had been completed on the 3rd September prior to presenting the invoice to Council for completion of the works and that a sign had been placed at the location. Cllr Salmon proposed to pay £20 as a goodwill gesture and this was seconded by Cllr Bryn Jones. It was put to the vote and 5 members of Council voted for and 4 against.  It was therefore resolved to make a payment of £20.   
240.  Welsh Government.  The October 2015 update for Community and Town Councils.  
241.  Hywel Dda Health Board.  An invitation to engage with the Board in discussing and identifying solutions for improving access to Mental Health Services.   
242.  Clerks and Councils Direct.  The November 2015 issue of the magazine.  
243.  Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2015          
Nationwide                                                                            28,946.75          
Community Acct                                                                      1,840.28          
Business No Notice Acct                                                       33,034.70          
Deposit Account                                                                      3,050.72   
244. Income          
Deposit a/c – gross int to 4 June                                                   0.53          
Deposit a/c – gross int to 3 September                                         0.53          
Scottish Power – wayleaves                                                        73.32            
245.  Expenditure.   It was resolved to pay the following accounts:          
Royal British Legion-Remembrance Day wreath                         54.00          
Cartridgesave – Printer Paper                                                     17.90          
M Walker-salary 537.30, off exp 11.66                                      548.96          
Ceredigion County Council- 2014 dog signs                              216.00          
P Cadman – gesture of goodwill                                                  20.00  
246.  Cllr Dalton gave an update on the progress of adding more signatories to the Community Account and discussed transferring a large sum of money from the Business No Notice to the Nationwide Account. It was agreed that as the BNN account fed the Community Account once the balance of that account fell to £500 that the Council would wait until the budget discussion in January.          
247.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A150847.  Retention of rooflights and proposed alterations. Midland Stores, High Street, Borth.  Borth Community Council maintains their position as previously stated in 2013 and that no part of the building can be used for residential purposes. However we fully support the commercial element of this application and we accept the retention of the roof lights.  
248.  The Community Emergency Plan was distributed to Borth Community Councillors, NRW, Coastguard, CCC Civil contingencies, RNLI, Community Wardens, NRW Warden, Campsite/holiday park owners on 10th & 11th October 2015.
Cllr Hulse met with Cllr. Ray Quant, Cllr. Billy Williams, Cllr. John James and Margaret Walker to better understand the leat behind Borth, its recent history and current issues and land owned/leased within the Borth Community Council area.  Cllr. Ray Quant took the group through the relevant deeds and records relating to BCC.  
A summary will be prepared shortly for easy reference.
The list of Councillors and Clerk for the website, noticeboards and Facebook is completed fully and circulated, an amendment has since been made to reflect the 2012 elections and moving Political Party affiliation/membership to register of interests, an updated version has been completed.  
Cllr Hulse has begun mapping the extent of Japanese knotweed in the village.  The results will be shared with NRW who will create a single digitised map.  Whilst we will be focusing in Borth it will be important to be aware of any Knotweed near our boundaries, particularly upstream, working with others will help us to do this.  Maps and information should be complete by the December meeting.
Prepared a draft calendar of key agenda items, financial/contractual markers and key events for Borth Community Council so that we can take a forward look to what is coming up and be prepared including making any necessary arrangements.
Cllr Hulse gave an update on Facebook posts of 7 days of nature in Borth and Ynyslas, inviting people to share their photos.  A compilation of the photos posted was made for the last day.  The local dolphins 28 second video feature attracted 7,257 views.   
249.  Concerns have been raised by members of the public in respect of the proposed water pipe project and the quality of the water from the outfall pipe.  All concerns will be raised with Kate Doubleday.
Cllr Dalton – the street bins are overflowing and there is no consistency in collection days. Cllr Salmon asked whether it would be possible to have larger, clearer signs on the double sided bins.  Also some of the street bins have been removed. 
Cllr Salmon – Cllr Salmon has made enquiries in respect of overnight parking on the Golf Course car park and it appears that it is a planning issue unless the site is a designated camp site. It was agreed that the Council should enquire with the enforcement officer at Ceredigion County Council what the actual status of the ground is. 
Cllr Moore – She has had several complaints about the caravan parked on the seafront down towards the Golf Club. Cllr Williams asked Cllr Quant whether any provisions had been made for salt provision in the event of icy weather.  Cllr Willcox confirmed that Mr Gwynfor Lewis still had a supply of the salt bought by Council previously.
Cllr Williams mentioned an incident the previous week and despite being resolved by Dyfed Powys Police he had not received an update on the situation.
Cllr Willcox said that the storm boards would be put back in place this week.
The Clerk was asked to contact Tom Edwards, the electrician, in respect of Xmas tree lights which needed replacing. Members resolved to set aside the sum of £400 for new white lights. 
Cllr Ashley said that there was no progress to date in respect of the Community Speed Watch Scheme. Cllr Ashley informed members that Mr Paul Brennells had volunteered to arrange for the repair of the bench at the foot of Francis Road.
Cllr Bainbridge was concerned that the playground was looking tired and that she had found a company who would visit the site for free to give suggestions for improvements. Cllr Quant confirmed that he had arranged with CCC to carry out remedial/repair works following the ROSPA report and that work would commence shortly.  Cllr Bainbridge confirmed that Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa are to start a garden, Father Christmas is scheduled to visit Borth on the 15th or 16th December and that Borth Carnival Donations evening is on the 7th November at 6pm with Mark Williams MP presenting the cheques.  Cllr Bainbridge informed members that over £75k had been given in donations to various organisations during the last 10 years.  
Cllr Jones suggested inviting the Cambrian News to the event.   
250.  Cllr Quant reminded Cllrs that the Remembrance Day service would be held on Sunday 8th November and that the Royal British Legion is holding a concert on Friday 13th November in the Community Hall.  Ceredigion County Council Scrutiny committee are meeting in the Community Hall on the 17th November at 6.30pm to talk about flooding and the coastal defence scheme. The next PACT meeting has been arranged for the 26th November.  
Cllr Quant gave an update on the land for sale behind the medical centre and that the selling agent was looking for offers in the region of £25k.  
251.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.45pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7 December 2015 to include a visit from Dafydd Morgan – WEA, Community Priorities and Council Dinner.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.  
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