Minutes - December 2015
Present: Chairperson: J Hulse
G Ashley
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
J James
G B Jones
L Moore
N Salmon
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
2 Members of the Public.
252. Cllrs M J Willcox and W J Williams.
253. Mr Morgan thanked the councillors for the invitation to attend to discuss his role as the Development Officer for Ceredigion for WEA Cymru which specialises in Adult Learning Classes across Wales. Whilst classes in various areas of Ceredigion has been set up there is a need to identify more tutors/qualified teachers. The courses run for 6 weeks totalling 15 hours with a free taster session initially. Mr Morgan is hoping to set up a class in Borth Community Hall in the near future.
254. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
255. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 November 2015 as being a true record.
256. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 221. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update and mentioned that the committee had arranged for a free film show on the 24th January 2016.
257. Defibrillators. Minute 222. Cllr Bryn Jones has arranged a 3hr training session for approximately 20 volunteers for the 12th January 2016 at the Community Hall at 6pm.
258. Knotweed. Minute 223. Ongoing.
259. Land Registry West End House. Minute 224. The Clerk confirmed that the legal document had been signed by Cllr Jill Hulse as Chairperson and the Clerk.
260. Ceredigion County Council. Sarah Pinnell has taken on the role of Public Rights of Way and Access Ranger covering the Borth area and that any issues or complaints should now be submitted via the County Councils’ problem reporting page.
261. Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority. The Draft Annual Improvement Plan 2016-2017 is available for consultation on their website.
262. BSPFA. Borth Sports and Playing Fields Association are requesting the annual drawdown of £6,000 from the current year’s revenue funding. Members resolved to send a cheque for £6000 as requested.
263. Ceredigion County Council. An update on the Residential care Modernisation Programme in Ceredigion.
264. One Voice Wales. Details on how to help protect and improve the places where people walk in our local area.
265. One Voice Wales. The response from OVW to the Statutory Guidance for the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.
266. One Voice Wales. The latest edition of The Ombudsman’s Casebook – Issue 22 – is now available online.
267. Grass Cutting. The Clerk wrote to Patrick requesting a final cut and he confirmed that it would be done.
268. Ecodyfi. A diary of events during November.
269. Ynyslas Telephone Box. The Clerk received an e-mail from Cllr Hulse informing her that the telephone box at Ynyslas had been damaged. The Clerk confirmed that she would contact BT and Dyfed Powys Police Authority to report the incident.
270. One Voice Wales. An e-mail advising that the Sustainability Training at Llety Parc had been cancelled due to insufficient attendee bookings.
271. One Voice Wales. Details of a Public Appointment of a Wales Commissioner to the Equality & Human Rights Commission.
272. Welsh Government. Details of the appointment of Chair to the Arts Council of Wales.
273. One Voice Wales. Details and guidance on allotments and community led gardening projects.
274. One Voice Wales. A copy of the Wales Audit Office newsletter.
275. One Voice Wales. Details of a consultation on Green Growth Wales and the purpose of this consultation is to seek views on proposals to accelerate green investment in Wales.
276. Borth and Ynyslas Golf Club Car Park. A letter was sent on behalf of the Council to the planning department of CCC in respect of concerns regarding the use of the land as an unofficial campsite. Mr Huw Davies of CCC replied stating that they are fully aware of the unauthorised camping and despite attempts to negotiate with the Golf Club to stop the unauthorised activity it has proved unsuccessful. He assures the Council that the planning enforcement section is aware of the issue and that when it starts again they will be serving an Enforcement Notice against the unauthorised use.
277. One Voice Wales. Community Health Council are looking for new members who are local volunteers to act as the eyes and ears of patients and the public, listening to their concerns and working with the health service to improve the quality of patient care.
278. One Voice Wales. Details and a questionnaire on the Ceredigion Crime & Disorder Strategic Assessment 2016.
279. Council Vacancy. A Notice of Co-Option was placed in all noticeboards.
280. One Voice Wales. Details of an online link on the consultation of the Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill which sets out the Welsh Government’s detailed proposals for the reform of local government.
281. Ceredigion County Council. A consultation document on Business Transformation on the library service, level of Council tax and grants payable to external organisations.
282. Welsh Government. Notice of Appointment of Chair and Members to the scrutiny committee of the National Entity for Welsh for Adults and an appointment of Chair to Careers Wales.
283. Ceredigion County Council. Waste collection details for Christmas and the New Year.
284. Wales Air Ambulance. Donation request. This will be considered at the March meeting of Council.
285. Grass Cutting. Mr Norrington-Davies sent an e-mail and an invoice for the grass cutting during this season. The picnic area was cut 15 times and the promenade area 13 times. The quantity of cuts carried out during 2015 will not be sustainable in 2016 at the current frequency/price. He is happy to continue to provide the service at a more realistic price. Cllrs Ashley and Jones are to work together to provide a detailed specification for tender requirements for next year.
286. P Cadman. Mr Cadman is asking for £60 compensation for his damaged trousers (see minute 239/15) or he will take legal action against the Council. He has returned the cheque for £20 which the Council sent as a goodwill gesture. The Clerk produced photographic evidence of the seat with 2 wet paint signs dated 4th September 2015. Following a discussion by members the Clerk was asked to write to Mr Cadman stating that it was an unfortunate incident, however, due care was taken, quality paint used and apologies for the fact that he felt unable to accept the cheque.
287. Natural Resources. December 2015 bulletin.
288. One Voice Wales. Details of the launch of the Public Health Outcomes Framework Consultation and notification of a consultation event at Aberystwyth on the 19th January 2016.
289. Common Land. A letter has been received from Mr James Davies in respect of the area of common land owned by the Community Council. The clerk circulated copies of the letter to all members of Council and procedural notes prepared by Cllr Ray Quant. There were 2 options to consider - option 1 was to consider the letter in the open meeting and option 2 was to defer until the next meeting when the item would be put on the agenda where a resolution could be passed to discuss in closed session at the end of the meeting to the exclusion of the public. Two members voted for option 1 and 5 for option 2.
The item was therefore deferred until the January meeting.
290. Balance of Accounts at 13 November 2015
Nationwide 28,946.75
Community Acct 1,076.74
Business No Notice Acct 33,034.70
Deposit Account 3,050.72
291. Income
Community Account – RNLI rent 500.00
292. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
P J Norrington-Davies – grass cutting 895.00
BSPFA – annual revenue funding 6,000.00
M Walker – clerks salary 537.30
S J Jones – Xmas tree 80.00
293. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A150936. Proposed porch, single storey side extension and alterations. Llys Tiodma, High Street, Borth. NO OBJECTION.
294. Cllr Hulse went through updates to the priorities and a “to do” list. A new key is required for the RNLI/Coastguard for the Family Centre as it the location for evacuation during emergencies. Members resolved to the purchase of portable convector heaters and a key to the centre up to a maximum of £100. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on the recent PACT meeting. It was agreed to review the dog policy in February 2016.
295. Whilst it was agreed to hold the dinner in the Vic a date has yet to be arranged. Invitations will be extended to Margaret Griffiths who has recently retired from Council, and Roy and Jo Jones.
296. Cllr Hulse attended the Remembrance Sunday Service at St. Matthew's Church, Borth on the 8th November where a wreath was laid from Borth Community Council. She also attended the Ceredigion County Council Corporate Resources Scrutiny Committee public session to review the coastal defence scheme and flooding matters on 17th November.
Cllr Hulse has prepared two summaries for Councillors; one on land ownership, leases and licences relating to Borth Community Council and one on leats, Leri and outfalls. It would be useful for Councillors to add any information and knowledge they have relating to these summaries.
NRW ‘phoned to raise the alert for heavy rain on 13 November that would affect our catchment, all flood wardens were alerted. Shared NRW launch of their River Levels Online service where we can access monitoring point at Dolybont for the Leri. Normal river levels at Dolybont seem to be about 0.4m, it peaked with recent heavy rains on 3 December to 0.7m (Highest recorded was 2.15m on 9 June 2012, lowest was 0.02m 21 August 1984). A notably high natural tide will occur 25th-27th December 2015.
Borth has met the new 2015 stricter EU bathing water classifications for bathing water quality. Borth achieved the highest annual classification of excellent based on measurements taken over a four year period. Based on weekly assessments May to September, the annual water quality assessments 2012-2015 showed excellent water quality for Borth.
Facebook posts include a thank you to Margaret Griffiths following her withdrawal from BCC, flytipping, Co-option new member, Cymerau project, Police drop in surgeries, weather alert, waste collection over Christmas/New Year, Father Christmas through village. Message in a bottle found on Ynyslas beach, Snowdonia National Park recognised as an international dark sky reserve. Events and meetings; Ceredigion County Council Corporate Resources Scrutiny Committee, Remembrance concert, craft fair, Hall What’s on notices, Dyfi Biosphere talk. Videos; UNESCO explaining what Biosphere Reserves are, Welsh Government video on managing natural resources, we are in a NRW trial area relating to this.
Graham Taylor continues to upload messages and information to the Borth Community website, thank you very much to Graham for sharing so much information through the website.
297. Cllr Ashley has had confirmation from Kate Doubleday that she is not able to use rope as part of the proposed water project.
Cllr Dalton informed members that the church sign, a flag pole and the lifebuoy opposite Pebbles were blown over in the recent winds.
Cllr James said there was excess water in the ditch by Brynbwl corner.
Cllr Bainbridge advised that Father Christmas will visit Borth on Tuesday 15th December. She also mentioned a pothole on the road to Ynyslas opposite Top Deck. Cllr Bainbridge informed reminded members that this years Christmas Tree Service was to be held on the 20th December at St Matthews Church. Members proposed to buy a tree up to the value of £10 to take to the Church.
Cllr Ashley asked what the procedure was for obtaining one of the brown direction signs to the Railway Museum. Cllr Quant said that it would be the tourism department of CCC who would deal with the request. She also mentioned that the spring on the gate by the railway crossing to the church has broken. Cllr Quant said that it had been reported to Network Rail.
298. Cllr Quant gave an update on a recent Scrutiny Committee meeting at the Community Hall. He feels that the coastal defence scheme has held up well following recent tides and high winds. The majority of the work to the playground has been done and will be completed in the spring. Cllr Quant informed members that passenger numbers on the last bus to Ynyslas was very low and could cease to operate. Cllr Quant is chasing Rhodri Llwyd of CCC for completion of the breastworks and for return of the Free Car Park signs which were removed by BAM Nuttall.
299. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.50pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4 January 2016 to include Budget and Precept, WEA and a letter from J W Davies in connection with the common land. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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