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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - February 2016



Present:               Chairperson:                         C Bainbridge (Vice-Chair)
G Ashley
R Dalton
J James
G B Jones
N Salmon
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr:                               R P Quant
       Clerk:                           M Walker
1 Member of the Public.

338.  Cllr J Hulse (Chairman), Cllrs L Moore and W J Williams.


339.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.


340. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 January 2016 as being a true record.


341.  World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 303.  Cllr Bainbridge gave an update and confirmed that there are plans to show another film on the 21st February 2016.

342.  Defibrillators.  Minute 304. Cllr Bryn Jones gave an update on the first defib training session which was held recently. A further training session has been arranged for the 10th May 2016 at 715pm with a proposed limit set at 12 volunteers.  Members resolved to spend up to £100 on a cover for the first defibrillator and the Council would hope to have that one in place outside the Community Hall before the start of the season. Cllr Quant agreed to ask CCC whether the second one could be placed on the public toilet building opposite the train station.  Cllr Salmon suggested an alternative would be outside the Premier if the owners gave their consent.
343.  Knotweed.  Minute 305.  Cllr Bainbridge showed maps pulled together by Cllr Hulse of the area which has been identified as areas where knotweed is present.  Cllr Hulse has allocated areas to Cllrs which need a further look.
344.  Community Priorities.  Minute 306. Ongoing.
345.  Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2020.  Ceredigion County Council has contacted the National Eisteddfod of Wales expressing the County’s wish for the National Eisteddfod to return to Ceredigion in 2020.  They are now looking to ascertain and identify suitable sites for the Eisteddfod.   
346.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the Area meeting held on the 20th January at Penmorfa.  
347.  Natural Resources Wales.  Details of a consultation on Proposed Special Areas of Conservation for Harbour Porpoise and Proposed New and Extended Special Protection Areas for Seabirds.  
348.  One Voice Wales.  A Guide to taking part in The Queen’s 90th Birthday Beacons celebrations on the 21st April 2016.  
349.  Cymdogion Cynnes.  Details of an online link to the most recent version of the pack.  
350.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a Routine Playground Inspection Course in Flintshire on the 27th April.  
351.  Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative.  Details of a series of community engagement events to discuss the future of healthcare in Mid Wales.  
352.  Ceredigion County Council.  Information on how to apply for a £500 grant towards developing a council website.  
353.  Donation Requests.  Citizens Advice Bureau and Talybont YFC.  
354.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a First World War Partnership Day 2016 to be held in the University on the 28th January 2016.  
355.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of an “Adopt a Path Scheme” which would see ways that individuals could survey paths and carry out minor maintenance tasks following some informal training by County Council staff.  
356.  Ceredigion County Council.  Improvement Plan – Objectives 2016/17.Consultation.The Council is seeking views on their priorities for 2016-17.  
357.  Ecodyfi.  Details of various events.  
358.  Clerks & Councils Direct.  Details of an online link to the 2016 Yearbook.  
359.  One Voice Wales.  Details of training sessions including one at Parc Lodge on the 18th February on Managing Your Staff Effectively.  
360.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a manifesto based on 7 key priorities put together by The Climate Change Commission for Wales.  
361.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a vacancy for Chair to Sports Wales.  
362.  Balance of Accounts at 13 January 2016         
Nationwide                                                                                              28,946.75         
Community Acct                                                                                           500.66         
Business No Notice Acct                                                                       26,051.50         
Deposit Account                                                                                       3,050.72  
363.  Income         
Community Account – Gerydon rent                                                         100.00  
364.  Expenditure.         
Cartridgesave – printer ink                                                                           63.04         
One Voice Wales – membership  2016/17                                              232.00         
Ceredigion County Council – winter toilet opening                              5,400.00         
M Walker – clks salary                                                                               537.30         
Jill Hulse – 3 guests Council Dinner                                                           71.85         
Mid Wales Travel – reinstating bus route                                                   60.00          
365.  Application for Planning Permission.
A160001.  Removal of Condition 3 and 15 of planning permission A150563 (materials and boundary fence).  Pen-y-Cae, Borth.  Borth Community Council had no objections to the original application with all its conditions.  Our position has not changed in that both Conditions 3 and 15 should remain in place.  
366.  Cllrs Jones and Ashley put together a spec for the grass cutting tender which was considered by Councillors. The document was adjusted and members resolved to accept the document with its amendments. The deadline for all tenders is noon on the 1st March 2016.  
367.  Cllr Quant produced copies of a draft which he had prepared in response to the Bill.  After consideration by members and some addition it was agreed to send the response to the Welsh Government.  
368.  February update from Chair sent in her absence.
In relation to the Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill on Reforming Local Government I have prepared a briefing for Councillors on what seem as key points relating to the Community Council and some thoughts on how we may respond to the Consultation.
The fluvial flood warning area for the River Leri at Borth is now live.  The flood warning area code is 169A and the quick dial number, when phoning the recorded Floodline service, is 196505 English or 186505 for Welsh.  The Borth emergency plan will be updated to include this.
NRW visited properties at risk in January to register people for the new flood warning service (registered 28 out of 33 properties at risk). They also knocked on doors of some properties at risk from the tidal area that were not yet registered for flood warnings.  They visited 67 properties and had 17 new registrations. A pre-paid self-registration form was left for those not available.  They have registered all Community Wardens using the Emergency Plan details.
Attended Flood Volunteer Wales Network Event on 28th January in Llandudno, an excellent day meeting others, hearing about good practice elsewhere, speaking to Welsh Water, NRW, the Police and the National Flood Forum, lots of ideas and thoughts to bring back and share with Community Wardens and adding to our Community Emergency Plan.  This will be done during February.
NRW Independent Review of the Flood Awareness work undertaken in Wales for Welsh Government will be looking at the effectiveness of work carried out with flood risk communities – have been asked to complete an online survey and telephone interviews which I will do.
A new Community email group has been set up that so far includes Community Wardens and Ynyslas residents in a previous e-mail group, others have asked to join having seen the notice on the website/Facebook.  Anyone can be added if they send details in, please let people know.
The Annual Council Dinner at the VictoriaInn was held on 21st January 2016 (Councillors all pay for themselves). Borth Community Council were pleased to invite Margaret Griffiths, Roy and Jo Jones as their guests, all very active locally and committed members of many local clubs, each making a real difference in Borth and Ynyslas.  All thoroughly enjoyed the evening and the food, a thank you has been sent to the VictoriaInn.
Have updated the Borth Community Information note ‘Land ownership’
There was some suspicious activity around houses in Ynyslas on 25th January, several neighbours noted or saw something.  It has been logged with the Police.
The NRW Warden has notified us that they have re-opened the enclosed area at the Dyfi Ynyslas National Nature Reserve following closure after some severe incidents involving dogs attacking sheep.  They ask that dog walkers be reminded to put their dogs on leads in the enclosure containing sheep.
Several residents have asked about the new bus timetable.
369.  Cllr Dalton informed members that the shingle on the beach has changed in its format opposite Pebbles.
Cllr James said that the waste bin on the pavement at the bottom of Clarach Road prevents wheelchair users from passing safely as there was not enough room. He also mentioned that the flagpole in the car park opposite Haven had blown over.
Cllr Quant confirmed that Cllr Willcox had taken the pole down as it had become unsteady during recent high winds.  The Clerk was asked to contact Paul Walker for a quotation to re-centre the pole.
Cllr Salmon said that household waste is being deposited in the street bin outside Borth Railway Station.  Cllr Quant said he would ask CCC to consider placing stickers on the bins stating that it is illegal to deposit household waste in street bins and Cllr Salmon said she would put together a leaflet to distribute around Cambrian Terrace.
Cllr Ashley has been approached by artist Robert Davies with a view to casting a full size tree in bronze for siting near to the petrified forest.  Mr Davies has also asked whether he could give a presentation to Borth Community Council and it was agreed to invite him to attend the March meeting.  Mr George Romary would like BCC to find out what is happening to the old marzipan factory as the building is deteriorating internally.  Cllr Quant said he would contact Network Rail.
Cllr Jones suggested putting pots of flowers outside the railway station to improve the gateway into the village by train.
Cllr Bainbridge informed members that the bus route from Ynyslas to Aberystwyth via Heol Aberwennol is to cease.  However Cllr Moore had informed the Clerk that Mid Wales Travel had agreed to reintroduce the 9.15 and 12.15 and asked whether the Council would agree to pay the £60 fee for re-instating the route.  Members resolved to pay the fee. Cllr Bainbridge mentioned fly tipping on the Golf Course car park and that the church has set up a Youth Club in the hall on Clarach Road.  There appears to be a lot of oil seepage on the old Leri Garage site and is affecting the next door neighbours wall. Cllr Quant confirmed that the environmental department of CCC have been out to investigate. Cllr Salmon suggested reporting the matter to NRW. Catherine Morgan of Ray Ceredigion is trying to get joint funding for additional equipment for older children in the playground.  Cllr Bainbridge has received a quote for £14k for a climbing frame and is looking for further quotes from various companies. Cllr Willcox suggested separating the older children and to look for something suitable for that age group with a possible shelter attached.  
370.  Cllr Quant said that the Council would need to check whether all coastal defence works to Ynyslas had been completed and he has requested that the pothole at Ynyslas be filled.  
371.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.15pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7 March 2016 to include Presentation by artist Robert Davies and Donation Requests. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. 
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