Minutes - March 2016
Present: Chairperson: J Hulse
C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
G B Jones
L Moore
N Salmon
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
3 Members of the Public.
372. Cllrs J James and W J Williams.
373. Mr Davies introduced himself and presented his idea to Council which consists of making a tree sculpture out of bronze and siting it mid tide in the area of the petrified forest. The sculpture would be visible at low tide and partially visible during high tide. He anticipates that it will take between 18 months and 3 years to secure funding and has already begun making connections with various groups and organisations. Cllr Bryn Jones and Mr Davies had a brief chat about funding opportunities and members were given the opportunity to ask questions. Cllr Willcox was concerned at the practicality of siting the structure in the sea and consideration would need to be given to the tidal range, storms and boats etc. Mr Anthony Morris, a member of the public had misgivings and voiced his concerns. Cllr Salmon said that it could be an attractive piece of art work and would have value in terms of tourism etc. Cllr Hulse said that positioning, licensing and consents has to be considered and that all regulatory authorities would have to be contacted. Borth Community Council resolved to give its full support to the research and invited Mr Davies to return to give an update to Council at a later meeting.
374. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
375. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 1 February 2016 as being a true record.
376. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 341. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update and informed members that they are showing another film on the 20th March in the Community Hall.
377. Defibrillators. Minute 342. Cllr Jones updated members on a request to Huws Gray for the donation of two defib covers to which he has not yet had a reply. The Clerk was asked to contact those who were unable to attend the first training session to put their names forward for the second session.
378. Knotweed. Minute 343. Ongoing.
379. Community Priorities. Minute 344. Ongoing.
380. Planning Aid Wales. Details of planning training events for Community and Town Councils.
381. Dyfi Biosphere. A letter forwarded by the Chairman concerning the design and construction of the new Dyfi Bridge project.
382. One Voice Wales. Details of training sessions to be held over the next few months.
383. One Voice Wales. An online attachment from One Voice Wales in response to the Draft Local Government Bill which was forwarded to all Cllrs for their information.
384. Draft Local Government Bill. An acknowledgement from the Welsh Government for the response sent by Borth Community Council.
385. One Voice Wales. A receipt for the £232 cheque for continued membership of One Voice Wales for 2016-17 and a request for nominated councillors to represent BCC at the quarterly Area Committee meetings.
386. One Voice Wales. An online link to the response to the proposal on the provision of court & tribunal services in England Wales with the proposed closure of 57 magistrates’ courts and 19 county courts.
387. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a consultation regarding CCC’s proposal to introduce a charge of £390 per annum for all post 16 students and pupils benefitting from spare seat provision.
388. One Voice Wales. A link to the final response from One Voice Wales to the Draft Local Government consultation.
389. Ceredigion County Council. A request from CCC for a response to the “Adopt a Path” scheme.
390. One Voice Wales. An online link to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report.
391. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. The new edition of the Principles of Good Administration and Good Records Management is available online.
392. The Tower Mint Ltd. On Thursday 21st April 2016 the Queen will celebrate her 90th birthday and to commemorate this historic event the Tower Mint have sent the Council a free sample of the latest in the 2016 collector medal range for schools and councils. Cllr Bainbridge suggested passing the information on to Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa.
393. Donation Requests. A request for financial assistance was received from the Borth Art and Friendship Group, Borth Arts and a Judo group who practice each week in the Community Hall. All three were considered along with all other requests throughout the year under the agenda item later in the meeting. Cllrs Ashley and Salmon declared an interest and left the room when financial assistance for Borth Arts was considered.
394. New Green Fund. Details of a Green Fund launched for Ceredigion Communities up to the sum of £500.
395. One Voice Wales. A list of training events throughout March.
396. Graffiti. An e-mail from Ms Betty Horton in respect of graffiti which has started to appear in the village. She has offered the sum of £100 to pay for the necessary materials to remove the graffiti providing the Council can provide the workforce. As the graffiti is on private property it is the owners’ responsibility.
397. One Voice Wales. Details of a series of blog posts on asset transfer from Assets Cymru resources.
398. One Voice Wales. An online link to the 2018 review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales.
399. One Voice Wales. Details of ”The Local Government (Standards Committees, Investigations, Dispensations and Referral) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 and The Local Authorities Model Code of Conduct Order 2016. It is requested that the Council adopts a revised “Code of Conduct” by the 26th July 2016.
400. Welsh Government. Details of an online link to the Statutory Guidance for the Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.
401. The Planning Inspectorate. The Planning Wales Act 2015 introduced a new type of development, Developments of National Significance (DNS). Decisions on planning applications for Developments of National Significance will be made by the Welsh Government, not our local planning authority. If the Council wishes to be informed of any applications in this category then we must register to do so. The Council agreed to register their interest.
402. Dwr Cymru. A copy letter on the maintenance programme and highways inspection for Borth and Ynyslas.
403. Speeding traffic between Glanwern and the NISA. A letter from Mr William Wright expressing his concern at the speeding along that stretch of road and also concern in respect of surface water between Glanwern and Brynowen entrance. The Clerk was asked to inform Mr Wright of the next PACT meeting on the 24th March where he can raise his concerns with representatives of Dyfed Powys Police. The Clerk was also asked to e-mail PCSO Dave Goffin for an update on the Speed Watch Scheme.
404. Other Correspondence. Clerks & Councils Direct, Glasdon and Wicksteed Playgrounds.
405. Balance of Accounts at 13 February 2016
Nationwide 28,946.75
Community Acct 500.62
Business No Notice Acct 19,666.50
Deposit Account 3,050.72
406. Income
Community Account - Scottish Power Wayleaves 34.51
407. Expenditure.
M Walker – salary 537.30, off exp 7.00 544.30
Capel y Garn – donation 100.00
Age Cymru Ceredigion 100.00
Wales Air Ambulance 150.00
Y Tincer 100.00
Citizens Advice Bureau 100.00
Talybont YFC 50.00
Cruse Ceredigion 100.00
St Mathews Church 150.00
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Inst Ceredigion 50.00
Borth Art & Friendship Group 100.00
L Dickens & J Johnson – Borth Arts 400.00
The Clerk, following the breakdown of the printer, was able to obtain a new one under the insurance cover. She was also able to take out another 3 year guarantee for just £7. The new printer is eligible for HP Instant Ink which means that for just £7.99 per month the Council can take up the offer of instant ink and free delivery every month. The cartridges to replace the existing ones cost £22 each which means that to replace black and colour would cost the Council £44 each time. Members resolved to register for the Instant Ink plan.
408. Application for Planning Permission
A160110. Retrospective change of use from café to residential to be used in connection with adjoining two storey house. The Limit Café, High Street, Borth. Cllr Lorraine Moore declared an interest and left the room. Members considered the application and had NO OBJECTIONS.
409. Members resolved to go into closed session at the end of the meeting to discuss all tenders received.
410. The Clerk distributed a list of donation requests from various organisations received throughout the financial year together with three letters from local groups which she read out. After considering all requests it was resolved to donate to the following:
Capel y Garn – donation 100.00
Age Cymru Ceredigion 100.00
Wales Air Ambulance 150.00
Y Tincer 100.00
Citizens Advice Bureau 100.00
Talybont YFC 50.00
Cruse Ceredigion 100.00
St Mathews Church 150.00
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Inst Ceredigion 50.00
Borth Art & Friendship Group 100.00
L Dickens & J Johnson – Borth Arts 400.00
411. March update from Chair
Cllr Hulse has updated the Borth & Ynyslas Emergency Plan 8th February and shared with Agencies and Community Wardens.She shared information from the Flood Volunteer Wales Network Event on 28th January in Llandudno, including from NRW a summary of the event, lessons learnt, what happens next and copies of the presentations with Community wardens. Cllr Hulse has completed the online questionnaire for the NRW Independent Review of the Flood Awareness work undertaken in Wales for Welsh Government. A follow up telephone interview is due to occur this week. Welsh Water has been contacted regarding instances when manholes have been rising due to high water flows (following a resident raising a problematic issue with a drain) and to find out about a maintenance programme and inspection for Borth & Ynyslas drains and flow into the leats.
Welsh Water has been out to inspect the drain and matters relating to this are still in progress. Welsh Water also provided information on maintenance in the Borth area and known issues. They are as follows: A desilting maintenance cycle on the main sewer (150 metres) near Glan y Wern Sewerage Pumping Station (SPS) every two years, occasionally more if required. The work was scheduled for September 2016 but Welsh Water will now be bringing this forward to April/June due to the adverse weather conditions recently experienced. They are also aware of the flooding issues in Cae Gwylan, and issues relating to the leats and surface water entering the public sewer in this area. They can only offer tankering mitigation measures when flooding occurs. Lon Glan Y (rear of NISA), several manholes are sealed along this road and properties are protected by non-return valves in the SY24 5LL area. Periodic checks are made, they will be inspecting them again and will contact residents directly to arrange this. Borth Community Council will be looking into the situation with the leats.
Storm Imogen summary of impacts (shared 8 Feb)
Borth. Borth took a ‘pounding’, very windy with very strong gusts (Ynyslas residents’ weather station recorded a maximum gust of 59.8 knots). The high street generally good, lots of foam, some stones and sticks along the high street. Some houses did have water coming in, Richmond House on the seaward-side had water into their kitchen and a house on the side of the road away from the sea had some water through the front door. Over topping the low wall occurred at the cut back opposite Dovey Belle, but no damage or flooding. Overtopping of the concrete sea wall down at the Golf Club. Several reported all was ok, including those directly in front of the sea defences. Some houses reported back yard full of foam but not water. Several of the holiday homes on the seaward-side had substantial water into their back yards. Any incursion into the house won’t be known till the owners return. Very close to needing sandbags in places, several asked for sandbags (2 deliveries have now occurred). Large areas of water on the road near the golf club from overtopping and surface water and half way to Ynyslas on the road.
Ynyslas. Sea breaking over the wall in sheets at Ynyslas but retained in car park and it seems that the stones have pushed up into the start of the dunes.
Golf course. The golf course has a lot of standing water and 'rivers' across it, in parts running and flooding into the road, the retaining fence for the pebbles looks broken in places0.
Sea defences. Overall the defences seemed to have held up and worked well but have taken a battering in some areas (e.g. rear of Boston House). A circulatory water system was seen as the waves break over the pebbles. Cllr. Ray Quant has requested CCC to carry out an inspection to identify any issues, large shifts of stones and if the shingle needs re-profiling.
Drains. As water washed through the drains under the houses on the sea side and into the road drains there was a surge down the lane towards properties (Heathfield and Cantre'e Gwaelod), the overtopping drain backed up towards front doors. Drains were in full flow with the lids lifting. A question was received regarding gates on the bog opening to allow the dykes to drain quicker. The NNR Wardens have advised that water draining from Cors Fochno and all of the surrounding low lying land ( Dyfi-Leri floodplain) must pass under/ through the floodbanks which retain the tidal river water. Thus, at a couple of locations the main carrier ditches, including the Pwll Du, are culverted through the Leri embankments. Each culvert has a tidal door or flap which only opens to allow water out but closes by water pressure to prevent sea/ river water inflow. Outflow can only take place as the tide recedes, and water backs up the drainage network when the river/ tide level is high.
Charlotte Lewis, a theatre director based in Wales and Eleri Morgan are starting research for a new play centred on the subject of flooding. Asked to meet to share some experience being a flood warden, will try and meet this week.
Reported flytipping in the Golf Course car park to Golf Club via Mike (looks after car park) 17th February.
412. In his absence Cllr Williams asked the Clerk to mention that new signs had been placed on Brynbwl and Brynbala bends.
Cllr More has received a complaint by a member of the public in respect of the fence which has been taken down by the railway crossing on Church Lane for work to be carried out on the new build. It was stated that the fence was in poor condition and that it was not in ownership to Borth Community Council.
Cllr Dalton is concerned that the village benches need maintaining and painting. Cllr Quant said he would ask CCC if there was a budget for painting benches in Borth and members agreed that if this work is carried out by CCC then they would consider taking the benches over following the maintenance work. Cllr Bainbridge has been asked by a member of the public whether they could put a plaque on one of the benches. The Council has no objection provided they give a contribution for maintenance work to that bench. Members resolved to offer a 5 year plan for £250 or a 25 year plan for £1000.
Cllr Bainbridge is to attend an interview with the Community Health Council and will attend any future workshops. The bus service from Ynyslas to Aberystwyth via Heol Aberwennol has been reinstated. Cllr Bainbridge will apply again this year for road closure on the 5th August for carnival day.
Cllr Bryn Jones asked whether gritting is being carried out on the Borth to Llandre stretch of road. Cllr Quant said that if needed it would be done. He also mentioned that Professor Bryn Hubbard has received the Polar Medal. It was agreed to send a letter of congratulations.
Cllr Ashley mentioned the condition of the bus shelter at Cambrian Terrace and that a couple of panes of perspex were missing and that it needed painting. Cllr Quant said he would find out who carries out that type of work for Ceredigion County Council and possibly make an insurance claim if cost effective.
Cllr Salmon informed members that she had heard that street/public bins will only be emptied 3 days a week instead of daily during the summer season. Cllr Quant said he would get clarification on whether daily emptying of street bins is to be discontinued. It was agreed to put a statement on the website stating that it is illegal to dispose of household waste in public bins.
413. County Cllr Ray Quant has requested a beach inspection following recent high winds and tides.
414. Members of the public were asked to leave the meeting as Council were going into closed session to discuss grass tenders. A total of four tenders were received for the contract. It was resolved following a vote to offer the contract to Mr Robert Griffiths at a price of £1100 + vat. The Clerk was asked to write to all the other applicants to state that on this occasion they had been unsuccessful.
415. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.11pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4 April 2016 are to be notified to the Clerk.
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