Minutes - April 2016
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge (Vice-Chair)
G Ashley
R Dalton
J James
G B Jones
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk: M Walker
2 Members of the Public.
416. Cllr J Hulse, Cllrs M J Willcox, L Moore, N Salmon and County Cllr R P Quant..
417. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
418. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 March 2016 as being a true record.
419. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 376. The film showing scheduled for the 20th March was cancelled and will now be shown on the 17th April.
420. Defibrillators. Minute 377. The covers for the defibrillators have been collected and waiting to be installed in the chosen locations.
421. Knotweed. Minute 378. Ongoing.
422. Community Priorities. Minute 379. Ongoing.
423. One Voice Wales. Details of the Great British Fish and Chip Supper fund raising event on Friday 20th May 2016.
424. Welsh Government Natural Resources. March 2016 edition of the newsletter.
425. Donation Requests. Macmillan Cancer Support and a request from Mr Robert Davies for a contribution of £300 towards the research and development of the tree project. A grant application of £3000 will be made to Arts Council Wales. Members resolved to defer this request until the next meeting to establish what support he has had to date.
426. Donations. Letters of thanks from the following organisations: Citizens Advice Bureau, Borth Art & Friendship Group, Borth Arts, Ceredigion Cruse, Age Cymru Ceredigion, Mynwent Capel y Garn, Wales Air Ambulance, Tincer and St Mathews Church.
427. One Voice Wales. Details of further asset transfer blogs.
428. Kidney Wales. Details of The Walk for Life 2016 which raises money for those who suffer from kidney disease and renal failure.
429. Play for Wales. The Spring 2016 issue of the magazine.
430. One Voice Wales. Details of The Public Health Outcomes Framework which has been published on the Welsh Government website.
431. Ecodyfi. Updates on events etc which has been forwarded by e-mail to all Councillors.
432. Council Vacancy. Margaret Griffiths has sent an e-mail expressing her interest in filling the Council vacancy.
433. Borth & Ynyslas Car Park. An update on the proposed arrangements for the season. The Clerk read out the e-mail from Mike to Councillors and was asked to send a reply back asking whether consideration could be given to a portaloo on site.
434. BSPFA. A request for the drawdown of £6,000 of the annual funding.
435. Donation Request. Ms Sophie Griffiths, a local girl, has been appointed captain of the Wales National Under 16 Basketball Team and a spring tour of various events has been planned in Europe finishing in Andorra. She is asking whether the Council would assist with travel costs which are in excess of £1000. Members resolved to give £100.
436. Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority. Details and a link to their Strategic Plan for 2016-2021 and their Annual Improvement Plan 2016-2017.
437. Balance of Accounts at 13 March 2016
Nationwide 28,946.75
Community Acct 500.48
Business No Notice Acct 19,080.35
Deposit Account 3,050.72
438. Income
Business No Notice Acct-gross int to 3/3/16 3.85
Transfer to Deposit acct from Community acct 140.00
439. Expenditure.
TME Electrical – new lights and putting up & taking down Xmas tree lights 534.00
Huws Gray – 2 x defib covers 47.88
Transfer from Community acct to Deposit acct 140.00
BSPFA – annual revenue funding 6,000.00
Post office Ltd – PAYE Jan, Feb, March 108.00
M Walker – salary 458.70, off exp 7.98 466.68
Sophie Griffiths – donation 100.00
440. Application for Planning Permission
A160218. Renovation of dwelling including replacement roof and front bay construction and provision of new dormers and replacement entrance lobby. Wayside, Clarach Road, Borth. NO OBJECTION.
441. Cllr Hulse has sent her report in her absence:
Wrote a letter of support from Borth Community Council for an artist who presented their idea to Council.
The letter supports their application to the Arts Council for Wales to scope the project further with the community and a range of organisations.
Some correspondence regarding a problem drain on Borth High Street affecting a resident. This will be followed up.
Updated fly tipping, litter and household waste statement.
Following discussion with Mike regarding the golf club car park at Ynyslas, Mike has helpfully submitted to Borth CC an update on the arrangements for this season and their measures to try and address many of the concerns previously raised.
Approved bus shelter expenditure to repair the shelter on Cambrian Terrace.
The next stages of super fast broadband are underway in Ynyslas for the next six weeks.
Completed telephone interview as a follow up from the NRW Community Flood Plan Survey for the review of the Flood Awareness Wales programme. A transcript will be available.
Asked by a local caravan owner if we think there will ever be a walking/ cycling path from Ynyslas Golf club to Borth. She regularly sees cyclists and walkers very dangerously moving along the path. This was also flagged up in the Community Survey and suggest we look at any options for this.
Cllr. Mike Wilcox and I met to run through a few ideas that cropped up following the Flood Coordinators event. Information, tips and common sense reminders we feel are useful to pass on are:
We will be dividing Borth (possibly 2 areas), Upper Borth, Ynyslas and Glanwern into zones which will be numbered so that we can communicate with emergency services on the areas, for our purposes we will still know them by house name/where people live/road names as well as by zone. We can use these zones to map Japanese Knotweed or other purposes. We hope to have several Community Wardens in each zone. Each zone will be logical units or have landmarks eg, Cambrian Terrace and Cae Gwylan will each be zones. New maps will be created and shared with these zones, we will share these maps with the Coastguard, Civil Contingencies, RNLI etc. I'm in the process of creating the maps and will share them as soon as they are ready. More community wardens the merrier, covers other people when away, reduces the area each person has to be eyes and ears for. If you know anyone please ask them if they are interested and let us know if they are willing to become a community warden. We won't hold data on vulnerable people so it is important to know your patch, know your neighbour and any vulnerabilities that can be flagged up if needed. Don't drive through floodwaters putting yourself and rescuers at risk. If the road is closed don't go - getting stuck ties up firefighter resources that could be rescuing or pumping other properties. If going out in an emergency, go in pairs if you can or let somebody know where you've gone, leave a note etc. If it's dangerous just don't go out. Encourage holiday owners at the end of the season to clear away benches, gas bottles, heavy items etc especially on the seafront side of Borth so that they do not cause damage to properties and people during heavy storms.
Welsh Water motto is 'take five'- question yourself ' is there a risk to me?' take five minutes to think before you dash out.
Useful organisations to know about - Consumer Council for Water- an independent body representing customers of water and sewage companies, their key role is to make sure water companies do what they are supposed to do.
National Flood Forum - works with communities at risk or has been flooded to help prepare for flooding and recover afterwards. Can help if you have problems getting insurance - they can help find insurance at reasonable rates.
442. PCSO Dave Goffin has been in contact with Cllr Ashley re Speed Watch Scheme. Cllr Dalton said there were no Councillors in attendance at the recent PACT meeting. James Davies was invited to give a brief update which included concerns over a planned party in the hall which was eventually cancelled, reggae festival on Clarach Road and door to door salesmen. Speeding is on the increase and late night rowdiness after pubs have closed is also an issue. The Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Moore to ask whether Pete could re-stencil the dog signs on the walkways to the beach. Cllr James said that the newly instated signs on Clarach Road should be extended as far as Rhyd Meirionydd and that fly tipping was still a problem on the road and on the site of Glanleri Woods. Cllr Ashley briefly referred to a recent burglary at her property. Cllr Jones mentioned a project by Bruce Cardwell which the Council fully supported. The official opening of the exhibition is at MOMA in Machynlleth on Saturday the 16th April from 2-3.30pm. Bruce would also like to arrange an event at the Community Hall for everyone in Borth to view the images. Cllr Bainbridge asked for a timetable to be placed by the bus stop outside the Youth Hostel. The Clerk will contact Mid Wales Travel.
443. No report.
444. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.05pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 9 May 2016 to include the AGM and Co-Option of Members onto Council. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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