Minutes - May 2016
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
J Hulse
J James
G B Jones
L Moore
N Salmon
M J Willcox
M Griffiths (co-opted at the meeting)
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
3 Members of the Public.
1. Cllrs G Ashley, R Dalton and W J Williams.
2. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
3. The Chairperson invited Mrs Margaret Griffiths to join the Council. Mrs Griffiths swore the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed as a member of Council.
4. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 April 2016 as being a true record.
5. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 419. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update and said that there would ne no further film shows until October.
6. Defibrillators. Minute 420. The second training session has been arranged for Tuesday 10th May with 18 volunteers registered for that session. Cllr Jones has spoken to Glan Davies and he hopes to organise a third session in the autumn. The defibs are now in place and notices will be placed in shops and noticeboards with details of their location. Cllr Willcox was given the authority to approach Walker & Doyle in the event the defibrillator on the Community Hall wall needs re-locating. Mr Jason Hines has also volunteered to finance signs indicating the location of the defibrillators. Whilst the Council is grateful to Mr Hines they have declined the offer at present and will publicise in noticeboards, shops etc.
7. Knotweed. Minute 421. Ongoing.
8. Badger Survey. The Welsh Government which is to be carried out throughout Wales aims to identify which badgers found dead are infected with bovine TB. Anyone who finds a dead badger is asked to report this to the Animal and Plant Health Agency on 0300 303 8268.
9. Cered – Mentrau Iaith Cymru. Details of the 2016 Ras yr Iaith and a request to sponsor a km at £50.
10. Tree Project by Roger Davies. Further details of organisations approached for funding following a request to BCC at the last meeting for a contribution of £300 and details of a planned meeting to be held at the Community Hall on Tuesday 7th June between 6-7.30pm.
11. Borth Rowing Regatta. A request for permission to use the car park opposite Brynowen to store the boat trailers of visiting clubs during the rowing regatta on the 19th June. Members resolved to give their permission.
12. Road Closure. Notification of temporary road closure at Glanwern on Sunday 15th May between 6am and midday to remove vegetation from the bridge.
13. One Voice Wales. Details of the OVW and SLCC joint event on the 22 June 2016.
14. One Voice Wales. Members Councils are invited to propose a maximum of two motions for debate at the AGM on Saturday 1st October 2016.
15. One Voice Wales. Agenda for the 27th April Ceredigion Area Committee meeting and minutes of the January meeting.
16. Hywel Dda Health Board. A stakeholder feedback event on the Transforming Mental Health Programme has been arranged for 9.45 -12.30 on the 10th May at the National Botanical Gardens of Wales at Llanarthne.
17. Ceredigion County Council. Proposed amendments to Ceredigion County Council’s off street parking places. Any comments are to be received by the 26th May 2016.
18. Traws Link Cymru. Details of the filming of the entire trackbed of the old railway line between Carmarthen and Aberystwyth on Monday 2nd May and the AGM of the Traws Link Cymru in Lampeter which gives a presentation on the progress to date on the campaign to reopen the railway.
19. Planning Aid Wales. Details of a planning conference in Cardiff on the 9th June.
20. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. An online link to the Casebook - Issue 24
21. Road Safety. A copy letter from Mr Cadman to County Cllr Ray Quant and the response from CCC in respect of safety on Clarach Road where there are no footpaths.
22. One Voice Wales. Details of an online link to the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales Spring 2016 newsletter.
23. Ceredigion County Council. A copy of the assessment of play opportunities in Ceredigion and the Ceredigion Play Action Plan for 2016/17.
24. One Voice Wales. Details of a Chairing Skills training session at Newtown Council Offices on Wednesday 25th May from 6.30pm-9pm.
25. Ecodyfi. Details of the 2016 UNESCO Memory of the World UK Awards and a map showing the proposed locations for the erection of road signage for the Biosphere and various other events.
26. Borth Station Museum. To mark the official opening of the Station Museum five years ago the volunteers are marking the occasion with a fund raising event in support of Dunkirk refugees and are asking the Community Council for a donation of £100. Members resolved to send a donation of £100.
27. Ceredigion County Council. An invitation to join a workshop on Wednesday 29th June from 2.00pm-3.30pm at Penmorfa, Aberaeron on Children’s Play Opportunities. Cllr Bainbridge to attend.
28. Sophie Griffiths. A letter of thanks for the £100 donation.
29. ROSPA. A letter asking whether BCC wishes to have their play area inspected by ROSPA at a cost of £90 + vat. Members resolved to request the inspection.
30. Consumer Council for Water. Details of a vacancy for a Local Consumer Advocate on the Wales Committee.
31. Grant Thornton UK LLP. Notice of the annual audit for the year ending 31 March 2016. The notice of appointment of date for the exercise of electors’ rights must be displayed for 14 days from 6 May 2016 to 20 May 2016. The accounts and other documents must then be made available for 20 working days from 20 May 2016 to 14 June 2016. It is the duty of Borth Community Council to submit a copy of the annual return and supporting documentation to the auditors by the audit date of 20 June 2016. The date for the public rights of inspection has been arranged for Thursday 26th May 2016 between 5pm-7pm in the Community Hall.
32. Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2016
Nationwide 29,226.05
Community Acct 500.60
Business No Notice Acct 17,158.35
Deposit Account 3,191.78
33. Income
Deposit a/c – gross int to 3/12/15 0.53
Deposit a/c – gross int to 3/3/16 0.53
Nationwide – gross int from 24/4/15-31/3/16 279.30
Landfill & CAS rents 4,616.50
Precept 2016/17 18,814.25
Vat refund 2015/16 1,668.21
34. Expenditure.
One Voice Wales – course fee for Module 21 35.00
Value Products Limited-defib stickers 6.18
M Walker – clerks salary 458.70
Borth Station Museum – donation 100.00
35. Application for Full Planning Permission. A160264. Proposed new access to the public highway. Uwch y Nant, Borth. No Objection.
36. Following notification from the Welsh Government that the Code of Conduct has been amended to reflect certain changes members resolved to adopt the new Code as requested. Updated copies were sent to all members by e-mail for their information.
37. Cllr Hulse gave a brief update and has updated the existing plan. The item will be placed on July’s agenda.
38. Cllr Bainbridge informed members that she is now a member of the Community Health Council which is a statutory body. The Family Centre is to consult on where to go forward and is now preparing for the next lottery bid. Llancynfelin School is closing and with some possibly moving to Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa there are hopes that the school will reach between 46-50 children by January.
39. The following responsibilities were allocated to all Councillors. Members present resolved to accept these responsibilities.
G Ashley | Visual Improvement of the Environment and Arts, Dogs and Speeding |
C Bainbridge | Children’s Play Area, Governor Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa, WW1 & Community Health Council |
R Dalton | PACT, Family Centre Trustee and Housing |
M Griffiths | One Voice Wales and Health |
J Hulse | Dyfi Biosphere Representative, Flood co-ordinator, Communication, Community Survey |
J James | PACT and Police Matters |
G B Jones | PACT, Arts and Welsh Language |
L Moore | Transport and Financial Internal Examiner |
N Salmon | Litter, Sustainability, car park, footpaths and footways |
M J Willcox | Fire, Council Representative on the Hall Committee, Flood co-ordinator & Estates |
W J Williams | PACT and Police Matters |
40. Following brief discussion members resolved to formally appoint Mrs Hilary Matthews as the Council’s Internal Auditor. The Clerk will send a letter to Mrs Matthews to confirm her appointment.
41. Cllr Salmon advised members that the problem remains with household waste being dumped in street bins/litter bins. She suggests that the Council provide more street bins and thinks that the signage on the dual bins is inadequate. Cllr Quant said he would speak to the head of refuse at CCC and arrange a meeting with Cllr Salmon to discuss the problems. Cllr Hulse said that there was a problem in the vicinity of the Surrey Chip Shop whereby chip papers were discarded and blowing everywhere with the wind. Cllr Salmon volunteered to talk to the owners. Cllr Hulse showed a photograph taken that morning of the waste bin at Ynyslas bus stop which was overflowing and had rubbish and black bin bags dumped beside it.
The school bus had driven over the rubbish which resulted in broken glass in the area. She suggested moving the bin (relocate to the High Street in Borth) and replace with a planter of flowers. This in turn would hopefully deter visitors from dumping their rubbish in the area.
Cllr Salmon has had queries as to whether a one off or periodic car boot/table top sale/craft fayre could be arranged opposite the Premier. Cllr Quant informed her that they would need to seek permission from Ceredigion County Council who owns that area of land.
Cllr James is experiencing fly tipping on his land.
Cllr Willcox is concerned that the leat is blocked in several places around the football field and surrounding area and has surveyed the area with Peter Watkins and Cllr James. To clear the leat around that area would cost in the region of £750. Members resolved to set aside £1,000 and to instruct Peter Watkins to carry out the work.
Cllr Hulse referred to a leaflet on “Making insurance available and affordable for homes affected by flooding”. Cllr Hulse suggested putting together a joint statement between CCC and the National nature Reserve in respect of parties on the dunes. She mentioned that the perspex on both noticeboards at Ynyslas bus stop were broken. The Clerk said she would speak to Steve Williams of CCC who replaced the perspex on the bus stop by Cambrian Terrace. Members also resolved to set aside £50 for Walker & Doyle Building Contractors to lay cork inside the large noticeboard.
Cllr Willcox has been approached by Dave Reynolds of Borth Rowing Club who has secured two wave boats and has asked permission to store the boats on the car park opposite Brynowen. Cllr Willcox suggested the picnic area would be a suitable location and there were no objections to that idea from Councillors. The area would be tidied up and maintained by the Rowing Club.
Cllr Jones asked Cllr Quant to chase up CCC in respect of the signage pole at the foot of Clarach Road and he informed members that Bruce Cardwell was hoping to arrange the “Yma o Hyd” exhibition in Boulders sometime during August.
Cllr Moore informed members that one of the street lights opposite the Premier remained on all the time. There will no longer be an 18.25 and 22.45 bus service from Aberystwyth to Borth.
Cllr Hulse referred to the pot holes along the high street and Cllr Quant said that they would form part of the resurfacing programme.
Cllr Bainbridge mentioned loose lambs on Clarach road late at night. The owners have been informed.
42. Cllr Quant advised members that a grant of £100k has been secured to carry out a survey between Borth and Ynyslas as part of a study on coastal defences. Cllr Quant, Mr Anthony Morris and a representative of CCC coastal defence dept walked the length of the beach following recent high tides and shingle movement.
43. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 6 June 2016 to include Audit of Accounts. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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