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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - June 2016

Present:   Chairperson:                         C Bainbridge
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
N Salmon
W J Williams  
In Attendance:      County Cllr:              R P Quant
        Clerk:              M Walker
3 Members of the Public.  
44. Cllrs G Ashley, J Hulse, G B Jones, L Moore and Cllr M J Willcox.
45.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
46.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9 May 2016 as being a true record.  
47.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the crossing gate to the church which still remains closed. The pole for the new BT line has been placed on private land without the consent of the owners.  They are in talks with the contractors to have the pole removed. There is no further update on the missing navigation buoy.
48.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 9 May 2016 as being a true record. 
49.  World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 5.  Ongoing.
50.  Defibrillators.  Minute 6.  The Clerk confirmed that Paul Walker had moved the location of the defibrillator by the community hall.  Members asked the Clerk to write a letter to thank Walker & Doyle for installing the equipment free of charge.
51.  Knotweed.  Minute 7.  Ongoing.
52.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a formal notice that CCC has made a Tree Preservation Order on Glanfred Lane, Llandre which prohibits anyone from cutting down, topping or lopping any of the trees described in the order.
53.  Ceredigion County Council.  A request to complete a form which relates to the bus infrastructure and bus shelters in the community.
54.  World War 1.  Details of a Centenary Fields Programme with the objective of securing recreational spaces in perpetuity, in honour of the millions of people who lost their lives in conflict.
55.  One Voice Wales.  An invitation to attend the OVW Larger Conference in Builth Wells on the 6th July.
56.  Ceredigion County Council.  The Cabinet decision on the Post 16 and Spare Seat Provision Home to School/College Transport review.
57.  One Voice Wales.  Dates and details of forthcoming training sessions.
58.  Ecodyfi.  Details of projects and events.
59.  Brynowen.  A request for permission to the use the car park opposite Brynowen on the 9th July for extra public parking for a water slide event being held on the caravan site.  Borth Community Council has no objection to the use of the car park.
60.  Emma Heathcote.  A request to support a proposal to develop the land on the old Leri Garage site into a Sailing School and proposes some kind of Borth community crowd funding initiative.  Whilst members noted the contents of the proposal Cllr Quant stated that it is unlikely that the person with the first option on the site would be granted planning permission for a residential development and it is a possibility that they would then consider selling the land. 
61.  Water Pipe Project.  An update on the initial project which was turned down by the RNLI, however, NRW has agreed that Kate Doubleday could use the chamber opposite the Nisa to create a mural.
62.  Borth Fireworks Displays.  An e-mail from Sarah Lister asking whether there is anything in place whereby Borth residents could be notified of any impending firework displays.  After a brief discussion it was proposed that the Clerk writes to all caravan parks asking them to notify the public when they intend to put on a firework display.  The notice will also be placed on the website.
63.  Natural Resources Wales.  A letter and a map from NRW stating that they have received confirmation from Land Registry that Borth Community Council owns an area of land and if that is the case BCC is liable for drainage rates.
64.  Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative.  Details of a series of community engagement events.
65.  RSPB.  A request to set up a charity stand on the High Street on the 15th August.  The Clerk was asked to reply asking them to contact Cllr Bainbridge to decide on a location.
66.  One Voice Wales.  Information on the Heritage Lottery Fund Committee for Wales who are looking to recruit two new members.
67.  Ceredigion County Council.  An invitation to the Chair of Council to attend the Annual Meeting of CCC on Friday 20th May in Penmorfa.
68.  Donation Request.  Shelter Cymru.  This will be considered along with all other requests at the March 2017 meeting of Council.
69.  One Voice Wales.  Agenda for the AGM of the Ceredigion Area Committee on the 22nd June at Penmorfa.
70.  Other Correspondence.  Glasdon Catalogue and HAGS 2016.  
71.     Balance of Accounts at 13 May 2016          
Nationwide                                                     29,226.05
Community Acct                                               3,941.72
Business No Notice Acct                                  1,532.81
Deposit Account                                               3,191.78   
72.     Income
73.     Expenditure          
Hilary Matthews – internal audit fee                     100.00
M Speake – painting adopted bench                      40.00
Cartridge Save Limited – printer paper                    8.46
M Walker – clerks salary 474.98, off exp 21.60    496.58
Dyfed Alarms Ltd – maintenance                          192.00
Walker & Doyle – mount defibs  (materials only)    35.00        
74.  Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2016.  Copies of the annual return were distributed to Cllrs. Cllr Quant gave a comprehensive report on the accounts and the Annual Return. The Council confirms that the Annual Return has been presented to Council and resolved to approve the Accounting Statements 2015/16. The Council noted the contents of the Annual Internal Audit Report which was carried out and certified by Mrs Hilary Matthews (Internal Auditor) and resolved to approve Parts1 and 2 of the Annual Governance Statement and authorised the Chairman and the Clerk to sign the Return on behalf of the Council.  
The Clerk confirmed that Mrs Hilary Matthews carried out the internal audit on Wednesday 18th May and the public Rights of Inspection was carried out on Thursday 26th May in the Community Hall.
75.   None.
76.  The Chairman gave a brief update on a Mental Health meeting she recently attended.  Ysgol Craig yr Wylfa had a beach clean on the last day before half term and the pupils are carrying out a project on litter.  The outside area of the Family Centre has been revamped. Cllr Bainbridge said that all vehicles were being checked on entry onto Ynyslas car park for toilet facilities etc.  Cllr Bainbridge thanked the Clerk for organising two new noticeboards and a new bus timetable board at Ynyslas bus shelter.  
77.  Cllr Jill Hulse in her absence asked for it to be noted that Borth Community Council had resolved not to support funding for the tree project on this occasion (minute 10/2016) and that despite there being two bins by Ynyslas shelter it appears that visitors are still leaving their rubbish beside the bins rather than putting the rubbish inside. Cllr Salmon showed examples of fly tipping signs for council approval.
Cllr Dalton informed members that Ceredigion County Council had begun painting the village benches.
Cllr James said that grass and hedges were in need of cutting but Cllr Quant said that CCC would only be carrying out one cut per year.
Cllr Williams mentioned the illegal dumping of rubbish in Glanleri Wood and that the newly erected signs on Brynbala and Brynbwl corner were excellent. 
Cllr Griffiths raised concerns over dogs on the beach and it was agreed to include this as an agenda item next month.
78.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the common land situation in Glanwern. Heath Raggett of Felin y Wern has grazing rights on the land and wants to exercise his rights by putting a few Highland cattle on the land. He has begun erecting a fence on the sight to prevent the animals falling into the leat.  Following some complaints work has now ceased temporarily whilst the Council seeks clarification from NRW. There is some concern over access to the leat for maintenance works.  
Mr James Davies suggested taking advice from the Open Spaces Society.  
Cllr Quant said he was waiting for guidance and a response from Carol Fielding. Cllr Quant has received complaints of defecating at Ynyslas car park. He also wanted to confirm that, following complaints, the recently filled potholes on the section of road into the village is only a temporary measure as the road is to be resurfaced.  Cllr Quant is still chasing the FREE CAR PARK signs for entry into the village.  He has also heard that someone in Aberystwyth is going to complain to the European Union to request that they remove the Blue Flag Award due to the presence of dogs on the beach.  The next PACT meeting is scheduled for the 23rd June and a Royal British Legion Veterans Day Concert has been arranged for the 22nd June in the Community Hall.
79.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4 July 2016 to include Community Priorities and Dogs.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. 
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