Minutes - July 2016
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse
J James
G B Jones
N Salmon
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
4 Members of the Public.
80. Cllr L Moore.
81. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
82. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 6 June 2016 as being a true record.
83. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 49. Ongoing.
84. Knotweed. Minute 51. Ongoing.
85. One Voice Wales. Details of discussion sessions in all the regions of Wales on priorities for future generations held by the Commissioner for Future Generations.
86. Borth Arts. An e-mail advising that the art exhibition at the Blossoms Gallery in Aberystwyth has been cancelled. Borth Community Council granted a donation of £400 to help cover expenses which will be returned if a suitable venue cannot be found.
87. One Voice Wales. Welsh Government, through its Green Growth Wales initiative is making investments in projects delivering energy efficiency, renewable energy and resource efficiency across Wales, with the overall aim of saving 2.5m tonnes of CO2 as well as helping public bodies to make revenue savings and their first call for projects to be funded during 2016-17 closes on 5th July 2016.
88. Ceredigion County Council. Notification of the road closure between 1.30pm and 2.30pm in Borth on carnival day 5th August 2016.
89. Ceredigion County Council. A response concerning the missing navigation buoy off the reef which explains that it was washed away during a storm in December 2015. Following liaison between the Ceredigion Harbourmaster, Trinity House, the Borth RNLI Operations Manager and the Coastguard Sector Officer it was agreed by all that the buoy did not need to be replaced and could be discontinued. A Notice to Mariners was issued to this effect by the Harbourmaster on 18th January 2016.
90. Welsh Government. Details of applications for members to the Arts Council of Wales.
91. One Voice Wales. An online link to the Wales Audit Office Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16. Forward report to Cllr Moore as Financial Internal Examiner.
92. Borth Station Museum. The latest bulletin and information on a party to be held on Saturday 2nd July to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the museum’s opening.
93. Donation Request. A letter from Liam Cashman asking for financial support from the Council. He has been selected to play for the Wales student squad in Edinburgh for the Rugby League 4 Nations competition and this has cost £420. He is asking whether the Council would consider helping towards these costs as unlike rugby union no funding is available. Members resolved to give a £100 donation.
94. Welsh Government. Details of recruitment of additional members to the Building Regulations Advisory Committee for Wales.
95. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. A copy of the Annual Report 2015/16.
96. One Voice Wales. Details of a “Google Hangout” which will look at how Open Data can help public services deliver joined up, transparent and effective public services. The webinar will take place on the 10th August between 11am and 12pm.
97. Tree Project. A link to the website for the tree project. Cllr Salmon told members that following the public meeting Rob has been in contact with her for a brief chat. The public meeting was met with both positive and negative views on the proposed project and feedback received can be viewed online.
98. Speeding through Glanwern. An e-mail from a Glanwern resident with concerns about speeding. It was suggested that the Clerk reply informing them of the next PACT meeting on the 22nd September and that a policeman is attendance at Boulders every Tuesday from 11am - 12pm where they could raise their concerns.
99. Ceredigion County Council. An invitation to attend the Bow Street Transport Interchange Public Engagement Event at Rhydypennau Hall on Monday 11th July from 2pm-7pm. Forward to Cllr Lorraine Moore.
100. Welsh Government. A written statement by the Welsh Government on the Collection and Management of Devolved Taxes.
101. One Voice Wales. The Clerk has received a set of Model Financial Regulations which must be adopted by members. This has been deferred until the September meeting.
102. Clerks & Councils Direct. The July 2016 issue of the newsletter.
103. Frank Hitchings. A brief e-mail from Mr Frank Hitchings concerning the short public footpath that runs from Northfield Caravan Park to the lane which is almost completely overgrown. The Clerk was asked to contact Robert Griffiths to ask for a one off cut.
104. Balance of Accounts at 13 June 2016
Nationwide 29,226.05
Community Acct 2,961.96
Business No Notice Acct 31,535.73
Deposit Account 3,191.78
105. Income
Business No Notice Acct-gross int to 2/6/16 2.92
106. Expenditure
Newmans – flowerbed comp 45.00
Post Office Ltd – PAYE April, May & June 347.80
M Walker-salary 464.06, off exp 5.27 469.33
Liam Cashman – donation 100.00
107. The Clerk distributed copies of payments from the 1st April to the 30th June setting out the Council’s financial position in respect of the budget. Members resolved to accept the financial report.
108. Application For Full Planning Permission.
A160402. Retention of red light safety cameras on approaches to level crossing. Borth Capel Soar Level Crossing, Borth. No Objection.
A160496. Replacement of dilapidated holiday cabin with new caravan/lodge. Penygraig Caravan Park, Swn y Nant, Borth. No Objection.
109. The Chairman thanked County Cllr Ray Quant for all his hard work in preparation for this item. The Clerk distributed a pack of information for members and the public for a clearer understanding of the present position in respect of common land. Cllr Quant talked members through the paperwork and advised that he has already written to the Land Registry for advice and confirmation on parcels of common land owned by Borth Community Council and that the next step is to write to the Welsh Government for advice.
110. Cllr Hulse gave a brief review of the priorities to date and updated members on action so far. Dogs and speeding were amongst the top 5 priorities and those were addressed at the meeting. Cllr Quant advised members that a £100k funding has been secured for a study of the coastal defences from where Phase 2 ends (opposite Golf Club) down to Ynyslas.
111. Cllrs expressed their displeasure that many dog owners are ignoring the dog byelaws by taking dogs on the beach between the Cliffs and old Youth Hostel during the period 1 May – 30 Sep.
Many local dog owners who obey the byelaw have expressed their concern to Cllrs about those who ignore the ban, which at times includes local dog owners.
Cllr Ashley believed the dog ban to be unenforceable.
Cllr Dalton provided statistics of towns etc that have been successful in fining dog owners. It was reported from the PACT meeting that PCSO Dave Goffin is prepared to walk the beach periodically accompanied by a Community Councillor and he would have the same powers as a dog warden.
Cllr Ashley said she would liaise with PCSO Goffin and would speak to Cllr Moore to arrange for the stencilling to be re-done on the walkways to the beach.
Cllrs confirmed that they wish to retain the existing dog byelaws.
112. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on a recent workshop she attended on Children's Play Opportunities. A Play Day has been organised in Aberaeron on the 3rd August. Cllr Bainbridge also attended an interview with the Community Health Council (CHC) for a post as a Welsh Government member.
113. Cllr Bryn Jones has agreed to take responsibility for checking the defibrillator battery levels etc periodically. A recent check by Glan Davies showed that the pads at the Community Hall site were the incorrect ones and that the battery was flat.
Cllr Salmon gave a brief update on her meeting with Tim Carter of CCC in respect of street bins. She has put notices up in a couple of shops and some on bins advising against fly tipping. It is possible that an extra bin could be placed on the road down to the Animalarium.
Cllr Jones suggested a joint venture between Borth Community Council and the housing association to hire a couple of skips for residents and visitors to dispose of their rubbish. Cllr Dalton has had an enquiry as to whether it would be possible to have a bottle bank at Cae Gwylan.
Cllr Quant said that CCC is currently carrying out a re-evaluation of the counties recycling.
Cllr James asked for the bin on the pavement at the foot of Clarach Road to be moved as it can cause an obstruction to prams, wheelchairs etc.
Cllr Williams said that the potholes by Gwarallt on Brynrodyn Lane have still not been filled.
Cllr Willcox has been approached by Mrs Mary Brown who suggests that the roundabout and the road markings by the NISA should be painted to make it more visible. The Clerk was asked to contact the owners of Y Wern for duplicate keys to the car park and to the access gate on to the common land.
Cllr Hulse has requested plant containers for Ynyslas and Cllr Salmon agreed to forward the request to CCC.
Cllr Hulse has updated the list of Chair and Cllr responsibilities.
There still remains a question as to whether all vehicles which are allowed access overnight on Ynyslas Car Park do actually have toilet facilities.
Cllr Hulse asked members to identify Japanese Knotweed hotspots within the village and has arranged for Rachel Mills of CCC to attend the September meeting.
Cllr Griffiths mentioned the fly tipping at Glanleri and the potholes on Rhydygarreg lane.
Members resolved to pay up to a maximum of £175 to have the flag pole in the car park opposite Brynowen reinstated.
114. The gates to Capel Soar Railway Crossing are now open following works to the telephone line by Openreach. Cllr Quant informed members that Bam Nuttall has been nominated for an award for construction of Borth sea defences. Cllr Quant has spoken with Mid Wales in respect of the reinstatement of the bus service via Heol Aberwennol during the summer months.
115. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5 September 2016 to include a visit by Rachel Mills to discuss knotweed and Model Financial Regulations. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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