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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - September 2016

Present:    Chairperson:                                  J Hulse (Vice-Chair)
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
L Moore
N Salmon
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr:                             R P Quant  (clerk for the meeting)
2 Members of the Public.  
116.  Cllr C Bainbridge, Cllrs J James, G B Jones, W J Williams and M Walker (Clerk).
117.  Deferred to a later meeting. 
118. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
119.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 July 2016 as being a true record.
120.  Borth Arts.  Minute 86.  Cllr Ashley advised that the group have obtained a new venue and the exhibition is deferred until January 2017. It was resolved they could retain the Council donation on the proviso the exhibition goes ahead.   Cllr Ashley also informed the Council that Robert Davies (possible Borth Tree project) had won 1st prize at an art competition.  
121.  Community Speed Watch Scheme.  Minute 98.  Cllr Ashley advised the planned training in August was cancelled.      
122.  Footpath that leads to Northfield Caravan Park. Minute 103.  The Clerk has asked Robert Griffiths to carry out a one off cut.  
123.  One Voice Wales.  A link to the Older People’s Commission for Wales, with updates of the Commissioner’s work over the last few months, a link to Correspondence and information from the Future Generations Commissioner, an online link to The Ombudsman’s Casebook Issue 25 and information on Recruitment of Additional Training Associates to One Voice Wales.  
124.  One Voice Wales.  Motions from member Councils to be considered at the 2016 AGM.   
125.  ROSPA.  Play Area Safety Inspection report June 2016.  
126.  One Voice Wales.  Details of an online link to the responses considered to the Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill.  
127.  One Voice Wales.  A request to “Have your Say” on higher rates of tax on purchases of second homes.  All responses to be received by 31st August 2016.   
128.  One Voice Wales.  A survey for completion on what residents think affect their well being.  The information provided will be used in the Ceredigion Assessment of Local Well-Being and will be put together to form a 5 year plan.  
129.  Community Energy Wales.  Details of an event in Bethesda on the 15th September highlighting some of the different ways community energy organisations are revolutionising the way we use and consume energy.  
130.  Ceredigion County Council.  An online crash course on various housing options.  
131.  Police and Crime Commissioner.  An invitation to attend a Business Breakfast Consultation Event at Rhydypennau Hall on the 9th September to discuss views from businesses across all sectors.  
132.  One Voice Wales.  Mark Drakeford AM has set out his plans for Welsh tax powers and from 2018 Wales will raise its own money to spend on public services for the first time in almost 800 years when stamp duty land tax and landfill tax are devolved. The statement can be found online.  
133.  Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918.  Online links to information on some upcoming key dates for the First World War centenary commemoration in Wales.  
134.  Came & Company.  Details of the renewal quotation for the Council’s Insurance policy which is due for renewal on the 1st October 2016.  Members resolved to pay the premium of £1805.98 based on the long term agreement.  
135.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee Consultation which will run until the 3rd November. The new committee which replaces the current Flood Risk Management (Wales) Committee will have a wide advisory role covering all flood and risk management in Wales.  
136.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a consultation on fee rates and fee scales 2017/18 which invites views and comments on fees for audit work etc.  
137.  Donation Requests.  Age Cymru Ceredigion, Theatr Felinfach and Mynwent Capel y Garn Cemetery.  These will be considered in March 2017 along with all other donation requests.  
138.  One Voice Wales.  A request to take part in “Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth” on the 13th March 2017 and details of a website for further information and where to obtain the flag.  
139.  Ceredigion County Council.  Ceredigion residents are being encouraged to play an active part in local decision making processes through the County Council’s Overview and Scrutiny committees. The role of Overview and Scrutiny is to look at the services and issues that affect people in Ceredigion. The process provides the opportunity for Councillors to examine the various functions of the Council, to ask questions on how decisions have been made, to consider whether service improvements can be put in place and to make recommendations to this effect. Members of the public can suggest issues to be discussed at any of the Council’s relevant scrutiny committees, which include Co-ordinating, Thriving Communities, Healthier Communities, Learning Communities and Corporate Resources. The suggested issues can be related to any aspect of the Council’s work which is of any importance to them.  Further information can be found on the CCC website.  
140.  Hywel Dda Health Board.  Details and dates of various workshops held throughout Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.  
141.  Ceredigion County Council.  Following recent changes in the Code of Conduct for members CCC will be providing further training sessions and would encourage members to attend the sessions when arranged.  
142.  Welsh Water Glan y Wern Scheme.  A letter from Welsh Water informing the Council that they propose to undertake a survey through the playing fields for the purpose of laying new pipes for the sewerage system.
143.  Balance of Accounts at 13 August 2016          
Nationwide                                                                                 29,226.05
Community Acct                                                                           1,916.37
Business No Notice Acct                                                            31,535.73
Deposit Account                                                                           3,191.78   
144.  Income          None                 
145.  Expenditure          
Came & Company – Insurance                                                     1,805.98          
Playsafety Limited – playground inspection                                       92.40          
M Walker – salary August & Sept                                                    928.12                                                      
146. Application For Full Planning Permission.
A160578.  Erection of a Shop/Café.  Richmond, High Street, Borth. A160703.  Removal of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey extension. 19 Cae Gwylan, Borth.
A160717.  Replacement of roof including removal of existing dormers and replacement with pitched roof dormers. Bryntirion, Clarach Road, Borth.  
There were no objections to the above applications
147.  Cllr Quant gave an update on two issues related to the common land.  The first being the clearing of the leat by NRW, where they have issues with the embankment behind Marsh Bank and are currently in discussion with the owners. The second issue being whereby NRW are seeking to collect Drainage Rates for the Borth Common Land, which forms part of the Borth Internal Ditch Drainage (IDD) system.  
Cllr Quant has raised a number of issues with NRW based on his previous experience as Clerk to the Council, whereby when he dealt with the former Environmental Agency, they referred to the Borth IDD as being to the East of the Railway Line.  Furthermore, if the NRW includes the leat areas to the West of the Railway Lines in respect of Drainage Rates, then he has asked what their responsibilities are for cleaning leats within the IDD.  He has also raised the issue of the leat that runs behind the village properties, highlighting the fact there has been no maintenance of the leat since the 1970’s and is of great concern to Borth CC and has asked NRW to thoroughly investigate the situation because there is a local fear of flooding to the rear of the properties.  He has asked for a meeting with NRW officials.  Cllr Wilcox asked if he could be present at any such meeting and this was agreed.
148.  One Voice Wales has amended its Financial Regulations which governs the conduct of financial management by the Council and must be observed in conjunction with the councils’ standing orders and any individual financial regulations relating to contracts. The Clerk e-mailed Cllrs with the new version with all changes highlighted in red. A hard copy will be given to Cllr Williams. Members considered the model and resolved to adopt the new Financial Regulations.  
149. Cllr Bainbridge had passed her point for consideration by email:  
Awelfor – the drain outside the property has been covered with tarmac during the recent road resurfacing.  Cllr Quant has already informed Ceredigion CC.
John Toller.  Has raised an issue with Cllr Bainbridge regarding the drainage at Ynyslas but there was no further information available at the meeting.
Carnival.  As Chair of the Carnival Committee, she informs the Council a very successful carnival has raised approximately £9000 for donations.
Craig y Wylfa School.  Requesting an update following a burst water pipe in the school during the early summer.  Cllr Quant advised repairs have been carried out and the school cleaned in preparation for the new term.
150.  The over riding theme of Cllr reports was dogs on the beach during the summer and how many dog owners, both visitors and local, are disregarding the Dog Byelaws that apply to Borth beach 1 May – 30 Sep.
Cllr Ashley gave an update on research she has undertaken as to how other Local Authorities deal with dog fouling issues and there was discussion on the need for bolder signage at access points to the beach and the possibility of a PCSO accompanying a Community Councillor walking the beach.
Cllr Griffiths referred to dog owners allowing their dogs to defecate on the prom grass area, without cleaning up afterwards.
Cllr Willcox gave an example whereby he had challenged the disgusting behaviour of a resident allowing his dog to defecate on the beach and walk away without cleaning it up.  The dog owner returned to clean up the mess.
Public Rights of Way signage.  Cllr Wilcox raised the issue of missing signage on two paths leading to the beach.  Cllr Quant advised that he has informed the PROW officer about the missing sign at Ynys Wen.      
Wheel Chair Access.  Cllr Wilcox has received a number of representations about providing wheel chair access to the beach at the north end of the village, which will be investigated to ascertain what might be provided.
Dyfi Estuary.  Cllr Willcox commented about the silting up the Dyfi Estuary and he intends to make representations to the Dyfi Biosphere.  Cllr Quant advised that Greg Gutherie of Royal Haskoning is due to visit the village soon and he will seek his views on the situation.
Old Groynes.  Cllr Willcox asked if he could use some of the old groynes stored on the closed civic amenity site to build small bridges across the leat on the playing fields to allow access to reclaiming footballs from the common.  This was agreed.
Cllr Dalton advised that she has ordered new keys for the defibrillator box to replace ones that have been stolen.
Cllr Salmon has received representations about the provision of a bottle bank for the north end of the village. She also requested the relocation of a litter bin from the prom area to the RNLI area; plus the continuing problem of people placing household rubbish in the street litter bins.  Cllr Salmon advised the meeting that a new bin has been placed by the old Civic Amenity Site.
Cllr Hulse raised the issue of dogs on the beach and the unfairness towards dog owners who obey the seasonal dog ban rules.
Camper Vans.  Cllr Hulse has received further representations from residents at the north end of the village who continue to complain about overnight parking especially long term parking and that representation should be made to Ceredigion CC as the Highway Authority about the provision of signage similar to South Prom, Aberystwyth.
Ynyslas Visitor Centre.  Cllr Hulse reported that a resident had expressed concern about the future of the Visitor Centre area, with what seemed to be reduced maintenance and the removal of the viewpoint platform.  The reserve is seen as very valuable to the community.  Cllr Hulse suggested inviting Natural Resources Wales to a future meeting as an update on activities in the area. Councillors agreed this would be useful.

Speeding within the Village.  Cllr Hulse has received further representations about speeding within the village.  It was explained that the speeding issue is raised at every PACT meeting.
Flag Pole.  Cllr Hulse asked for an update on the repositioning of the flag pole on the car park.  Cllr Quant stated that it is in hand.
Broadband.  Cllr Hulse advised that Ynyslas now has Superfast Fibre broadband.
Cllr. Hulse reported that a resident has sent in information showing that Borth has had a surge in holiday interest this year, up 21% and is seen as an off the beaten track location.

Some residents had approached Cllr. Bainbridge and Cllr Hulse to lodge their concerns and questions about the circus at Ynyslas on the use of live animals.  Having subsequently checked it was confirmed the circus was fully licensed for use of animals as part of their show. 
Flooding at Golf Club.  Cllr Hulse raised the issue of the usual flooding that is a regular occurrence following heavy rain on the main road adjacent to the Club House.  Cllr Quant stated that some years ago large drainage areas were constructed adjacent to the dip where the flooding occurs and the only satisfactory solution would be to raise the level of the road in the dip area.  He will discuss it with the Highways Dept.
151.  In view of the strong feelings of the Community Cllrs about dogs on the beach, Cllr Quant distributed copies of posters he had taken at 3 different Yorkshire sea resorts during the summer showing how they are seeking to deal with the problem.  He also suggested that possibly the dog ban area was too long from the Cliffs down to the old YHA and perhaps it should be shortened.  Cllrs were strongly of the view that the existing length of beach should remain, especially as up to 50 youngsters can stay in the former YHA at any one time and they all access the beach.  Cllr Quant continues to make representations about re-profiling the shingle bank following the winter storms and he shortly expects a visit by Greg Gutherie of Royal Haskoning.  He also advised the meeting that Bam Nuttall have been short listed as finalists for the British Civil Engineering National Awards for the construction of Borth sea defences.  Cllr Quant advised that the highways between Its’s a Gift and West End is to be renewed within the next 4 months.  He also advised that he has received representations about a 20 mph speed limit on Clarach Hill and is in discussion with Ceredigion CC Traffic Dept.. He has also received an email from a local resident about the recent national reports on the rise of racist and xenophobic incidents and hate crimes, which has been referred to Ceredigion CC.      
152.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 2115 hrs.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3 October 2016 to include Dogs and Knotweed.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.  
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