Minutes - October 2016
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
J Hulse
G Ashley
R Dalton
J James
G B Jones
L Moore
N Salmon
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
4 Members of the Public.
153. Cllr M Griffiths.
154. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
155. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 5 September 2016 as being a true record.
156. Common Land. Minute 147. Ongoing.
157. Ceredigion County Council. A copy of an advertisement for expressions of interest to be included on a list for the provision of supplementary snow clearing services and other emergency related services 2016/17.
158. One Voice Wales. A questionnaire for completion about Community Asset Transfer/Assets of Community Value.
159. National Assembly for Wales. A letter of introduction from Eluned Morgan AM, Regional Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales and a survey for completion on “Community and Economic Development”.
160. Borth Monument. A letter asking whether Borth monument could be relocated and that you can no longer read the names. Cllr Quant has received a similar letter and said he would send a response.
161. Boundary Commission for Wales. Details of an online link to its Initial Proposals for changes to Parliamentary constituencies in Wales.
162. Ecodyfi. Details of various events taking place in September.
163. Friends of Ceredigion Museum. A request for financial assistance towards the Museums New Approaches project. This will be considered in March along with other donation requests.
164. One Voice Wales. Details of forthcoming training events.
165. One Voice Wales. Details of an online survey for completion by members on “Assessment of Local Well-Being”.
166. Welsh Government. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales is looking to appoint three new members onto the Board.
167. Welsh Water. Notification that they intend to carry out a survey in connection with the Glan y Wern sewerage scheme and a formal Notice of Entry as they propose to undertake these works on land in ownership to BCC.
168. Borth Family Centre. The Family Centre would like to consider some provision for older teenagers in the next lottery proposal and would appreciate some assistance in identifying what is needed for this age group in the area. It was agreed to set up a working group to front the idea. Cllrs Bainbridge, Salmon, Jones, Moore and Cllr Dalton volunteered to be part of the group.
169. Dyfed Powys Police Authority. A letter introducing local police officers who cover the area under Aberystwyth Rural policing team and a request to attend community council meetings to discuss any community issues that councillors may wish to discuss. Any issues residents or Councillors have can be discussed at PACT meetings.
170. Donation Request. Theatr Troedyrhiw. This will be considered at the March 2017 meeting along with all other requests received.
171. Welsh Assembly. Details of an online discussion forum with members of the Finance Committee about their consultation on the Land Transaction Tax and Anti-avoidance of Devolved Taxes (Wales). This discussion will close on 21 November.
172. Ceredigion County Council. Ceredigion County Council has received notification that BT is undertaking a consultation with regard to the removal of their payphones. Borth payphones are not included on the list for removal.
173. Borth Community Hall. A request for financial support from the community facilities fund to replace the hall main extractor fan. The request was discussed and it was resolved that Borth Community Council agrees in principle to cover the cost up to £1500.
174. Capel Soar. An e-mail advising that train drivers are having sighting issues when approaching Capel Soar level crossing from the Llandre direction and are requesting that the overgrowth is cleared. Cllr Williams volunteered to ask Terry Appleby to carry out the works and members resolved to set aside £500 for the works.
175. Balance of Accounts at 13 September 2016
Nationwide 29,226.05
Community Acct 988.25
Business No Notice Acct 31,541.19
Deposit Account 3,191.78
176. Income
Business No Notice – gross int to 1 September 5.46
Morris & Bates – landfill & CAS rents 4,616.50
177. Expenditure
Post Office Ltd – PAYE July, Aug, September 348.00
M Walker – salary 468.06, off exp 14.59 482.65
178. Annual Accounting Return for Year Ending 31 March 2016. The Audit for year ending 31 March 2016 has been completed and certified by Grant Thornton and that the Notice of Conclusion of Audit is displayed in the noticeboard. Issues arising were presented to Council with an action plan. Members resolved to approve and accept the return.
179. Budget Monitoring. The Clerk distributed copies of income and expenditure incurred from the 1st July to the 30th September setting out the Council’s financial position against its agreed budget. Members reviewed its position and resolved to accept the reports.
180. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A160835. 2 no pumping stations, associated apparatus, enclosures and access tracks. Land to the rear of Long Mynd and 1 Min y Don, Ynyslas, Borth. Dwr Cymru Welsh Water. Cllr Hulse gave some background information on the application and had received two letters of concern in respect of the siting of the pumping stations. Following consideration by members it was agreed to request a site visit. Borth Community Council strongly recommends a site visit as there is concerns within the community about the siting of the pumping facilities.
A160858. Use of land for caravan sales and caravan storage. Searivers Caravan Park, Ynyslas. Borth Community Council has no objections as long as the total number of caravans on site is within the licence.
181. Following last months meeting when Cllr Quant showed photographs he had taken of dog ban posters in Yorkshire Cllr Ashley made contact with Scarborough CC in respect of their signage etc and was told that they were at least 30 years old. Cllr Ashley produced figures for various size signs and these will be considered before the dog ban season next year. Cllrs agreed to return to the next meeting with suggestions on where to position the signs. Cllr Quant said he was scheduled to attend a meeting on dog issues and will raise the Council’s concerns.
182. Cllr Bainbridge informed the meeting that the showing of World War 1 films will restart in November, carnival donations raised over £9k and will be distributed on Saturday 15th October and she is now a fully credited member of the Community Health Council.
183. Cllr J Hulse. Several residents have expressed views and 2 have copied correspondence to me regarding the planning application for two new sewage pumping stations in Ynyslas, this item to be covered under planning on the agenda.
Attended PACT on 22 September, asked what Police view was on key issues for Borth. At this time of year it was seen to be oil thefts, keep locked and/or as difficult as possible to access the oil tank and ‘rogue businesses’ especially linked to cleaning gutters which escalates to repairing tiles etc. Also discussing idea of have a dog mess collection on a designated day, leaving brightly coloured poo bags visible for 24 hours and taking photos to raise awareness of the problem, particularly along the road to the church, concern that once councillors collect and bag the mess, leaving it behind would constitute littering which is an offence, would need to get special dispensation from Ceredigion CC. Phoned CCC Technical services and they suggested we write in for this to be considered via our clerk, to gauge full Community Council opinion first. Also asked Ceredigion CC about putting up a sign about no motorhomes overnight along the seafront (like the one in Aberystwyth) as discussed at the last meeting, again would need a letter to come from BCC from the Clerk to technical services marked for traffic management. Contacted NRW regarding the possibility of attending a future meeting to discuss matters relevant to our area (e.g. general updates of mutual interest, leat clearance, Japanese knotweed, NNR grazing and Ynyslas viewing platform), a positive response was received to attend a meeting and they are keen to attend the engagement evening in October also. NRW have shared with us a flood risk checklist booklet for Flood Wardens to comment upon, have circulated to flood wardens and will collate a response to NRW in the next week. Will be a spring campaign now for Japanese knotweed, will be considered in conjunction with Ceredigion CC, and could look at partnership with NRW linked to Meirionydd Catchment. Volunteered to test the Cobweb flood app, which could be used to record flooding and water issues around the Dyfi
Cllr Hulse has looked at the Housing Options presentation received in BCC, no specific information to take on board for our area. One of the two bins has been removed from Ynyslas now the holiday season has quietened, no significant issue since its removal noted. Some Ynyslas residents are having difficulties finding out about Superfast broadband with providers saying it is not yet available in Ynyslas (yet we have it), Simon Hulse is a volunteer contact for BT broadband on this and has replied to BT linking the two residents in to that.
Cllr N Salmon. Household rubbish continues to be dumped in Council street bins.
Cllr R Dalton. Update on recent PACT meeting and informed members that there was a loose coping stone opposite Pebbles.
Cllr J James. Concern at overgrown hedges on Clarach Road.
Cllr B Williams. Concerns over the build up of sand on the Dyfi Estuary. Ask Cllr Quant to raise it at the next Biosphere meeting and write to NRW, Mark Williams AM and Elin Jones AM.
Cllr M Willcox. The missing public footpath signs have still not been replaced and it would cost in the region of £7k to have wheelchair access at the north end of the village.
Cllr B Jones. A third defibrillator course is currently being arranged.
Cllr L Moore. A Borth resident has asked whether there were any spare groynes following sea defence works. Members agreed that the groynes should be used for community projects and not for private use. Cllr G Ashley. George Romary, Borth Station Volunteers, has asked whether it would be possible to replace an obsolete advertisement on the community board by the RNLI station with an advert for Borth Station Museum. Members had no objection.
184. Cllr Quant reported that he has recently walked the beach with Greg Guthrie of Royal Haskoning and is awaiting a report on profiling the beach. A Community Engagement evening is to be held at the Community Hall on 19th October.
185. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40hrs. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7 November 2016 to include dogs and NRW. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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