Minutes - December 2016
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
G Ashley
J Hulse (Chaired the meeting until 8pm)
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
L Moore
N Salmon
M J Willcox
In Attendance: Clerk: M Walker
County Cllr: R P Quant
4 Members of the Public.
225. Cllrs G B Jones and W J Williams.
226. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
227. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 November 2016 as being a true record.
228. Common Land. Minute 190. Ongoing.
229. One Voice Wales. Details of “Energy Efficiency Best Practice Tour”.
230. One Voice Wales. One Voice Wales information bulletin.
231. Wales Year of Legends. Ceredigion County Council’s Tourism Service is currently collating information on events and activities to be held in the county during 2017 which have potential to adopt the legend’s theme.
232. Natural Resources Wales. Contact details for reporting incidents.
233. Welsh Government. An online link to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales’s Policy and Practice document which includes the Commissions’ updates Council Size policy and their programme of Electoral reviews between 2017 and 2021.
234. Hinterland. An invitation to attend an exhibition launch event on Hinterland Offset.
235. One Voice Wales. A CHC and planning questionnaires which has been circulated to all members.
236. Alun Jones-Cefn y Nant. A copy letter to Ceredigion Environmental Health regarding a watercourse contamination issue that he has attempted to resolve since 2014.
237. One Voice Wales. An online link to a Landfill Disposals Tax which will replace the Landfill Tax in Wales.
238. One Voice Wales. Details of a conference on “Stronger Together: Healthy Homes for All” which shows how communities, public and private sector organisations can and should work together to identify and support the most vulnerable in our communities.
239. Welsh Water. Dwr Cymru Welsh Water are undertaking a scheme of work on Borth rising main and the Regional Communications Manager is visiting Borth on the 6th December and hopes to meet representatives of BCC on the day to discuss the scheme.
240. Ceredigion County Council. All town and community council clerks are invited to join Mark Williams MP to celebrate the ongoing work between CCC and Nest, the flagship Welsh Government fuel poverty reduction scheme for Wales at Penmorfa, Aberaeron on the 10th January 2017.
241. One Voice Wales. The Talking Future Generations report is available to read online.
242. Adopt a Path Scheme. The scheme is now fully functional and CCC and would like to know whether BCC is interested in taking part. Cllr Salmon to follow up.
243. Mr P Cadman. A request to join the Community Speed Watch Scheme.
244. One Voice Wales. Welsh Government is currently undergoing a consultation on The Draft Account and Audit (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2016.
245. Dyfi Biosphere. Details of forthcoming events.
246. Ceredigion County Council. An e-mail from the Older People’s Commissioner’s office in relation to training dates for Tackling Ageism and Awareness Raising.
247. One Voice Wales. As the work of the Future Generations Commissioner develops the Commissioner’s office would like to know whether the Council has any events, meetings or workshops that could discuss the emerging priorities and provide feedback and whether we have online forums, newsletters or digital involvement approaches that could enable discussion and provide feedback.
248. Play for Wales. A copy of the Autumn 2016 magazine.
249. Balance of Accounts at 13 November 2016
Nationwide 29,226.05
Community Acct 3,818.67
Business No Notice Acct 30,130.19
Deposit Account 3,192.89
250. Income
251. Expenditure
M Walker – salary 464.06, off exp 14.59 478.65
Peter Watkin Plant Hire – ditch clearance 1,200.00
252. None.
253. Cllr Ashley gave an update and has been given a price of £43.50 per sign for a minimum order of 10. Members resolved to set aside a total of £1500 for signs etc. Cllr Ashley was asked to report back at the February meeting with designs for consideration.
254. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on a Community Health Council evening which she recently attended. County Councillor Ray Quant has organised a public meeting on the 7th December at the Community Hall to outline the Ynyslas sewerage scheme. Father Christmas is in Borth on the 14th December.
255. Cllr Jill Hulse gave the following update. Emergency Plan related. A Flood Alert was issued for the Ceredigion coast on 16th November. We also had the hurricane force winds on 17th November and the damage and power cuts resulting from the storm. A reminder that the latest Emergency Plan (dated 8th February) is available from http://www.borthcommunity.info/ The plan covers storms, power cuts and prolonged snow as well as flooding and fire. Following NRW comments to us about hotels/B&Bs/AirBnB it would be worth checking if B & Bs are registered for flood alerts and know about the community emergency plan. Also to raise profile via notices, community website, Facebook and community email as well as personally checking known B & Bs - suggest we do this as soon as possible. Update on Japanese Knotweed sent in relation to a residential application, for wider updating; 'Borth Community Council intends to prepare a plan of action to tackle Japanese knotweed in Borth. We are aware that Natural Resources Wales is already treating this problem in parts of Borth. We have made contact with a relevant officer in Ceredigion County Council and any plan that we put in place will be shared with both these organisations to ensure our actions are as strategic and as effective as possible. We intend to have the plan in place by spring 2017 so that action on the ground can commence in the growing season. We will be looking to tackle areas such as near leats, houses and footpaths'. Submitted a request to Ceredigion County Council for a Borth to Ynyslas footpath/cycle way to be considered as part of the ROWIP review. Attended PACT meeting on 1 December. Facebook update; 661 'likes'/followers, by far the natural history/interest items get the most likes, e.g. sea birds this week reached 1.4k people with 400 actively engaging). Generally information that is posted is about whats on in Borth and Ynyslas, PACT meetings, training, flood awareness and unique requests like asking if anyone has any family history information for Lucas Borth from Brazil and an update on Father Christmas in Borth. Cllr Hulse mentioned a question of ownership on a broken fence by the crossing to the church. The owners of the new build by the railway crossing are intending to apply for planning for access to the rear of their property. Cllr Quant confirmed that Borth Community Council does not own the fence in question.
Cllr L Moore has obtained a menu for the Christmas Dinner which has been organised for the 17th January 2017 at Boulders. If an invitation is accepted the guests will include Dr Ian and Mrs Kathy Hosker and Mike and Lyn (Mike is employed by CCC as the village street cleaner and is also in charge of street bins during the summer months). Cllr Moore advised members that some banks/building societies are unwilling to grant mortgages because of the extent of the knotweed in the village.
Cllr M Griffiths gave an update on the issues raised by Borth Community Council at the meeting recently held with the Leader of CCC at Rhydypennau Hall.
Cllr Ashley is in the process of arranging another Speed Awareness day.
Cllr Dalton briefly mentioned the recent high winds on the 17th November and that Borth had been hit particularly hard.
Cllr Salmon gave a brief update on a conference she recently attended where a report on “Food Policy as Public Policy” was being presented and discussed. In this report, the authors highlight the role of local authorities in promoting and strengthening local food supply systems and economies. Cllr Salmon raised this at the meeting as she felt that community councils might have a useful role to play in this regard and Councillors agreed that she should pursue this further.
Cllr Willcox mentioned the flag pole on the car park which has broken and it was resolved to ask Aled Jenkins to carry out the work to re-centre the pole. Some rubbish bins situated on the sea wall and lifebuoys have recently disappeared.
256. Cllr Quant gave an update on the 2 sewerage schemes planned for Borth and Ynyslas. Works to the new church road will begin a week before Christmas. There has been complaints from CCC bin collection service that litter bins are being over filled. Ceredigion County Council is to inspect the potholes on the road to the Animalarium. No further update on Glanwern leat.
Sun. 11th – Christmas Tree Service at 11.15 a.m.
Tues 13th – Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa school concert
Sun. 18th – Nativity at 11.15 a.m.
Sat. 24th – 3.30 p.m. Candlelit Carols followed by Communion at 5.00 p.m.
Sun. 25th – Christmas Day Communion at 10.30 a.m.
257. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 9 January 2017 to include Knotweed (meeting to commence at 6.30pm) and Budget and Precept. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
- Hits: 5554