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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - January 2017


Present:       Chairperson:               C Bainbridge
G Ashley
J Hulse
R Dalton
M Griffiths
G B Jones
L Moore
M J Willcox
In Attendance:  Clerk:                      M Walker
                County Cllr:                       R P Quant  
                                                              4 Members of the Public.  

258.  Cllrs J James, N Salmon and W J Williams.


259. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  


260.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 5 December 2016 as being a true record.


261.  Common Land.  Minute 228. Ongoing.


262.  Welsh Government.  Details of appointments of 3 members to the board of Career Choices Dewis Gyrfa /Careers Wales.

263.  One Voice Wales.  Details of training sessions for January.

264.  Welsh Government.  The Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework Group are looking to appoint 2 members onto their panel and also looking to appoint independent members to NHS Wales. Details have been e-mailed to all councillors.

265.  Wales Audit Office.  Details of a press release from the Welsh Government informing the public that they are “well prepared to take on fiscal devolution responsibilities”.  This will be the first time in 800 years that Wales will be in charge of raising an element of its own tax revenues.

266.  Welsh Government.  Work has commenced on the preparation of the National Development Framework which will be a national land use development plan and will replace the existing Wales Spatial Plan.  Engagement events have been arranged at four separate locations.

267.  National Assembly for Wales.  Details of a consultation on changing the name of the National Assembly.

268.  Welsh Government.  Details of a consultation on the Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance 2017.

269.  One Voice Wales.  Buckingham Palace Garden parties are to be held on the 16th May, 23rd May and the 1st June. One Voice Wales has been allocated 30 invitations to be split between the three dates. The invitation is to the current Chairperson and guest.

270.  Nationwide.  The interest rate on the account has reduced to 0.55% gross from 0.70% gross.

271.  One Voice Wales.  An online link to the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales’s newsletter.  

272.  Adopt a Path Scheme.  Following the Council’s interest in the scheme Cllrs Hulse and Salmon have gone through the logistics and received some basic training on how to carry out path surveys.

273.  Equality and Human Rights Commission.   Details of how to apply to become a committee member. 

274.  Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.  Details of round table discussion events on its remuneration framework for community and town councils.

275.  Welsh Government.  Details of a consultation on proposals to ban the use of plastic microbeads in cosmetics and personal care products.

276.  Donation Request.  Tincer.  All donation requests will be considered in the March meeting.

277.  Welsh Government.  The Welsh Government is looking to appoint a chair and eleven members to serve on the board of Meat Promotion Wales.

278.  Welsh Water.  A formal Notice of Entry in respect of the Glan y Wern sewerage scheme. 

279.  Planning Aid Wales.  A community engagement network event has been arranged for Tuesday 17th January 2017 in Swansea.  The aim is to understand the new requirements that developers must follow for pre-application community consultation. 

280.  One Voice Wales.  In commemoration and remembrance of the end of the war and the many millions who were killed or came home dreadfully wounded, a chain of 1,000 beacons will be lit throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories at 7pm on the 11th November 2018 – a century after the guns fell silent. Detailed co-ordination begins in April 2017 and any Council wishing to be involved must confirm before the end of March 2017.

281.  Borth Playing Fields.  An e-mail from a Dyfed-Powys police officer seconded to Natural Resources Wales has been asked to investigate Wildlife and Environmental Crime.  He has received a complaint that recent clearance works on the leat by the Playing Fields site has been carried out without the necessary prior official authorisation and that the works “has caused damage to the habitat of a legally protected species, namely the Water Vole”. The police officer is inviting a representative of the Council to take part in a formal interview on a voluntary basis. The Clerk confirmed that she has sent a reply with a copy of the minute relating to the request for works to be carried out.  Cllr Hulse suggested writing to NRW for the correct procedure on the management of leats.

282.  Alun Jones – Cefn y Nant.  A copy letter from CCC regarding a watercourse pollution issue which they are now following up.

283.  Arts Council of Wales.   Details of “Night Out” is part of the Arts Council of Wales and works in partnership with local authorities to support high quality professional performances in areas with little or no access to the arts. 

284.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a consultation and a questionnaire for completion by the 10th February 2017 on Ceredigion County Council’s Wellbeing Objectives 2017/18. 

285.  Clerks & Councils Direct.  Monthly magazine for Councillors.


286.  Balance of Accounts at 13 December 2016
         Nationwide                                                           29,226.05
         Community Acct                                                       522.16
         Business No Notice Acct                                    29,880.58
         Deposit Account                                                    3,192.89 

287.  Income     
         Business No Notice – int to 1 Dec 2016                   3.39
         RNLI rental income                                                  500.00
         Scottish Power – Wayleaves                                      74.90
288.  Expenditure
         Wales Audit Office – audit fee                                 186.00
         Post Office Ltd – PAYE Oct, Nov Dec                     348.00
         M Walker-salary 464.06, off exp 14.59                   478.65        

289.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A161200.  Erection of a single storey side extension.  Richmond, High Street, Borth.  No Objection.


290. The Clerk distributed up to date expenditure and balance figures up to the 3Ist December 2016 together with a financial plan for 2017/18 which was presented and discussed in detail by Cllr Quant. It was resolved to budget as follows for the financial period 2017/18.

Clerks Salary                                              7,030.00
Office Expenses                                            230.00
Clerks Gratuity Fund                                  130.00    
Insurance                                                    1,850.00
Chairpersons Allowance                             200.00
Maintenance                                              3,255.00
Winter Maintenance                                   400.00
Amenities – Hall Revenue                       6,000.00    
Community & Arts Facilities                  2,400.00    
Donations                                                    1,000.00
Miscellaneous                                                500.00    
Contingency                                                1,000.00
Audit Fee                                                         450.00
Toilets adj to RNLI – winter opening      4,500.00

Total:                                                          £2,8945.00  

291.  It was resolved to approve the budget and to set the precept at 65% which amounted to £18814.25.


292.  Cllr Bainbridge gave a speed watch update which took place on the 19th December 2016. More requests to join have been received by members of the public. She also mentioned speeding by locals at Ynyslas. A meeting was held on the 7th December to discuss Ynyslas Pumping Station and another has been arranged for the 18th January 2017. A WW1 meeting will also be arranged shortly.  The Council annual dinner will be held on Tuesday 17th January and the guests will be Mike and Lyn, Dr Ian and Mrs Cathy Hosker and Natalie Edwards and Lucy Hughes (Head and teacher of Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa).  Cllr Bainbridge has agreed to look into doing something for Year of the Legends.


293.  Cllr Naomi Salmon sent in the following in her absence: “CCC won’t put small dedicated dog poo bins along the southern end of the high street as they think even a small bin with a flip lid will just end up rammed full with household rubbish and will cause problems and the missing bins along the sea-wall will be (or maybe have been) replaced.  Footpaths – Jill and I met with Osian Jones, the coordinator of the ‘adopt a footpath’ scheme. He carried out the training session and provided us with the handbook, some tools, a stack of ‘way-markers’ and a first-aid kit. He then and accompanied us on our first footpath survey. We cut back some undergrowth, posted some new way-markers and noted a number of repairs that are needed along the footpath that runs from near the train station, along past the Animalarium, along the side of the caravan park and down as far as the footbridge. Osian will ensure that the repairs we noted are carried out in due course. Following Jill’s facebook post, I have been approached by two residents who are interested in joining a team of volunteers. A good start! So, the plan now is to continue to liaise with Osian and to get a small team of people together to carry out surveys of more of our footpaths. Dog signage – I have asked Gabrielle about designing dog signs and she is happy to do so. We just need to give her a ‘brief’ to work from. She could then sort out some provisional designs and work out her costs”. 
Cllr Margaret Griffiths said that the Clarach Road sign is facing the cliff and that the new tarmac road to St Matthews Church is almost completed. She thanked Cllr Quant for organising the works.
Cllr Mike Willcox met with Welsh Water on the 6th December to discuss the works to Borth Rising Main which should be completed in 4 months.
Cllr Bryn Jones has been contacted by Pod Clare who feels that the mosaics are no longer repairable. However, she is prepared to look at the wall to see what can be done.
Cllr Gwenllian Ashley has been contacted by Robert Davies stating that he is submitting a planning application to Ceredigion County Council in respect of his tree project. He is planning to hold an exhibition at the Youth Hostel for anyone interested in learning more about the proposed project.  

Cllr Ashley reported that the street light opposite the Indian Restaurant isn’t working.  The Clerk said she would report the fault to CCC.  Dr Cadman has complained about horse droppings on the pavement at the foot of the cliff.
Cllr Jill Hulse gave an update on the Adopt a Path Scheme. She also mentioned that some graffiti had appeared during the previous weekend on several sides of the World War II pillbox by the golf club storage sheds at Ynyslas. Cllr Hulse has also met with Charlie Swift regarding the access issue and the broken fence at the rear of the houses by the railway crossing to the church and the question of whose responsibility it is to re-instate the fence. Cllr Hulse updated members on works recently completed on a public footpath in Tre Taliesin, which provides an all-weather route for the local community and visitors alike.  
There is also an online questionnaire on reviewing how the Dyfi Biosphere works.


294.  Cllr Quant informed members that the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales are holding a meeting at Penmorfa, Aberaeron on the 25th January 2017. He has also sent a letter to CCC asking them to look at the road to the Animalarium which from the old civic amenity site is covered in potholes. Cllr Quant talked about the caravan sited in the field by Glanwern Bridge and that he has been informed that the owner wants to have touring caravans on the site. The owner would need to follow the correct procedure which means he would have to apply to the caravan touring club who would then contact the local planning office at CCC.


295.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 6 February 2017 to include Review of Grass Cutting Tender and Dogs.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.

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