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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - February 2017




Present:               Chairperson:                               C Bainbridge
G Ashley
J Hulse
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
G B Jones
M J Willcox
W J Williams                               
In Attendance:                    Clerk:                          M Walker
                                  County Cllr:                         R P Quant 
                                                                              5 Members of the Public. 


296.  Cllrs N Salmon and L Moore.  Cllr Moore has handed in her resignation to Council.  The Clerk has sent a letter of thanks to Cllr Moore for her contribution and hard work and it was agreed to send a bouquet of flowers from Council.


297. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 


298.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 9 January 2017 as being a true record.


299.  Common Land.  Minute 261. Ongoing.


300.  Wales Audit Office.  A copy of the January 2017 newsletter.

301.  One Voice Wales.  An e-mail sent to One Voice Wales stating that Local authorities in Wales are not always making the best use of the third sector and must do more to ensure that the work they are currently doing continues to secure value for money. This is according to a report released by the Auditor General for Wales.

302.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the registration process for the “Third Battle of Ypres: National Service of Remembrance” which will be held on the 31st July 2017 in Flanders and a new Gallery option on the Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 website.

303.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the launch of OVW Innovative Practice National Awards Scheme.  These awards are an opportunity for Councils to showcase the services it provides for the community and an opportunity for councillors etc to receive the recognition they deserve.

304.  Dyfi Biosphere.  Information on a workshop to be held on Saturday 11th February to learn about public footpaths, tourism development and details of a vacancy on the Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations.

305.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a consultation that the Government is undertaking on the reform of school governance.

306.  One Voice Wales.  OVW January 2017 information bulletin.

307.  Camper Van Parking.  A response to Borth Community Council’s letter in respect of overnight parking of camper vans along the seafront. CCC cannot formally authorise or approve the installation of any signage within the public highway limits that is not designed, manufactured or installed in accordance with current regulations governing these matters.

308.  Dog Fouling.  An e-mail in respect of dog fouling was sent to CCC with particular reference to the road from Borth out to St Matthews’ Church. This route is frequently used as a dog walk and many users do not pick up after their dogs.  Borth Community Council asked for permission to have an awareness raising day where Councillors walk the route picking up all dog mess left behind in coloured bags and would then leave the bags in place for 24-48 hours as a reminder to dog walkers of the extent of the problem.  Borth Community Council would then clean up all evidence and dispose of the bags properly.  Ceredigion County Council responded by saying that they would be very happy to support the campaign and would arrange for the waste to be collected at a designated collection point. It was agreed to a trial run on the 8th February and to collect the waste ourselves.  Another campaign will take place during the Easter break and the Council will inform CCC when a date has been arranged.  Cllr Jones said he would contact the Cambrian News to have a photograph taken on the 8th Feb.

309.  Welsh Government.  A request to complete a survey as a part of research into the services provided and assets managed by town and community councils.

310.  Keep Wales Tidy.  Details of a Spring Clean Cymru campaign which will run from the 1-5 March 2017.

311.  Welsh Government.  The Welsh Government is looking to appoint new members to both Pembrokeshire Coast and Snowdonia National Park Authorities.

312.  National Assembly for Wales.  Details of a consultation on the Trade Union (Wales) Bill which ends on the 17th February 2017.

313.  Boundary Commission for Wales.  The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales are to review the electoral arrangements for the County of Ceredigion and any comments can be made during the consultation period which runs from the 26th January to the 19th April 2017.

314.  Playquest.  A letter of introduction from an adventure play company.

315.  One Voice Wales. A letter on training opportunities from One Voice Wales.

316.  Donation Requests. A letter from Cyril Breeze Evans introducing himself as the General Manager of Advice Mid Wales. His objective is to encourage bilingual working and to try and find more Welsh speaking Trustees and Volunteers. His role is also to access funding and donations to enable him to give free advice for the local community.  Further donation requests were received from Welsh Hearts, Ceredigion YFC and Tenovus.  All donations will be considered at the March meeting.

317.  One Voice Wales.  Agenda for the Ceredigion Area Meeting Committee to be held on the 25th January 2017 at Penmorfa.

318.  Ceredigion County Council.  An invitation to attend a 50+ and Living Well event at The Guildhall, Cardigan on the 1st March.

319.  BT.  Notification that BT has re-commenced its consultation with regard to the removal of their payphones. The Clerk confirmed that payphones in Borth and Ynyslas are not affected.

320.  Welsh Government.  Details of a consultation on the White Paper – Reforming Local Government – Resilient and Renewed which reflects a number of ideas and challenges which were highlighted during recent engagement events.

321.  One Voice Wales.  A press release from the Auditor General for Wales stating that Community Councils need to improve financial management and governance.

322.  Kidney Wales.  The Autumn 2016 edition of their magazine and details of the Walk for Life 2017.

323.  Borth Playing Fields.  An e-mail from PC Adrian Ward regarding works carried out at Uppingham Fields and a request to interview a member of Council.

324.  Donation Request.  Cor y Gors is to perform for 6 days at the 2017 Edinburgh Fringe Festival and is looking for financial assistance towards their expenses which is in excess of £12000.  They are seeking a contribution of £395 from Council for the Registration and Public Liability costs.  It was resolved to donate the sum of £395.


325.  Balance of Accounts at 13 January 2017
          Nationwide                                                                                                                          29,226.05
Community Acct                                                                                                                      500.41
Business No Notice Acct                                                                                                    29,398.58
Deposit Account                                                                                                                    3,192.89
326.  Income    
         Community Account-Rent of land at Gerydon                                                                        100.00
327.  Expenditure
         Carol Bainbridge – reimbursement for guests meals at Boulders                                            125.00
TME Electrical Contracting Ltd – putting up and taking down of Xmas tree lights                240.00
M Walker-salary 464.06, off exp 7.99                                                                                      472.05
Ceredigion County Council – repairs to play area                                                                3,169.28
One Voice Wales – membership                                                                                               238.00
Cor y Gors – donation                                                                                                              395.00


328.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A170044.  Replace existing caravan, lay a stone track, provide electric hook ups and erection of toilet and shower facilities.  Cae Tink, Glanwern, Borth. Borth Community Council had the following observations: We have serious concerns about vehicle access onto the main road and also pedestrian access as there is no footpath either in or out of the village within that area. We are also concerned at the proliferation of existing caravan sites in this area as highlighted in the LDP and consideration should be given to how wet the land is on the proposed site.


329.  The Clerk was asked to officially record that Borth Community Council were totally satisfied with the services provided by Mr Robert Griffiths last season.  It was agreed not to make any amendments to the tender spec. Mr Griffiths will be asked to give a price for the 2017 season and if the price is below the threshold for re-tendering then Council will not be required to advertise this year.
330.  Cllr Ashley gave examples and prices for various signs acquired from Rebus and it was agreed to ask Luke Griffiths of Redesigns UK for sample designs and quotations.
331.  Cllr Bainbridge said that the Council Dinner had been enjoyed by all. She gave a brief World War 1 update, a brief update on the Community Health Council and spoke briefly on a new proposed 111 number. Cllr Bainbridge referred to an incident on Ty Mawr Caravan Park when a battery was stolen from a touring caravan.  A meeting was held by Welsh Water in the Community Hall regarding the siting of the pumping stations at Ynyslas. Ms Clare Lees was told at that meeting that there was no reason why the pumping station could not be resited. However, Cllr Quant said that he had been told by the planning officer that the pumping stations are not to be relocated and he asked the officer to contact Welsh Water to inform the residents of their decision. Ms Lees read out the letter she had received from Welsh Water inviting her to arrange a meeting with them to discuss the matter further. It was suggested that when a date had been confirmed that members of the Community Council would be invited to attend.
332.  Cllr Bryn Jones informed members that Pod Clare had removed the mosaics from the wall on the promenade and that the wall would need to be power washed before any works could be considered. It was agreed to ask Martin Watkins for a quotation. Permission form CCC would need to be sought before any works could be carried out.  Aled Jenkins has been approached to reinstate the flag pole on the car park opposite Brynowen but in the meantime Newtons have agreed to do the work.
Cllr Jill Hulse has prepared a first DRAFT of a two sided leaflet on Japanese Knotweed for Council to consider.  Aim is to share it with professional bodies for confirmation of accuracy and then to distribute to residents in conjunction with the offer of training from Ceredigion County Council as a start for getting on task with the problem. Cllr Hulse has submitted our Community Emergency Plan for the Best Community Engagement Initiative Category in the One Voice Wales Innovative Practice Annual Awards 2017, asked the community if they had anything to add and had some excellent responses that were included. In correspondence, NRW have confirmed that we have 222 properties at risk from extreme tidal flood and 31 properties at risk from the Afon Leri, a flood alert was issued on 2nd February. She has notified the community email group and Facebook about this years 65% precept with accompanying explanation. Cllr Hulse attended the Welsh Water meeting regarding Ynyslas sewer. A touring caravan stored at Ty Mawr Caravan Park has had damage and the caravan battery stolen, flagged up to us in case of other instances in the area, the police have been informed. Further discussions have occurred relating to potential ownership of the land along the lane between the chapel and the railway crossing. BCC does not know who owns the land.
Cllr Gwenllian Ashley confirmed that another speed watch has been arranged for the 10th February at 8.30am. Cllr Ashley, Dalton and Bainbridge will take part.
Cllr Margaret Griffiths informed members that branches had been cut down from Ty Newydd onwards and that they had been cut and dropped in the ditch.  Cllr Quant said he would report the matter to CCC.
Cllr Mike Willcox proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Quant for organising the works on the new road to St Mathews Church.
Cllr Billy Williams mentioned that several quad bikes had been stolen in the area, slates had been stolen from the new build site in Llandre and also oil stolen from outside tanks.
Cllr John James said that several manholes were blocked on Clarach Road. Cllr Quant said he would report the matter.
Cllr Rona Dalton – next PACT meeting will be held on the 9th March 2017 in the Community Hall.
333.  Cllr Quant gave a brief update on an Internal Ditch Drainage (IDD) meeting which he attended.  He asked about cleaning the leat and clarification that the leat itself is party of the IDD. He went on to explain that the pipes are blocked in the ditch on the road to the Animalarium and the ditch will be cleared by CCC once the Biodiversity officer of NRW has inspected the area for voles.  Cllr Quant said that there will be no change for community councils in the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales review.  Work will commence to secure the banks on the common land during February. Cllr Quant confirmed that Robert Davies has submitted a pre-application to the planning department and asked for a general view from committee members and the public present at the meeting on the project itself and whilst a few members were in favour many more were against the project.
334.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 6 March 2017 to include Donations.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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