Minutes - March 2017
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
G Ashley
J Hulse
R Dalton
M Griffiths
N Salmon
M J Willcox
In Attendance: Clerk: M Walker
County Cllr: R P Quant
4 Members of the Public.
335. Cllrs J James, G B Jones and Cllr W J Williams.
336. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
337. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 6 February 2017 as being a true record.
338. Common Land. Minute 299. Cllr Willcox has asked for clarification on whether there would be any impact to the mowing of the football field as he has been told that the environment officer has insisted that there should be no machinery within 10 meters of the leat during construction of works to the new pipework.
339. Grass Cutting. Minute 329. Mr Robert Griffiths has quoted a sum of £1200 + vat for grass cutting for the 2017 season. Members resolved to accept the quote.
340. Dogs. Minute 330. Positive feed back has been received following the recent dog mess awareness exercise when 146 bags of dog mess were collected by community council volunteers. Redesigns UK has quoted a sum if £437.50 + vat for dog signs. Cllr Ashley will report on the progress of the designs at the next meeting.
341. Ceredigion County Council. Adopt a Path Scheme newsletter.
342. One Voice Wales. The February 2017 edition of the OVW news bulletin.
343. One Voice Wales. Details of March training sessions.
344. Literature Wales. Details of a Literacy Residency to be held in Brussels in May 2017. The notice is published on the website and on the Community Council Facebook page.
345. Ceredigion County Council. Minutes of the recent consultative meeting held at Ysgol Rhydypennau, Bow Street.
346. One Voice Wales. A short survey for completion on how the new Tree Charter can best serve our local council.
347. One Voice Wales. Details of the launch of the second consultation on proposed changes to parliamentary constituencies in Wales which runs from 28 February to 27 March 2017.
348. One Voice Wales. Details of a joint event between One Voice Wales and the SLCC on the 12th July 2017.
349. NHS Wales. Details of a transformation programme which will provide a focus on how services are designed to meet the future needs of the population.
350. Wales Remembers. A request to put together a paper outlining our organisations plans to commemorate World War 1.
351. Welsh Government. Details of appointments and chairs to NHS Wales Health Boards and trusts.
352. Cor y Gors. A letter of thanks for the £395 donation given by Council.
353. Ecodyfi. Details of events, jobs and local films.
354. Ceredigion County Council. An online link to the Ceredigion Local Access Forum annual report.
355. One Voice Wales. An online link to The Ombudsman’s Casebook – Issue 27.
356. Ceredigion County Council. An e-mail introducing Mr Gareth Owen as the new Public Rights of Way Ranger.
357. One Voice Wales. An introduction to LSI Energy which is available to OVW members to reduce the price they pay on business energy bills.
358. One Voice Wales. The Department for Natural resources are inviting members to comment on a draft circular for the planning of gypsy, traveller and showpeople sites. Views are sought on updated planning aspects of identifying sustainable sites for Gypsies and Travellers.
359. One Voice Wales. A link to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’ Annual Report for 2017/18.
360. Planning application A160835 - Land to the rear of Long Mynd and 1 Min Y Don, Ynyslas, Borth. An update of a recent meeting held with Welsh Water, County Cllr Ray Quant, Cllr Carol Bainbridge and members of the community.
361. BSPFA. A request for financial assistance following an upgrade of Borth Community website after security was recently compromised. Cllr Jill Hulse declared an interest and left the room. Cllr Quant also left the room as the request was sent in by him. Members resolved to pay the full amount of £669.39.
362. Ceredigion County Council. Details of an initial briefing for prospective local election candidates.
363. Clerk and Councils Direct. Magazine for Councillors information.
364. Balance of Accounts at 13 February 2017
Nationwide 29,226.05
Community Acct 500.36
Business No Notice Acct 26,872.58
Deposit Account 3,192.89
365. Income
Scottish Power Wayleaves 34.51
366. Expenditure
Cartridgesave – printer paper 24.78
M Walker-salary 464.06, off exp 14.59 478.65
BSPFA – website remedial work 669.39
Carol Bainbridge-flowers for Lorraine Moore 15.00
Capel y Garn – donation 100.00
Age Cymru Ceredigion 100.00
Wales Air Ambulance 150.00
Y Tincer 100.00
Citizens Advice Bureau 100.00
Talybont YFC 50.00
St Mathews Church 150.00
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Inst Ceredigion 50.00
Borth Art & Friendship Group 100.00
367. Application for Full Planning Permission.
No planning applications.
368. The Clerk distributed a list of donation requests from various organisations received throughout the financial year. After considering all requests it was resolved to donate to the following:
Capel y Garn – donation 100.00
Age Cymru Ceredigion 100.00
Wales Air Ambulance 150.00
Y Tincer 100.00
Citizens Advice Bureau 100.00
Talybont YFC 50.00
St Mathews Church 150.00
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Inst Ceredigion 50.00
Borth Art & Friendship Group 100.00
369. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on WW1, speedwatch scheme and informed members that Borth Pharmacy is applying to relocate to the old Malmeg site in Bow Street. Borth Carnival committee is applying for road closure on Friday 4th August. Cllr Bainbridge has been accepted onto the mental health committee of the CHC. The Family Centre is planning to bury a time capsule in their new garden on the 15th March at 11am. Cathryn Morgan of Ceredigion County Council has advised Cllr Bainbridge that grants have become available for capital expenditure for improvements to playgrounds. It was resolved to submit a bid for two items, a gravity bowl with fitting and grasslok surfacing would cost £2253 and a saturn bounce would cost £1518. If successful the application would not require match funding from Borth Community Council.
370. The Clerk asked for a volunteer to carry out the internal examiner role in place of Lorraine Moore who has left the Council.
Cllr J Hulse gave the following update. The Japanese Knotweed (JKW) information note has been finalised and is being translated. It has been shared and approved by Rachel Mills, Ceredigion County Council and, Natural Resources Wales, thanks to both for their input. The next step is to get it printed and distributed via clubs, societies, shops and by hand, hoping the Community Wardens may be able to help with this. Members resolved to set aside £500 for the cost of printing the leaflets. We will also post it in noticeboards, the community website and Facebook. Key activity this month for those that have JKW, is to cut it down, dry and burn on site (see information note). Also for Borth Community Council to check and deal with any JKW on our land holdings. Would like to share the note with a contact in Welsh Government who has connected me to WLGA and some S. Wales authorities.
Concerns regarding leats, their infill, management, water voles etc. keep cropping up. Suggest we prepare an information leaflet on the value of leats in Borth and things to be aware of, suggest share any draft with other authorities that have an interest in leats like we did for the Japanese Knotweed note.
The Emergency Plan was last updated in February 2016, it would be good to send out again to see if any details have changed, anything to add. Over 400 properties are at risk from the tide, many properties at risk from the sea now benefit from the tidal defence scheme, 31 properties are at risk from the Afon Leri, (at least 28 properties are registered for the fluvial flood warning for the Leri). The textmarketer system will need to be tested again (it’s been updated).
Cllr Hulse suggested we start to plan any response we might make to Ceredigion County Council in readiness for any review of parking restrictions in Ceredigion. Many residents raise the issue of overnight campervans on the High Street in Borth, particularly those staying for a significant period of time. We could consider a survey of residents and visitors, including campervan owners over the season to help put together an informed, evidence based response from BCC.
The dip in the road by the golf course club house still floods terribly after a bout of heavy rain, the flood warning sign often blows over. Please can this be raised with Ceredigion County Council Highways again?
Cllr Hulse joined fellow Councillors to pick up dog mess from Borth High Street to the church as part of a dog mess awareness raising exercise, response from people all over Aberystwyth and on Facebook was very supportive. Completed the Charter for Trees, Woods and People survey which will inform guidelines on how local communities and trees can best benefit one another.
Cllr R Dalton informed members that the next PACT meeting would be held on Thursday 9th March. She also asked for a better bus stop signage by the Youth Hostel.
Cllr M Willcox asked for the stones to be cleared for wheelchair access onto the beach by the toilet block on the north end of the village.
Cllr G Ashley confirmed that Martin Watkins has been asked to pressure wash a small area of the promenade wall where mosaics have been removed. Cllr Quant said that CCC would need to be informed.
371. Cllr Quant handed out a brief report on the proposed closure of Capel Seion railway crossing in response to recent correspondence in the Cambrian News. He also informed Council that the Clerk had received a complaint from a local resident that a bridge was being constructed over the leat at the rear of Llinos (property owned by Peter and Hilary Mathews). Cllr Quant visited the site and spoke to Mrs Mathews who confirmed that NRW had confirmed that if the pipes had been there for more than 10 years there was nothing they could do to enforce their removal. Cllr Quant produced a photo of Mrs Mathews standing in the leat and the pipes were clearly visible. Handouts were given out on Reforming Local Government and White Paper Consultation response and will be an agenda item at April’s meeting. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on the proposed Ynyslas Sewerage Scheme. Ray also gave an update on a meeting he attended with Mott McDonald Consultants and Ceredigion Council Officers which explored coastal defence options between the Golf Club House and Ynyslas which has to be submitted to Welsh Government by 31 March 2017. He asked for the provision of cycle/footpath to be included as an option, which could be part of an embankment option running along the edge of the breastwork.
372. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3 April 2017 to include White Paper Consultation response. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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