Minutes - May 2017
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge (chaired the meeting in the absence of Chairman Jill Hulse)
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
G B Jones
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk: M Walker
County Cllr: R P Quant
5 Members of the Public.
1. Cllr J Hulse and Cllr N Salmon.
2. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
3. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 April 2017 as being a true record.
4. Dogs. Minute 377. This was discussed under Councillors Responsibilities.
5. One Voice Wales. Agenda for the Ceredigion Area Committee meeting on the 26th April at Penmorfa and an invitation to propose a maximum of two motions for debate at the AGM on Saturday 30th September.
6. ROSPA. Notification that the play area inspection will take place in June.
7. Wales Audit Office. A letter from the Assistant Auditor General for Wales highlighting general issues raised and an explanation addressing those issues.
8. Donation Request. A request from the Aberystwyth/Kronberg Twinning Committee towards their 20 year celebrations in Aberystwyth in September 2017.
9. Cymru I Bawb. A request for support for their Founding Declaration which states that all human beings should be respected without distinction, whatever their race, language, culture, religion, gender, sexuality or ability. Their intention is to display a public register of supporters at the Morlan Centre, Aberystwyth. The Clerk was asked to send a letter of support.
10. One Voice Wales. A request to Council to become a Local Council Tree Charter Branch. It was agreed to register the Council.
11. One Voice Wales. A copy of the One Voice Wales response to the White Paper – Reforming Local Government. The document has been e-mailed to all councillors.
12. St Dogmaels Community Council. A request for information on the placing of the stormboards on the paths leading to the beach and the identification numbers of any footpaths on the definitive map which are temporarily blocked in this manner.
13. One Voice Wales. The April 2017 edition of the news bulletin.
14. One Voice Wales. A request for any views the Council may have on the Expert Panel on Assembly Electoral reform which is currently looking at the size and electoral arrangements for the National Assembly for Wales.
15. One Voice Wales. Details of training sessions during May and June.
16. Tree Sculpture. A letter from Gabrielle Adamson expressing her views for consideration in respect of the proposed tree sculpture on the beach.
17. Burning mattress on the beach. An e-mail expressing concern that a photograph posted on the “We love Borth Ceredigion” Facebook page appeared to show a mattress being burned. The comment was not directed at the Facebook page itself but at the act itself.
18. Play for Wales. The Spring 2017 edition of the magazine.
19. One Voice Wales. A Nation’s Tribute and WW1 Beacons of Light update. It was agreed to make enquiries about lighting a beacon to mark the 100 year Remembrance on the 11th November 2018. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on WW1 plans and activities.
20. Welsh Government. The Welsh Government is looking to appoint a Chair to serve on the Board of Hybu Cig Cymru (Meat Promotion Wales).
21. Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2017
Nationwide 29,460.46
Community Acct 4,638.01
Business No Notice Acct 21,950.64
Deposit Account 3,333.59
22. Income
Nationwide – gross int to 31 March 2017 234.41
CCC – Landfill & CAS rents 4,616.50
Deposit Acct – Gross int to 1/12/16 0.38
Deposit Acct – Gross int to 2/3/17 0.32
Precept 2017/18-2/3rds 12,542.83
23. Expenditure
Luke Griffiths – Redesigns UK – dog signs 525.00
M Walker – salary 464.06. off exp 16.01 480.07
Dyfed Alarms Ltd – CCTV maintenance fee 192.00
24. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A170264. Proposed metal cast oak tree. The inter-tidal zone on the beach between Borth and Ynyslas. Mr Robert Davies, Cae Bach, Taliesin, Machynlleth. Members of the public were asked for their views on the project. The main issues against the proposal were: Encroaching the natural world, a health and safety risk in particular to kite surfing which is extensive on that stretch of beach. One member said that beaches are generally one of our last democratic spaces. On the planning application only two spaces has been allocated for parking. How would Borth cope with more traffic, especially during the main holiday season? Evidence of a pre-historic forest is still very apparent in Borth and Cantre’r Gwaelod is a legend in itself. One Council member felt that the split was 75% against with 25% for. Whilst the tree concept in itself is an excellent idea it would be better positioned by the RNLI station or by the Visitors Centre in Ynyslas. Another member was concerned that people could attempt to climb it and that it would attract debris from the beach.
Those for the proposal preferred to think of it as an enhancement not an encroachment. The silent majority were not heard whilst the vocal minority are complaining. One member felt that it was a privilege that a young artist wants to do something in Borth as we are known for being an artistic, creative community. This could be used as a great vehicle for combating regeneration.
The following comments were sent to the planning department.
This planning application was discussed at the meeting of Borth Community Council on Monday 8th May 2017 with members of the general public in attendance. The Council allowed them to express their views and all were against the tree in the proposed location. The 8 Councillors in attendance were asked to vote, 2 expressed their support for the scheme, 5 voted against and 1 abstained. 2 absent Councillors supported their objection with written correspondence. These were considered by Council and 6 of the Councillors present fully supported the comments and concerns made. I have therefore attached the comments for your consideration.
A170336. Demolish an existing extension and porch and erect a new extension. Sandy Nook, Ynyslas, Borth. Cllr Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room. NO OBJECTIONS.
25. The following was sent by Cllr Hulse in her absence: Thank you very much for electing me as Chairperson. I would like to take a forward look to potential proactive matters that we could work towards in the June meeting and would appreciate this being an agenda item. In preparation it would be good if everyone could consider what they see as potential priorities (not necessarily covered in the community action plan) that we could aim to achieve in the next year or make a difference on, some ideas may link to identified areas of Councillors responsibilities. Also to bring back ideas on capturing feedback from residents and visitors to complement the community action plan.
An updated Community Emergency Plan is now available. The key change from the February 2016 version is the updating of the Flood warning quick dial numbers. The Floodline number is 0345 988 1188. No Quickdial code will now be needed if calling from a phone registered to receive flood warnings. Otherwise the new Quickdial code for the Borth Tidal area is 603035 and the River Leri is 603133. The Community Emergency Plan is available from http://www.borthcommunity.info/index.php/emergency-plan
An updated flyer for the noticeboards and Community Hall has been prepared and submitted to this months meeting.
We are always looking for more Community Wardens, do please get in touch or share this request if you know of anyone who may be interested.
Yet to finalise the Japanese Knotweed leaflet, Ceredigion County Council had kindly arranged translation last month and will also arrange for it to be printed. I hope to update the leaflet into a final bilingual version very soon and share back with CCC so we can get it out in the next month if possible.
Anyone wishing to join the community email group for occasional updates and information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Also to bring up that John from the YHA found the metal sign and stand for the submerged forest on the sea wall, he thought it looked like somebody pulled it out of the ground and left it by the rubbish bins. I can pick it up next week if no one else does, worth raising to see about putting it back in.
I'd like to suggest to Council that we invite the Dyfi Biosphere to a future meeting/pre-meeting to explore the key areas they think we could realistically help with and for us to better understand opportunities for our area. They would be pleased to attend such a meeting.
26. The following responsibilities were allocated to all Councillors. Members present resolved to accept these responsibilities.
G Ashley Visual Improvement of the Environment and Arts, Dogs and Speeding
C Bainbridge Children’s Play Area, Governor Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa, WW1 & Community Health Council
R Dalton PACT, Family Centre Trustee and Housing
M Griffiths One Voice Wales and Health
J Hulse Dyfi Biosphere Representative, Flood co-ordinator, Communication, Community Survey
J James PACT and Police Matters
G B Jones PACT, Arts and Welsh Language, Financial Internal Examiner
N Salmon Litter, Sustainability, car park, footpaths and footways
M J Willcox Fire, Council Representative on the Hall Committee, Flood co-ordinator & Estates, Financial Internal Examiner
W J Williams PACT and Police Matters
27. Following brief discussion members resolved to formally appoint Mrs Hilary Matthews as the Council’s Internal Auditor for the 2017/18 financial year. The Clerk will send a letter to Mrs Matthews to confirm her appointment.
The following was sent in by Cllr Salmon in her absence:
Footpaths - Could we have a notice on the Facebook page calling for people to join the footpath adoption volunteer team? Could you put my name and my email address on it asking people to get in touch if interested? I'll then arrange a meeting.
The Church Lane / parking / ditch issue - There is still a lot of concern being expressed about the blocking of the drainage ditch along the lane near the railway crossing by the chapel. In particular, more than one person has expressed concern about increased flood risk.
Someone else has complained that cars that end up down there (possibly due to sat-nav?) are now having to reverse back around the corner and are then reversing into his driveway to turn around. Is there any more news on this from NRW?
The Tree Charter - A week or two ago Margaret forwarded an email form One Voice Wales that caught my eye. More than 70 different organisations are involvedin this now. The Charter for Trees is intended to guide policy and practice in relation to woodland and trees in the UK. The new Tree Charter is due to launch on the 6th November 2017. They are calling for local councils to sign up. Could we, as a community council, consider signing up to this Charter? I took a look at the website and saw that a lot of community organisations have signed up - including Mind Aberystwyth who volunteer at Borth Community Gardens regularly. I am going to suggest that the Gardens signs up. Maybe this would be a good thing for BCC to actively support - valuing living trees and their benefits for the environment, wildlife and people. I would be happy to be involved in any related activities. Here is the weblink. https://treecharter.uk/
Cllr C Bainbridge. The original application for the relocation of the pharmacy has been withdrawn. Another application has been submitted for relocation to the Old Bakery (Pine Shop), Borth. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on her work with the Community Health Council.
Cllr G Ashley gave an update on dog signs which are now in situ around the sea front. Visitors and locals are continuously walking their dogs on the beach despite the seasonal ban. Ceredigion does not have a dog warden at present except for collecting strays. Cllr Bryn Jones suggested purchasing large banners depicting the dog ban areas which could be attached to railings. Cllr James asked for signs directing visitors to the dog walk area. It was agreed to purchase two banners and two signs for the dog walk. Cllr Ashley informed members that the next speed awareness session was scheduled for the 17th May at 8.30am. It was also mentioned that Taliesin had a police mannequin on the side of the road which could act as a deterrent for speeding. Cllr Ashley will make enquiries with PCSO Dave Goffin. Cllr Bainbridge is concerned that motorists are not indicating when leaving the main road out of Borth and taking a left turn to Ynyslas.
Cllr Bryn Jones has visited Libanus and says that the establishment has given Borth a lift. He asked that Council send a letter of congratulations.
Cllr M Willcox has emptied the waste bin on the lane to the church three times over the last few weeks. Cllr Dalton volunteered to do it for the next month. The stormboards have been removed and a list of the residents who have agreed to store them has been given to the Clerk. Complaints are still being received in respect of overnight parking of motorhomes etc on the promenade. Cllr Willcox gave a brief update on the situation with regard to cutting the grass on the football fields. He has applied for a licence to use machinery on the playing fields but to date has not heard anything back from the authorities.
Cllr Billy Williams is still concerned at the amount of fly tipping on Clarach Road and the amount of litter at the roadside between Clarach and Borth.
Cllr J James asked for signage by Ty Du where the road narrows alerting motorists to slow down.
Cllr R Dalton said that the footpath sign between Richmond and Ynys Wen has not yet been replaced. Cllr Quant confirmed that a sign was on order.
28. Cllr Quant is still waiting for sight of the recent report for the proposed coastal defence scheme between the Golf Club and Ynyslas. He has requested “Slow Down – Horses” signage on Clarach Road and clearance of the culvert at the bottom of Brynbwl Lane. Cllr Quant mentioned the skatepark equipment which has been offered to Borth Community Council from Aberystwyth Town Council. After much consideration it was decided to decline the offer on the basis that at present there is nowhere to put a skatepark and the equipment is being replaced due to wear and tear.
29. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5 June 2017 to include the Chairman’s and Councillors Declaration of Acceptance of Office, Approval of Annual Accounts, Community Action Plan and Co-Option onto Council. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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