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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - October 2017

Present:    Chairperson:   J Hulse
R Dalton
G B Jones                   
S Jones
M J Willcox
In Attendance:  Clerk:    M Walker
             County Cllr:       R P Quant  
                                        2 Members of the Public.  
154.  Cllr G Ashley, Cllrs C Bainbridge, M Griffiths, J James, N Salmon and Cllr W J Williams.
155. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
156.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 September 2017 as being a true record.
157.  Dogs.  Minute 102.  Ongoing.
158.  Community Action Plan.  Minute 103.  Ongoing.
159.  Maintenance of Leats.  Minute 149. Ongoing.
160.  One Voice Wales.  Cynnal Cymru Events newsletter.
161.  Citizens Advice Bureau.  An invitation to attend their AGM at the Feathers Hotel in Aberaeron on the 28th September.
162.  Ceulanmaesmawr Community Council.  Details of a vacancy for a new council clerk.
163.  One Voice Wales.  The AGM motions 2017, a letter from Jayne Bryant AM enclosing a report produced by Age Cymru on loneliness and the latest news and stories from Natural Resources Wales.
164.  Ceredigion County Council.  Improving access to recycling information and details of recycling drop-in sessions.
165.  Grant Thornton UK LLP.  The audit for year end 31 March 2017 has been certified by the auditors and Notice of Conclusion of Audit has been placed in the noticeboard.
166.  Donation Requests.  Urdd Gobaith Cymru Ceredigion, Bro Dyfi Advice Centre and Macmillan Cancer Support.
167.  Welsh Government.  The Welsh Government is looking for applicants for the post of President to the Board of Trustees of National Museum Wales for a period of 4 years from 1 February 2018.
168.  HM Revenue & Customs.  A letter advising that from the 15th December 2017 PAYE payments will no longer be accepted at the Post Office and that other ways to pay are direct debit, online or telephone banking.
169.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a training course on Local Government Finance at the Morlan centre on Wednesday 11th October.
170.  One Voice Wales.  Agenda for the Ceredigion Area meeting to be held at Penmorfa on the 18th October.
171.  Ecodyfi.  Details of up to date events etc.
172.  One Voice Wales.  The September 2017 news bulletin which contains guidance notes on the appointment of an internal auditor for community and town councils.
173.  Balance of Accounts at 13 September 2017
         Nationwide                                                                   29,460.46
         Community Acct                                                               500.98
         Business No Notice Acct                                              31,609.53
         Deposit Account                                                             3,333.59 
174.  Income    
         Business No Notice – gross int to 31 Aug 2017                   2.96
175.  Expenditure
         Post Office Ltd – PAYE July, Aug & Sept                        348.00
         M Walker – salary £464.06, off exp £7.99                        472.05
176. Application for Planning Permission.  
There were no planning applications to consider this month.
177.  The Clerk provided information on the volunteers who currently maintained the flowerbeds and those volunteers wishing to carry on doing so.  There are at least 3 beds currently not being looked after and Cllrs Rona Dalton and Stacy Jones agreed to work together to look for willing volunteers. It was suggested that the Scouts group may be interested. Members agreed to continue with the payment of £25 per flowerbed.
178.  Cllr Hulse declared an interest but remained in the room. Cllr Quant gave handouts to all those present including maps of the Borth IDD area and a brief history of the maintenance of the leats to date. Members agreed to write to Natural Resources Wales to ask for a copy of the report following a detailed study of the Borth IDD carried out by Richard Frew and a request for a meeting with NRW to discuss various issues before the November meeting of Council.
179. Cllr Rona Dalton kindly hand delivered 94 leaflets on Japanese Knotweed in Borth. The leaflet was also put on Borth website, Facebook and emailed to the Community Wardens and Community email and will also be displayed in the community noticeboards.
There has been some response but not as much as anticipated and Cllr Hulse suggests we follow this up further (personal visits?) to identify households who may be interested in tackling the problem now or in the near future. 
Emergency Plan.  We have been given a Flood Risk Awreness Guidance and a laminated checklist for Wardens to use to stay safe by NRW and will look into ways to share these wider with the Community Wardens.  With the Autumn and possibly more storms some NRW Floodline Warnings registration forms were shared for Councillors to take to groups they are involved with to see if any new registrations can be captured.  We could create a visual diagram of who to contact as Emergency Coordinators and wardens, perhaps grouped by areas as may increase chance of someone knowing their local Warden and encouraging others to join.  There may be more Flood Network events next year including a possibility of one locally.  Cllr Hulse suggested an early evening open drop-in event for local communities may also be of interest with examples of protection products.  There is a homeowners guide to resilient property at: 
Concerns have been raised locally in Ynyslas regarding a camera erected on the side of the road and near the settlement edge in SeaRivers.
180.  In her absence Cllr Ashley asked for the following updates to be read out at the meeting. She has sourced a small lockable showcase to hold the glass trophy to hold the One Voice Wales Innovative Practice Annual Award for Best Community Engagement Initiative. It can be screwed to the wall in the hall foyer. Luke will take down all the council dog signs and move ours up so they are no danger to children and he will also remove the banners until next year.  The banners will be stored in the news rooms at the Community hall for safekeeping.  
Cllr Salmon in her absence asked for the following to be noted:  Tree Charter Legacy Tree application has gone in with a view to get right a tree with a plaque placed in the community gardens. She has emailed the county council about a recycling day sometime in October but has had no response as yet.
Cllr Willcox has asked Rob Griffiths to carry out some minor maintenance works to the playground and has arranged for the balance bridge to be removed as the item is beyond repair. Once the minor works has been completed Borth CC will ask Parks and Gardens of Ceredigion County Council for a quote for the remainder of the recommended works.  Cllr Willcox asked for a sum of money to purchase nuts and bolts for the stormboards.  Members resolved to set aside the sum of £50 to cover the cost.
Cllr Stacy Jones gave a brief update on the Councils Corporate Strategy 2017-2022.
Cllr Dalton gave a brief update on the recent PACT meeting where speed was one of the main issues.  The next meeting is scheduled for the 18th January 2018.
181.  Cllr Quant has noticed that the main gates to the car park opposite Brynowen are periodically left open.  A replacement operation of all telegraph poles in the village has begun.
182.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.25pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 6 November 2017 to include Borth Internal Ditch Drainage.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                         
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