Minutes - September 2017
Present: Chairperson: J Hulse
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
S Jones (co-opted at the start of the meeting)
G B Jones
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk: M Walker
County Cllr: R P Quant
3 Members of the Public.
98. Cllr C Bainbridge and Cllr N Salmon.
99. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
100. The Chairman invited Dr Stacy Jones to join the Council. Dr Jones swore her Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed as a member of Borth Community Council. Dr Jones was given copies of the Councils Standing Orders and the Code of Conduct.
101. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 July 2017 as being a true record.
102. Dogs. Minute 72. Borth Community Council was invited along with others to attend a meeting on the 29th August at Waun Fawr Community Hall to discuss an initiative to reduce dog fouling. Cllr Hulse and Cllr Ashley attended. Cllr Ashley gave a brief report under Councillors Responsibilities Minute 151.
103. Community Action Plan. Minute 90. Ongoing.
104. Ceredigion County Council. A consultation document on the closure of Bodlondeb Residential Care Home. The consultation period runs from the 3rd July to the 25th September.
105. One Voice Wales. Consultation documents for consideration. The Revised School Organisation Code which ends on the 30th September. The Welsh Revenue Authority having access to criminal powers which ends on the 2 October 2017. Electoral reform which ends on the 10th October 2017 and a summary of responses on the consultation on the proposal to ban the use of plastic microbeads in cosmetics and personal care products in the UK.
106. Borth Arts. An update and details of an exhibition at Bronglais Hospital as part of the HAUL Arts in health project in which Borth Arts are exhibiting. The show runs from April 9th to July 9th 2018.
107. One Voice Wales. The Older Peoples Commissioner for Wales summer 2017 newsletter.
108. Ceredigion County Council. A response to the request to move one of the street bins on the sea wall opposite the Surrey Café to street level and whether flaps could be fitted to the bins along the wall to keep seagulls etc out.
109. One Voice Wales. The July 2017 edition of the news bulletin.
110. One Voice Wales. The OVW Conference and AGM will be held on Saturday 30th September at the Royal Welsh Showground.
111. One Voice Wales. The revision of British Standard BS 5709, Gaps, Gates and Stiles has now been issued for public comment and will be open for comments until 19 September.
112. War Memorials Trust. A letter informing Council that the bronze panels on Borth war memorial has suffered some minor graffiti and that the Trust administers a number of grant schemes for the repair and conservation of war memorials across the UK.
113. Came & Company. A reminder that the Council insurance policy is up for renewal on the 1st October 2017. The renewal premium is £1875.59 which includes insurance premium tax. Members resolved to pay the premium.
114. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a Carer Aware e-learning course which would ensure that we are up to date with the latest developments to support Carers within the community.
115. One Voice Wales. Details of Radio Ceredigion Local Hero Awards and details of how to nominate.
116. One Voice Wales. Dates of training sessions from September to December.
117. One Voice Wales. Issue 29 of The Ombudsman’s Casebook is now available online.
118. Ceredigion County Council. The Council intends to introduce a policy in respect of its Film Classification Role and the Council as a Licensing Authority is the responsible authority for authorising the public exhibition of films. Prior to introducing a policy the Council is keen to engage with interested parties. A six week consultation will end on the 15th September.
119. Ceredigion County Council. Details of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan review which has been e-mailed to all Cllrs for any comments or suggestions.
120. One Voice Wales. The 2016/17 Consumer Council for Water Annual Review.
121. Donation Request. Mynwent Capel y Garn Cemetery. All donations are dealt with in March.
122. Welsh Government. Details of 4 vacancies for members to the Board of Career Choices Wales.
123. Welsh Audit Office. Details and dates of the Good Practice Exchange seminars and webinars.
124. One Voice Wales. New resources for guidance on how to protect the planet and people.
125. Ecodyfi. Up to date news.
126. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a diversion of footpath 2/31 by Ynysfergi and The Animalarium.
127. One Voice Wales. An online link to “Building a New Local Economy in Wales”, details of a training course on Devolution of Services/Community Asset Transfer and Environet Cymru E Newsletter.
128. Federation of City Farms Community Gardens. August newsletter.
129. Ceredigion County Council. A service level agreement for 1 November 2017 – 31 March 2018 between Borth CC and Ceredigion CC for the cleaning of the beachside toilets (adjacent to the RNLI). Members resolved to continue with the agreement at a cost of £4500 + vat for the period and chair of Council signed the contract.
130. One Voice Wales. Details of “Cymraeg 2050 Grant Scheme” which invites organisations to make an application for funding for new and innovative projects to increase the use of the Welsh language.
131. Welsh Government. Details of a vacancy for a vice-chair to Cwm Taf University Health Board and a National Adviser for violence against women and other forms of gender based violence, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
132. Play Area. The play area safety report has been received and shows that the overall risk rating for the playground is medium which means appropriate action is required within resources. It was resolved to pay up to £500 for some emergency work to be carried out and Cllr Quant agreed to contact CCC for a quote for the remainder.
133. NHS Wales. Notification that the board has approved the relocation of Borth pharmacy to The Old Pine Shop.
134. Ceredigion County Council. A request for feedback on the Council’s Corporate Strategy 2017-2022 and the Wellbeing and Improvement Objectives for 2018-19.
135. Ceredigion County Council. Questions and answers on the new recycling bags.
136. Hywel Dda University Health Board. Details of a public consultation on mental health needs which runs from 22nd June to 15th September.
137. One Voice Wales. Details of the reform of data protection legislation and consultation on the proposed Autism (Wales) Bill.
138. Federation of City Farms Community Gardens. Details of event opportunities in Wales.
139. One Voice Wales. Details of vacancies on the Special Needs Tribunal for Wales and the Adjudication Panel for Wales.
140. One Voice Wales. August 2017 newsletter.
141. One Voice Wales. An opportunity to plant a tree charter legacy tree in celebration of the launch of the new Tree Charter on the 6th November 2017.
142. Ceredigion County Council. A copy of the advertisement for the Cambrian News inviting applications for supplementary snow clearing services during the winter months.
143. One Voice Wales. Details on the “Sustain Wales Awards”.
144. Balance of Accounts at 13 August 2017
Nationwide 29460.46
Community Acct 500.51
Business No Notice Acct 34441.57
Deposit Account 3333.59
145. Income
146. Expenditure
Playsafety Ltd – playground inspection 92.40
One Voice Wales – conference fees 100.00
Newmans Garden Centre – flowerbed comp 45.00
Morris & Bates – charges for works in connection with court proceedings re cleaning of leats 660.00
Came & Company – Council insurance 1875.59
Natural Resources Wales-land drainage fees 1086.99
Sadie Everard – plants for flowerbed 25.00
M Walker – clerks salary 928.12 off exp 34.42 962.54
147. Application for Planning Permission.
A170568. Change of use of “lean to” to a pharmacy. The Limit, High Street, Borth. No objection. However Borth Community Council requests that the applicant conserve the existing historic beach stone wall.
A170658. Erection of single storey rear extension with replacement balcony and alterations to dormer roofs. Ton y Mor, High Street, Borth. No objection.
A170663. Demolition of single storey extension and erection of two storey rear extension and internal alterations. Glan y Don, Hgh Street, Borth. No objection.
A170720. Retention of car port. Otago, Borth. No objection.
A170758. Extension and alterations to existing clubhouse. Cambrian Coast Caravan Park, Ynyslas, Borth. No objection.
148. It was decided that the Clerk would find out whether the volunteers who look after the flowerbeds by the boat park and those opposite the Premier wanted to continue and if not then the Council would advertise for more volunteers. Cllr Hulse suggested a flowerbed by the bus stop at Ynyslas. This item will be on the agenda next month for an update.
149. Cllr Ray Quant distributed a summary of the situation to date. He informed members that the Council had received a summons to appear at Aberystwyth Magistrates Court on the 16th August at 9am to answer a charge of “Between 1st October and 31st October 2016 at Borth, Ceredigion intentionally or recklessly damaged or destroyed places used by wild animals included in Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, namely the water Vole for shelter or protection”. The Clerk passed this on to Tony Bates of Morris and Bates Solicitors who subsequently passed it on to David Hinton-Jones. County Cllr Ray Quant and the Clerk attended a meeting with Mr Hinton-Jones on Monday 7th August. The Clerk was asked to attend court on the 16th to enter a plea. However, on the 15th August the Clerk received an e-mail from Mr Hinton-Jones stating that the Crown prosecution Service were discharging the case as the summons issued was one day over the six months the police authority had following an interview with one of the councillors to bring charges against Borth Community Council. The Council can also apply for ”post charge” costs which amounts to £300 + vat. Cllr Hulse declared an interest at this stage. After a brief discussion it was resolved to apply to the Justices Chief Executive for the post charge costs.
150. Borth Community Council entered the Community Emergency Plan into the One Voice Wales Innovative Practice Annual Award for Best Community Engagement Initiative and came first in Wales for this category. Cllr Hulse thanked all those involved in the Community Emergency Plan. Natural Resources Wales Flood Incident Management passed on their congratulations to Borth community Council and all the flood wardens for our recent success with the One Voice Wales award 'extremely well deserved!' and ‘The plan would not exist if it wasn’t for all everyone’s hard work, passion and dedication that all of you have in abundance’. We have also had some really positive feedback from the community.
Cllr Hulse attended the One Voice Wales larger Councils conference with Cllr. Rona Dalton which was very informative from speakers and trade stands set up. We also received the Community Engagement award at the conference.
The Japanese Knotweed (JKW) leaflet is now printed and ready for distribution along the high street, noticeboards and digitally through the Borth website/facebook and email. 2 have attended and passed the Pesticides/JKW course run and paid for by Ceredigion County Council. They will kindly be providing some voluntary hours treating JKW in Borth in return. A notice will shortly come out to prompt interest in treating JKW in the community and what help is available.
Cllr Hulse attended a Dog Fouling Initiative Meeting, Waunfawr 29 August to hear about a new project to analyse dog faeces with view to reducing the level of dog fouling in Ceredigion through raised awareness of the risk to pets and humans.
Residents have raised; Borth cliff bin has disappeared, two dog signs at Green Dolphin lane, can one be removed and the new one moved upwards. Concern about algae at outflow to Leri and water quality, referred to NRW.
Completed MSc flood mitigation and emergency planning questionnaire about actions residents take to protect themselves. This will be followed up by an interview shortly.
151. Cllr Bainbridge sent a report in her absence. She has highlighted areas of concern in respect of the playground report and has applied for a lottery grant. Ollie Walker and John Lineham attended the knotweed course and qualified in the use of pesticides.
Borth Family Centre has succeeded in getting through to the second round of their lottery bid. Cllr Bainbridge has received notification that the pharmacy will be resited at the pine shop. The bin at Ynyslas has been overflowing during the summer months. Finally the carnival was a huge success and the £10000 raised will be distributed to local organisations on the evening of the 11th November.
Cllr Ashley gave an update on a recent dog fouling meeting which she attended along with Cllr Hulse. The initiative involves undergraduate students collecting samples of excreta from designated areas for testing for worm eggs. It was decided that samples could be taken from Ynyslas and Borth beach, the dog walk and the play area.
Cllr Ashley gave a brief update on the speed watch scheme and would welcome more volunteers. Members resolved to set aside £100 for the removal of the dog signs on the posts where larger signs have been placed and for the removal of the banners at the end of the dog ban season.
Cllr Bryn Jones suggested writing to the carnival committee to congratulate them on organising such a successful event. He raised the issue of the constant flooding by the Golf Club. Cllr Quant said he would follow it up.
Cllr Willcox informed members that the damage to the playing fields following works by Welsh Water has not been remedied despite several attempts by him to get the work done. Cllr Hulse suggested that Borth Sports and Playing Fields Association write directly to Welsh Water. Cllr Quant said he would look into the matter.
Cllr Williams has ordered the Christmas tree and he mentioned that fly tipping and speeding remain a problem on Clarach Road.
Cllr James said that the pavement from the foot of Clarach hill up to the entrance of Brynrodyn has overhanging brambles which desperately need cutting. Cllr Quant said this was the responsibility of the owner of the field. Cllr James also mentioned flooding by Maes Terfyn.
Cllr Dalton gave an update on the Family Centre which is going into its 9th year. On the 6th September they are holding a brain storming session on what more can be done for the next lottery grant application. The next PACT meeting will be held on the Thursday 21st September.
152. Cllr Quant informed members that the tree project would soon come before planning. A Blue Flag Award for Beaches survey has been sent by e-mail to members for completion. The car park gates opposite Brynowen have remained unlocked for some time now and the flag pole on the site needs to be reinstated. Cllr Willcox said he would organise for that to be done. Dwr Cymru is back on site at Ynyslas.
153. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.28pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 2 October 2017 to include Flowerbeds and Borth IDD. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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