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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - July 2017






Present:    Chairperson:                       J Hulse 

                                                            G Ashley                                                          

                                                            C Bainbridge                                       

                                                            R Dalton

                                                            M Griffiths

                                                            J James 

                                                            J Willcox    

                                                            W J Williams                           

In Attendance:  Clerk:                           M Walker

                         County Cllr:                 R P Quant 

                                                               3 Members of the Public. 



68.  Cllr G B Jones and N Salmon.




69. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 




70.  Members resolved to go into closed session at the end of the meeting to discuss the applicants though members would not enter into any discussion on their choice of candidate.




71.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 5 June 2017 as being a true record.




72.  Dogs.  Minute 36.  This item was covered under Councillors Responsibilities.




73.  Welsh Government.  Details of Welsh Government Workshops for local government representatives on higher activity radioactive waste management and disposal.


74.  One Voice Wales.  Confirmation that the AGM of the Ceredigion Area Committee will be held on the 21st June at Penmorfa and will be followed by the ordinary meeting.


75.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the OVW Larger Councils and Innovative Practice Awards Conference which is to be held at the Royal Welsh Showground on the 5th July 2017 and the 13th Conference and AGM of One Voice Wales which will be held on Saturday 30th September 2017.  Cllr Hulse volunteered to attend along with one other Councillor.


76.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a Great Place Scheme in Wales run by the Heritage Lottery Fund.


77.  One Voice Wales.  National Development Framework for Wales Newsletter June 2017.


78.  Ecodyfi.  Correspondence asking whether a spare flagpole at Borth could be used to fly a Dyfi Biosphere flag serving to raise awareness of their international status, up to date jobs and events etc and an invitation to decide on an appropriate elected member  to represent the Councils until the next local government elections.


79.  Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens.  Details of the All Wales Gathering which takes place near Bangor on the 23rd-24th June.


80.  Welsh Government.  Details of a workshop in Colwyn Bay and Swansea for local government representatives on higher activity radioactive waste management and disposal.


81.  Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association.  A request to the Council to purchase a ride on lawn mower for the playing fields.  The cost is £1200 and whilst the mower would remain the property of the BSPFA volunteers from Borth United Football Club would use and maintain it.  Members resolved to purchase the mower.


82.  One Voice Wales.  The third application window of the Sustainable Management Scheme opens on the 10th July 2017.


83.  John Toler.  An e-mail asking whether the Welsh water drainage scheme has been suspended until September as the equipment has been removed and no work is in progress at present.  Cllr Quant is to look into the matter.


84.  One Voice Wales.  The June 2017 edition of the One Voice Wales news bulletin.


85.  Ceredigion County Council.   A reminder for all election candidates to complete a “Return of candidate spending for local government elections in England and Wales”.




86.    Balance of Accounts at 13 June 2017

         Nationwide                                                          29460.46

         Community Acct                                                   1879.70

         Business No Notice Acct                                         35655.57

         Deposit Account                                                         3333.59


87.    Income            

         Business No Notice– gross int to 1/6/17                        2.04


88.    Expenditure

         Post Office Ltd – PAYE April, May, June                 348.00

         M Walker-salary 464.06, off exp 9.73                       473.79

         J H Matthews – audit 2016/17                                  100.00

         BSPFA – ride on lawn mower                               1200.00

         Luke Griffiths – dog sign by RNLI                           222.00




89.  Application for Planning Permission. 

A170493.  1 pumping station, associated apparatus, enclosure and access track. Land to the rear of Long Mynd and 1 Min y Don, Ynyslas, Borth. 

A170514.  Erection of a dwelling.  Bugeilyn, Clarach Road, Borth.

A170549.  Demolition of garage and new extension.  Sea Breezes, Borth.

Borth Community Council supports all three applications and has NO OBJECTION.




90.  The plan has been updated and the Clerk has been asked to organise the translation of the key priorities for 2017/18 for display in the noticeboards and on the website.




91.  The social media policy guideline has been adapted for Borth Community Council and was signed by both Chair and Vice-Chair.




92.  Cllr Hulse gave a brief update on a meeting held with Tony Bates of Morris & Bates Solicitors who has been in contact with PC Ward and fully explained the Council’s position in the matter in respect of clearing out the leat.  Cllr Quant is still awaiting a copy of a report following the inspection of the leats by NRW.




93.  Cllr Hulse prepared an updated and summarised Borth Community Council Action Plan building upon the ‘Have your say’ Community Survey (2015), identifying key priorities for 2017-18. She attended a meeting with Tony Bates of Morris & Bates Solicitors to obtain legal advice in relation to the management of the leats around the football pitch and sports playing fields on 7th June with Cllr. Mike Wilcox, Cllr. Naomi Salmon, Margaret Walker, Clerk and County Councillor Ray Quant. Agreed to take the Biosphere seat for Ceredigion representing 7 Community Councils, the intention would be to engage with the other community Councils as well as consider what we could do in our own area in raising the profile of the Biosphere and any opportunities this may present to us. Cllr Hulse attended the Armed Forces March and Concert on 28th June representing BCC. ​Read social media guidelines that BCC will sign up to and shared adapted template​. Responded on kitesurfers, one seeking permission to teach, one with a complaint at some being inconsiderate, A level geography ​student on independent coursework​ in Borth.

Suggestion that a Dyfi Biosphere flag ​in Borth would help ​raise awareness of this international status.  Spoke to one chip shop in Borth regarding litters and bins and positive help with litter on busy days and with seagull problems. BCC to consider b​adges for members when attending events.​




94.  Cllr Bainbridge has requested a second rubbish bin at Ynyslas. Cllr Quant will follow up. The WW1 bulletins are to be translated into Welsh. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on the Community Health Council and on a recent event aimed at carers which she attended at Gorwelion.

Cllr Dalton gave an update on the recent PACT meeting. The next meeting has been scheduled for the 21st September. She also reported that in future the police will only get involved in the obstruction of cars and not with any parking issues.

Cllr James­ is concerned that there has been no apparent cutting of grass/hedges on Clarach Road and this is obstructing the view of traffic along that stretch of road.  Cllr Quant confirmed that work has begun in the south of the county.  Cllr James also asked whether any progress had been made in the request for signage on Clarach bend.  Cllr Quant to follow up.

Cllr Williams said that there had been several near misses on Clarach road due to the length of the grass.  He also reported that walkers along the coastal path are closing gates thus preventing the sheep from gaining access to their water.

Cllr Willcox has completed the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service survey.

Cllr Griffiths asked whether anything could be done to clear and tidy up the boat park. Cllr Hulse suggested including this on the visual improvement of the environment section of the Community Action Plan.

Cllr Ashley commented that apart from two flowerbeds nothing seems to have been done this year. It was agreed that a list would be sent to all Cllrs of the names of the volunteers who looked after each bed and next year a letter would be sent to each one asking whether they wished to continue.  Cllr Ashley commented on the dog banners and the location of the most recent one by the RNLI. She also informed the Council that PC Goffin would no longer accompany Councillors/members of the public on speed watch when monitoring the speed of vehicles in the community.



95.  Cllr Quant asked whether members could authorise the cutting of grass on the dog walk.  Members resolved to ask Cllr John James to carry out the work.  Cllr Quant is still awaiting the survey report on the proposed coastal scheme between the Golf Club and Ynyslas. He is also to meet with representatives carrying out the construction of the sewerage works to discuss re-stoning the car park and erection of the flag pole.  Cllr Quant has been in touch with the British Horse Society for signage along Clarach Road but in order to qualify there would need to be a minimum of nine horses walking in a group.  The technical services dept at Ceredigion County Council has received reports of caravans and mobile homes parking along the sea front in Borth.  Cllr Quant to follow up. Cllr Williams said that nothing had been to the gathering of water by Brynbwl.  Cllr Quant said he would follow this up too. Finally Cllr Quant gave a brief update on the street bin situation.



96.  Members of the public were asked to leave the room whilst Council went into closed session to discuss the applications received for the post of Councillor.  The Chairman said that once the discussion was over they would be invited back in to the room prior to members voting. Four applications have been received following the advertisement for co-option. Copies of all applications were delivered to members along with the agendas prior to the meeting.  A brief discussion followed and members of the public were invited back in to the room. A secret vote took place and as there was no clear majority the Chair had the casting vote which resulted in Dr Stacy Jones being elected to join the Council.  The Clerk was asked to write to each unsuccessful applicant and to invite Dr Jones to the next meeting to be co-opted onto Council.




97.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.37pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4 September 2017 to include Co-option onto Council and Adopt a Flowerbed.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                         

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