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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - June 2017

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Present:    Chairperson:                       J Hulse                                                             

                                                            C Bainbridge                                       

                                                            R Dalton

                                                            M Griffiths

                                                            J James                                                            

                                                            N Salmon

                                                            M J Willcox                                                                                                    

In Attendance:  Clerk:                           M Walker

                         County Cllr:                 R P Quant 

                                                               3 Members of the Public. 



30.  Cllrs G Ashley, G B Jones and Cllr W J Williams.




31.  Cllr Hulse made her declaration of acceptance of office and took the Chair.  Cllr Salmon also made her declaration of acceptance as Councillor.




32. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 




33. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 8 May 2017 as being a true record.




34. Minute 8. The Clerk confirmed that she has sought clarification from One Voice Wales after James Davies challenged yet again the procedure of resolving the minutes of the AGM as a true record at the next monthly meeting.  One Voice Wales confirmed that the minutes of the AGM are to be resolved as a true record at the first monthly meeting following the AGM and that any matters arising from the AGM would be discussed also at that meeting. 




35.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 8 May 2017 as being a true record.




36.  Dogs.  Minute 4.  Members resolved to purchase another banner for placing by the RNLI station as requested by Cllr Ashley in her absence.  It was also resolved to set aside the sum of £200 for a banner to be put on the beach side opposite the YHA to indicate where the dog ban begins and ends.  This would be dependant on where the banner could be placed.




37.  One Voice Wales.  A copy of the Model Local Resolution for Community and Town Councils.  The Public Service Ombudsman has agreed to the principle of referring some complaints against Members back to Community and Town Councils for a local resolution. However to date there has not been a common process for Community and Town Councils to follow in dealing with such matters. To assist the sector, One Voice Wales has drawn up a model protocol which any Community and Town Council can use in dealing with such complaints.


38.  One Voice Wales.  Details of training sessions for Councillors.


39.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a number of funding pots that have become available for different sectors.



40.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a social media policy from Ceredigion County Council Ethics and Standards. The policy is intended to help employees and elected members make appropriate decisions about the use of social media such as social networking websites, forums, message boards, blogs or comments on web-articles, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. This policy outlines the standards the Council requires employees and elected members to observe when using social media, the circumstances in which your use of social media will be monitored and the action that will be taken in respect of breaches of this policy. The Clerk was asked to e-mail the information to Mr Graham Taylor.


41.  One Voice Wales.  The May 2017 edition of the One Voice Wales news bulletin.


42.  Road Closure.  Notification from Ceredigion County Council that the road from the Golf Club to the RNLI station will be closed between 13.00-14.00 hrs on the 4th August for the carnival procession.


43.  One Voice Wales.  A reminder that One Voice Wales and the Society of Local Council Clerks are holding a joint event on the 12th July in Flintshire.


44.  Community Health Council.  Details of a report setting out in detail what people across the country think the NHS can do better to improve lives of people living with dementia.


45.  Welsh Government.  A request to complete an annual monitoring form for the Code of Practice on Workforce Matters.


46.  One Voice Wales.  Community Energy Wales newsletter May 2017.


47.  Ceredigion County Council. The County Council are seeking views on the review of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan which is the prime means by which county councils identify, prioritise and plan for improvements to their local rights of way network – and in doing so make better provision for walkers, cyclists, equestrians, carriage drivers, off road motorists and people with mobility problems.


48.  Dyfed Powys Police.  A questionnaire for completion from the newly formed National Business Crime Centre which aims to support both policing colleagues and the business community.


49.  Dyfi Biosphere.  Details of the annual meeting etc.


50.  Borth Arts.  An invitation to Council members to attend a private view of “on the edge” art exhibition by Borth Arts on Sunday 11th June between 3-5pm at Caersws.


51.  Seafarers UK.  Details of Merchant Navy day on the 3rd September and a request to fly a Red Ensign.


52.  Welsh Government.  May 2017 Historic Environment update.


53.  Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service.  A request to complete a “Did you know” survey.


54.  Other Correspondence.  The May 2017 edition of the Focus on Play magazine.




55.    Balance of Accounts at 13 May 2017

         Nationwide                                                          29460.46

         Community Acct                                                   3918.62

         Business No Notice Acct                                         34493.47

         Deposit Account                                                         3333.59


56.    Income            

         HMRC – Vat repayment                                        1160.06


57.    Expenditure

         C Bainbridge – flowers for Mrs Gill Quant                  12.00

         Luke Griffiths – 2 x dog ban banners                         312.00

         M Walker – salary 464.06, off exp 15.79                     479.85





58.  Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2017.  Copies of the annual return were distributed to Cllrs.  Cllr Quant gave a comprehensive report on the accounts and the Annual Return. The Council confirms that the Annual Return has been presented to Council and resolved to approve the Accounting Statements 2016/17. The Council noted the contents of the Annual Internal Audit Report which was carried out and certified by Mrs Hilary Matthews (Internal Auditor) and resolved to approve Parts 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance Statement and authorised the Chairman and the Clerk to sign the Return on behalf of the Council. 


The Clerk confirmed that Mrs Hilary Matthews carried out the internal audit on Thursday 11th May and the public Rights of Inspection was carried out on Thursday 25th May in the Community Hall.  The Clerk was asked to send a thank you letter to Hilary for carrying out the audit.




59.  No planning applications.




60.  Cllr Hulse gave a brief update on the 2015 plan which needs updating. She asked members to come up with ideas and to set realistic targets for working towards them such as the eradication of Japanese Knotweed, a leat management plan, a common land strategy, Adopt a Path Scheme and speeding.  Cllr Hulse would also like to see an increase in the numbers of Community Wardens.  This will be followed up as an agenda item at next months meeting.




61.  Following the community council elections the still remains one vacancy on the Council and therefore a public notice has been displayed in the noticeboards giving a member of the public an opportunity to be co-opted onto Council.




62.  The leaflet on Japanese Knotweed has been translated and will be sent to Ceredigion County Council for double checking.  Cllr Hulse read out an e-mail from Lawrence Fansa who is keen to teach kite surfing on a one to one basis on the beach.  She was advised to forward the correspondence to the tourism department of CCC. Cllr Willcox suggested zoning a particular area for kite surfers and jet skiers. Cllr Hulse gave a brief update on the Speed Awareness Scheme.   Cllr Hulse referred briefly to an e-mail for CCC Ethics and Standards Committee on a Social Media Policy (See minute 40) which is intended to help employees and elected members make appropriate decisions about the use of social media. Cllr Hulse proposed that all members read and adopt the template as a reinforcement of what the Council is currently doing.  The Clerk was asked to include this on the agenda for next month.




63.  Cllr Dalton informed members that the next PACT meeting is scheduled for Thursday 15th June at 7pm.

Cllr James said that there is a big problem with speeding on the hairpin bend at Clarach and suggested bigger signage.

Cllr Willcox said that the speed sign by the Golf Club on the road into Borth is not working.  He gave an update on the community hall storage rooms which are near completion. Cllr Willcox informed members that the Borth Sports and Playing Fields Association is looking to purchase a sit on mower for the football fields and has been quoted £1200 for a secondhand one but will try the mower out for a period of one month before making the decision to purchase.  Complaints have been received in respect of a large amount of litter (chip shop paper) and overflowing street bins opposite the Surrey Café.  Cllr Hulse and Cllr Salmon agreed to speak to the owners.  Cllr Quant said that the street bins were emptied daily and that the high street had also been cleaned daily over the holiday period.

Cllr Bainbridge asked for another litter bin at Ynyslas.  She gave a brief update on the Community Health Council of which she is a member. Cllr Bainbridge also gave a brief update on the proposed relocation of Borth Pharmacy and an update on World War 1.  Cllr Bainbridge would like more hard core area in the playground.  County Cllr Quant informed her that a development grant may be available from CCC.  She asked whether the BSPFA would have any objection to portaloos on the field on Carnival Day.  This would be in addition to the service provided by CCC in manning the toilets at the Community Hall. Cllr Hulse suggested she contact NRW for their consent.

Cllr Griffiths praised the new dog signs and banners and suggested having one on the beach side.

Cllr Salmon updated members on the Tree Charter and confirmed that the Council was now registered. She asked Council to consider another dog bin by the church and volunteered to empty the one on Church Lane.   Cllr Salmon has received the names of 4 volunteers to join the footpath adoption volunteer team.




64.  Cllr Quant gave an update on a conversation he had with the Clerk of Aberystwyth Town Council in respect of a dog fouling prevention scheme with a company called Kingdom Security.  Members agreed that the scheme should be researched further.  Work is due to commence on the ditch behind the houses in Glanwern in July.  Cllr Quant informed members that a survey on the leats had been carried out during the last few weeks as part of the Internal Ditch Drainage Scheme. He has still not received the report for the proposed coastal scheme between the Golf Club and Ynyslas. 




65.  Members resolved to go into closed session (Section 62) at the end of the meeting to discuss this item.  All 7 members voted in favour.




66.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 10.05pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3 July 2017 to include Community Action Plan, Co-Option onto Council and Social Media Policy.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                    



67.  Members of the public were asked to leave the meeting as Council were going into closed session. Cllr Quant distributed papers with information on the situation up to date. Following an interview with Cllr Mike Willcox by the police in respect of the recent clearance of the leat members resolved to seek legal advice regarding Uppingham Fields and if necessary the Council will instruct Morris and Bates Solicitors to act on their behalf. Cllr Hulse thanked Cllr Quant for all his hard work in the producing of background information for members. 

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