Coastal Defence Phase 2 Progress Pictures Oct 2014
Not much of Groyne 2 showing now as its been buried and completed.
Matthew Richards tells me although it's been buried it will still do what it's meant to do.
Stockpiled clay and peat ready to be buried.
Stockpiled rock ready for Breakwater 3
Working on Breakwater 3 half complete, peat & clay being removed for burying.
Peat and clay being loaded on to trucks to be stockpiled ready for burial.
Constant battle to keep water pumped out, as peat and clay removed.
Rocks unloaded ready to be placed in position to construct breakwater
Part of breakwater 3 in place
Very important that transporters keep off the sand, so as not to damage buried forest.
Transporters keep as close to the breakwater as possible.
Breakwaters have to be quite wide, so as to work as they are required to do.
Accompanied by Bam Nuttall's Matthew Richards patiently answering all my questions.
You can see the tracks close to the breakwater.
Groyne 1 - 20%, complete back end finished.
Rocks in place, tides dictatate where work is carried out to keep construction moving
Lorry being loaded with rocks, ready for breakwater construction
Wooden groynes will be saved, and are being used to repair storm damaged breastwork.
Looking South along the beach to where breakwaters 2 & 3 will be constructed.
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