Minutes - December 2018
266. None.
267. None.
268. The Chair Cllr Carol Bainbridge welcomed Emma to the meeting. An executive summary on Borth Sailing School prepared by Emma was e-mailed to all Cllrs prior to the meeting. A question and answer session took place with all Councillors having an opportunity to ask questions and raise any concerns they may have and an opportunity for Emma to respond.
269. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
270. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 5 November 2018 as being a true record.
271. Childrens’ Playground. Minute 235. A letter will be read out under correspondence in respect of the playground. Cllr Bainbridge has arranged a meeting with two playground designers and has submitted a bid for £4500 from the Welsh Government All Wales Play Opportunity Grant.
272. Street Lighting. Minute 262. The Clerk has received a reply from CCC in respect of an enquiry to change the turning off of the street lights from the existing 12am to 5am to 1am to 6am. Some amendments would have to be made and the cost to the Council for the extra units has raised the amount from £1298.00 to £1917.50. Following a lengthy debate a proposal was put forward by Cllr Bryn Jones and seconded by Cllr Gwenllian Ashley to change the timing of the switching off of the street lights to the new time of 1am-6am. Members voted with 3 votes for, 6 against and 1 abstention. It was therefore resolved not to proceed with any changes.
273. Welsh Government. An update on the latest consultations which are available to view online.
274. Natural Resources. November 2018 bulletin - Issue 33.
275. Ecodyfi. Latest news and activities.
276. One Voice Wales. Updates on Tree Charter Day.
277. Wales Audit Office. Details of a report on Local Government Services to Rural Communities.
278. Childrens’ Playground. A letter from the insurance company asking whether the Council wishes to proceed with the claim for damages to equipment during storms in February. The Clerk was asked to confirm that we would not be proceeding with the claim.
279. Sovereign Play. A letter offering a free quote and 3D design without obligation for playground projects.
280. One Voice Wales. Entries for the OVW Innovative Practice and National Awards Conference 2019 are to be in by the 25th January 2019.
281. One Voice Wales. Details of a scoping exercise in order to identify gaps in services for Veterans and their families in Wales.
282. Welsh Government. The maximum expenditure under Section 137 for 2019-20 will be £8.12 per elector.
283. Ceredigion County Council. Closing dates for dispensation applications.
284. Donation Request. A letter on behalf of Borth Youth Club asking for financial assistance of £150 to purchase 2 five slot bike racks and ten bike locks. Cllrs Dalton, Hughes and Cllr Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room. Members resolved to donate £150.
285. Welsh Government. Health and Social Services Newsletter.
286. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a Code of Conduct training session at Penweddig School on Monday 11th February at 7pm. Cllrs C Bainbridge, G Ashley, R Dalton, M Griffiths, Cllrs H Hughes and Phil Turner-Wright have agreed to attend.
287. One Voice Wales. December 2018 News Bulletin.
288. One Voice Wales. Details of future training sessions.
289. Play for Wales. Autumn 2018 issue of the play magazine.
293. Application for Full Planning Permission
A181057. Extension to the existing dwelling. Pant Haul, Borth. Borth Community Council has no objections subject to NRW observations.
294. Members resolved to go into closed session at the end of the meeting to discuss the applicants though members would not enter into any discussion on their choice of candidate.
295. The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales has published a draft report and is proposing further changes in respect of payments to members of community and town councils. The Clerk was asked to forward the document to Cllrs for consideration before setting the budget in January.
296. Cllr Hughes began by saying that he had been approached by a member of the public in respect of an area of common land by the Animalarium following the last meeting. Concerns were raised following a meeting Cllr Hughes had with Cllr Bainbridge and a member of the public who believed that no permission was sought for the erection of the boundary fence. Cllr Hughes had prepared an extensive report and said that the area of law in relation to the management of common land is complicated. Cllr Quant said that Billy Williams claims to have had permission from the Crown Estates to erect the fence in question and that he would gather evidence to prove that the fence was put up before The Commons Registration Act 1965. Cllr Hughes claims that having sought advice from the Rights of Way and Common Land Officer at CCC that any fence put up before 1965 would still have to be registered.
297. Cllr Turner-Wright has looked into car parking on the site of the old community hall. He believes that there are three abandoned vehicles on the site. Cllr Quant said he will source a legal plan which will confirm ownership boundaries for the car park together with right of access. He also said he would arrange for the “abandoned” vehicles to be removed provided he had the registration numbers. Cllr Turner-Wright following a request was given permission to carry out a survey on the site.
298. It was unanimously resolved to agree in principle to a lease between Borth Community Council and Emma Heathcote. The terms would be a 25 year lease at £50 per annum for the first 5 years and £500 p.a for years 6-25 which could be reviewed during that term. Members authorised Cllr Quant to draw up a lease for the boat park to be considered at the next meeting.
299. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on a carers meeting she had attended. She was aware that on at least two occasions ambulances had failed to turn up to patients. Cllr Willcox reported another occasion following an incident on the football pitch. Father Christmas will make his annual visit to Borth on Tuesday 18th December. Cllr Bainbridge hopes to arrange a Council dinner for February with Robert Griffiths, Sue and Ianto Thomas as guests.
300. Cllr Ashley – PC Dave Goffin has made contact in respect of speed awareness sessions.
Cllr Turner-Wright gave a brief update on a meeting he had with a representative of NRW to discuss ditch clearing in Borth. He also mentioned a problem with the pipe discharging ditch water into the sea. Following a request Cllr Turner-Wright was given permission to survey the drains.
Cllr Dalton - Next PACT meeting is to be held on the 17th January.
Cllr Willcox – top of the slipway requires repair works to be carried out.
Cllr Hughes has attended a meeting of objectors to the Tree and has introduced himself to Rob Davies.
Cllr Griffiths gave a brief update on the Biosphere meeting.
Cllr Jones asked whether the Council has enough grit in the event of bad weather. Cllr Willcox confirmed that there was a stock pile.
301. The 2020 National Eisteddfod is coming to Aberystwyth and Borth has to raise £5000 towards the event. A meeting has been arranged for the 9th January 2019 to discuss fund raising. Cllr Willcox suggested that Borth Community Council makes up any shortfall in monies raised. It is proposed to set up a fund raising committee.
302. Members of the public were asked to leave the room whilst Council went into closed session to discuss the applications received for the post of Councillor. Cllr Hughes declared a personal interest and left the room. Three applications have been received following the advertisement for co-option. The Chairman read out all three applications. A secret vote took place and as there was a tie between two applicants a second vote was taken. This resulted in Mr Dean Tweedy being elected to join the Council. The Clerk was asked to write to each unsuccessful applicant and to invite Mr Tweedy to the next meeting to be co-opted onto Council.
303. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.57pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7th January 2019 are Budgets and Precept and National Eisteddfod. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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