Present: | Chairperson: | J M Lawrence |
| | F Hitchings |
| | J Jones |
| | A J Morris |
In Attendance: | County Cllr | R P Quant |
| Clerk | M C Walker |
| | 7 Members of the Public |
151. Cllrs C Bainbridge, Margaret Griffiths, G B Jones, J Owen, and Cllr W J Williams
152. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
153. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 6 September 2010 as being a true record.
154. Borth Sea Defences. Minute 119. See County Councillor report.
155. Information Board. Minute 120. Ongoing.
156. Bus Campaign. Minute 121. Cllr Hitchings has received a telephone call from Elin Jones constituency office yesterday to say she is happy to come to the proposed meeting but suggested it would be better left until after Cllr Quant had met the Transport Minister.
157. Boat Park. Minute 122. Ongoing.
158. Public Services in Ynyslas. Minute 123 . Cllr Quant informed members that the bin erected inside the bus shelter had now been placed outside.
159. Civic Amenity Site. Minute 136. Cllr Morris referred to a report in the Cambrian News which included an incorrect statement stating that Borth Community Council had voted on the closure of the site. Cllr Hitchings endorsed the fact that Council had not conducted a vote at the September meeting. Cllr Morris presented a letter which he had prepared in advance for Council's support. As there were only 4 members of Council present a resolution to support the letter was not made as Cllr Morris had signed a petition against the closure of the Civic Amenity Site and therefore could not vote. Mr James Davies suggested applying for dispensation in order that members could discuss and vote on the Civic Amenity Site in future.
160. Nant y Moch Wind Farm. A request that Borth Community Council nominate a Community Councillor to represent the interests of the community on the Community Liaison Group. The next meeting of the group will be held on Tuesday 12th October at Y Neuadd Goffa, Talybont. Cllr Jo Jones volunteered to represent Borth Community Council.
161. One Voice Wales. An introduction by the new Chief Executive and motions for debate at the AGM on 9th October.
162. Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management. A request from CCC for information with regards to any significant flood risk areas that the Council believes should be identified together with dates of flooding events, extent and the source or cause of the event.
163. BSPFA. A request for the draw down of £3000 from this years revenue funding. It was resolved to send a cheque for £3000.
164. Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau Special Area of Conservation. A copy of the eighth publication of their newsletter.
165. Tidy Wales Awards 2010. All entries must be received by 19 November 2010. The Clerk was asked to pass the information onto Mr George Romary.
166. Second legislation under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. This consultation seeks views on detailed proposals for the new marine licensing system that will be created in Wales. E-mail to all councillors.
167. CAVO. An invitation to attend the AGM on Thursday 7th October in Cardigan together with a survey for completion.
168. CCC Consultative Meetings. An invitation to attend and meet with the Leader and the Chief Executive of the Council at Rhydypennau Hall on 2 November 2010 at 7.00pm. The Clerk and Cllr Jo Jones were asked to attend the meeting on behalf of the Council.
169. IPC Stakeholder Event. An invitation to attend an IPC stakeholder event on Monday 18th October at 6pm in Gogerddan. The purpose of the meeting is for the IPC to explain to its stakeholders the process relevant to applications for nationally significant infrastructure projects such as the proposed wind farm in Nant y Moch.
170. Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales. A review of the electoral arrangements for Ceredigion. Comments to be submitted by 9 November 2010.
171. Donation Requests. Relate, Mid Wales Colo-Rectal Cancer Fund, Dyslecsia Cymru, Urdd Gobaith Cymru and Eisteddfod Genedlaethol. These will be discussed at the March 2011 meeting of Council.
172. Council Vacancy. Letters from Mrs Lorraine Moore and Mr Mike Wilcox asking to be considered for the post of Councillors. The Clerk read out an e-mail from Helen Harries, the Electoral Services Officer confirming that she had received the ten names required to hold a By-Election for the two Council vacancies. She asked for confirmation as to whether the Community Council would require her to produce poll cards for the electors of Borth informing them of the by-election. It was resolved to send poll cards to all eligible electors.
173. Borth Civic Amenity Site. A letter from Mr Peter Colwill concerning the proposed closure of the site. The Clerk was asked to send a reply.
174. Cllr Margaret Griffiths. A letter from Cllr Griffiths advising that due to extra work commitments she has decided to resign from Council. The Clerk was asked to send a letter.
175. Borth United Football Club. An invitation to purchase a willow tree which will be planted in line by the side of the pitch at a cost of £65. This will be deferred until the next meeting.

176. Balance of Accounts at 13 September 2010
Nationwide | 29,992.67 |
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct | 500.54 |
Business No Notice Acct | 17,953.25 |
Deposit Account | 2 ,340.50 |
177. Income
Business No Notice Acct - Int to 2 Sept | 2.42 |
178. Expediture. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
BSPFA | 3,000.00 |
M Walker - Clks Sal 466.32, off exp - 11.47 | 477.79 |
179. Planning Permission Granted.
A090209. Appeal. Ref: App/D6820/A/10/2127326. Erection of a car jet wash. Borth Launderette, West End, Borth. APPEAL ALLOWED AND PERMISSION GRANTED.
A100465. Erection of new porch and balcony structure to front elevation. The White House, High Street, Borth.
180. Deferred until the next meeting in November.
181. Cllr Quant confirmed that the issue of the lease had been resolved.
182. No Report.
183. Cllr Jo Jones gave an update on the recent PACT meeting which highlighted parking issues in Borth. Cllr Quant advised members that CCC are to review all traffic orders in Ceredigion. Cllr Morris had received a telephone call from a resident of St Winifreds Clos asking for 3 street lights to be switched back on in their estate. Cllr Morris asked who would be liable if an accident were to happen during the period when the lights are switched off and where does Borth Community Council stand in terms of legal liability. He also raised the question of who's responsibility is it financially to have the system modified. Cllr Quant confirmed that these concerns had been addressed previously and the whole issue of the lighting should be reviewed in December prior to setting the precept in January. He did confirm however that CCC are liable for any claims due to accidents.
184. The owners of the Animalarium has requested that a street sign be erected on the road off the high street to their premises. The road has always been known as Y Rhyd and therefore the Clerk was asked to write to Ceredigion County Council requesting that they place a sign on that road. Cllr Quant confirmed that the pavements between Brockhill and the Tourist Information Centre would be renewed in this financial year. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on coastal defences. He also suggested that if the Civic Amenity Site were to close that the bottle bank remains at the current site temporarily or place at an alternative site in order that the car park remains free for materials and equipment for the proposed Coastal Defence Scheme. Cllr Hitchings suggested that the boat park be considered as an alternative site for the bottle bank and Cllr Quant suggested the access onto the dog walk area. This would be discussed at a later date.
185. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 20.50hrs. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 1 November 2010 to include Flood Awareness Action Plan, Borth Community Website, Questions for CCC Consultative Meeting and Council Computer. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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