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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

J M Lawrence
C Bainbridge
M Griffiths (left the meeting at 7.45pm)
F Hitchings
G B Jones
J Jones
A J Morris
W J Williams
In Attendance:
County Cllr
R P Quant
M C Walker
5 Members of the Public
114.  Cllr Janet Owen. Cllr M Teasdale and Cllr Rita Wyatt have both sent in letters of resignation.  Cllr Teasdale has moved away from the area and Cllr Wyatt has resigned due to personal reasons. CCC will be informed and the relevant notice advertising the vacancies will be placed in the noticeboards. The Clerk was asked to write letters to both members thanking them for their contribution to the Council.
115.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
116.  Ms Simone Eade of Environment Agency Wales and Mr Davies Lewis of CCC attended the meeting to discuss flood awareness. Ms Eade informed members that a total of 486 properties were at risk of flooding and only 300+ had registered for the flood warning service. She was aware that Borth had in the past an active flood group who had formed a contingency plan in the event of a flood. Ms Eade produced a comprehensive pack on a Community Flood Plan and asked members to consider the contents and work closely with the emergency services to develop a plan for Borth. Cllr Morris suggested that each member read through the pack and form ideas which could be discussed at the October meeting. Ms Eade gave out copies of a CD prepared by the EAW on flooding. The Chairman thanked both for addressing the meeting.
117.  It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 5 July 2010 as being a true record.
118.  It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the EGM held on 28 July 2010 as being a true record.
119.  Borth Sea Defences.  Minute 76.  See County Councillors report.  
120.  Information Board.  Minute 77.  Ongoing.  
121.  Bus Campaign.  Minute 78.  The Clerk had distributed a letter on local transport addressed to Elin Jones A/M prepared by Cllr Hitchings to all councillors prior to the meeting which was approved. 
122. Boat Park.  Minute 79. Cllr Quant raised the issue of bilingualism and felt that a smaller Welsh sign should be displayed below the English sign.   
123.  Public Services in Ynyslas.  Minute 80.  Cllr Quant agreed to look into the matter of the waste bin inside the Ynyslas Bus Shelter which was currently used to deposit dog waste.  The Clerk was asked to write to the Golf Club requesting the provision of bins on the car park and a further letter to CCC stating that the standard of cleaning has deteriorated since Gerald Bailey left the post in Borth.   
124.  Licensing Authority.  The revised Licensing Policy will replace the current policy on 7th January 2011. Closing dates for comments is 24 September 2010. 
125.  Annual Playground Inspection.  Inspections from September onwards.
126.  Ceredigion Care & Repair.  A leaflet advertising their services and a request to attend a meeting to give a short presentation. The Clerk was asked to pass the leaflet onto Joy Cooke.
127.  One Voice Wales.  Details and agenda of the AGM to be held on 14th July 2010.
128.  Development Control Committee.  Details and agenda for the August and September planning meetings.
129.  Alun Trevor.  Information and an order form for a book written by Alun Trevor “ The Songbird is Singing”.
130.  Welsh Assembly Government.  The Local Government Partnership Scheme Annual Report 2009-10 is now available on their website.
131.  Menter Aberystwyth.  An invitation for a Councillor to represent the Community Councils on Menters' Board of Directors which meet on a monthly basis.
132.  Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management for Wales.  An invitation to attend the launch of the consultation at Newport on 16th July 2010.
133.  One Voice Wales. The July 2010 issue of the monthly magazine.
134.  Dyslecsia/Dyslexia Cymru.  A request for a £20 donation towards their organisation. 
135.  Cantref.  An invitation to attend the AGM on 16 September 2010 in Cardigan.
136.  Household Waste Collections.  The new service will involve a weekly recycling collection service as well as the introduction of a weekly food waste collection service.  All other waste should be deposited in black bags and will be collected fortnightly. Cllr Quant informed the Council of the intention to close the Borth Civic Amenity Site on 31 December 2010.  He presented two papers to the Council on cost and tonnage, which indicate that Borth is the most expensive site to operate and with diminishing tonnage. The Council reluctantly accepted the closure of the site and went on to discuss the retention of the bottle bank.    Two options were considered, namely retaining the bottle bank on the existing site or moving it to the main car park opposite Haven.  It was agreed that the best option would be to move the bottle bank to the main car park to avoid fly tipping on the current site. Cllr Quant also confirmed that the existing rent for both Landfill and Civic Amenity site would continue to be paid to Borth Community Council.  He also outlined the new waste collection service that is due to operate from 15 November 2010. 
137.  Ms Ann Budge.  A letter referring to a recent notice informing us that parking issues were highlighted at the last PACT meeting and the problems encountered when attempting to off load outside properties. 
138.  No Need for Nuclear.  A campaign newsletter on nuclear power stations. 
139.  SSE Renewables.  The proposed Nant y Moch Wind Farm Interim Consultation report is now available to download from the project website.
140.  Borth Station Volunteers.  Planning has now been granted on the Old Station Buildings. However, there are a few financial issues and the group are requesting that the Community Council considers supporting some or all of the outstanding expenditure or contribute towards the annual running costs. Following a short debate it was agreed to look into further funding from Ceredigion County Council and to include this as an agenda item at next months meeting. 
141.  Other Correspondence.  Play for Wales, Glasdon Products, Clerks & Councils Direct.
142. Balance of Accounts 13 August 2010
Nationwide 29,992.67
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct) 500.76
Business No Notice Acct 18,899.83
Deposit Account 2,340.50
143. Income
144. Expediture. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
M Walker - Clks Sal Aug & Sept 932.54, off exp 16.28 948.92
Post Office Ltd - Tax & NI cont for July, Aug & Sept 314.64
145.  Planning Permission Granted. A100348.  Demolition of rear extension outbuilding and erection of a two storey extension.  Kidderminster, Borth. A100365 & A100366LB.  Change of use of redundant railway station ticket office and waiting room to museum/gallery. Borth Railway Station. A100405.  Conservatory to rear elevation.  Sandy Nook, Ynyslas, Borth.
146.  Planning Permission Refused.  
A100448.  Demolition of existing garage and the construction of two detached houses.  Breidden, Ffordd y Fulfran.
147. Cllr Lawrence read out resignation letters from Cllr Mathew Teasdale and Cllr Rita Wyatt.  A proposal was put forward to erect a “Dogs this Way” sign on the cricket pitch fence.
148.  Cllr Anthony Morris gave an update on a recent Flood and Coastal Erosion Management meeting which he attended.  Cllr Billy Williams produced a newspaper cutting on the effects a young girl suffered  after contracting a rare infection from dog mess in a playground.
149.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the Coastal Defence Scheme.  He explained that 6 contractors had bid for the construction contract, which will be let in two phases being early contractor involvement (ECI), followed by actual scheme construction, assuming everything is in place to proceed with the main contract.  The name of the successful ECI contractor will be known on 7 September 2010.  The planning application was considered by the planning committee on 11 August, attended by Cllrs Bainbridge, Lawrence and Morris.  Due to his direct involvement with the scheme as the HPW Cabinet Member, Cllr Quant declared an interest and absented himself from the planning meeting but he was informed that Cllrs Lawrence and Morris addressed the Committee and spoke strongly on the importance of the scheme for Borth. The Committee recommendation was to Defer determination of the application pending responses to consultation and appropriate assessment with the Director of Environmental Services and Housing being authorised to Approve the application.  Cllr Quant advised the Council of two important meetings to be held during September, one with European/Convergence and Welsh Assembly officers on 14 September, followed by a report to Cabinet on 28 September.  If all goes well, then Ceredigion County Council will seek ministerial approval to proceed with Phase 1 of the scheme. 
Cllr Quant reported  he has received a letter addressed to him as the County Councillor from a local resident which states ‘what has never been concluded is why people well know to him are allowed to break the law continually and with no action being taken against them’.   He has referred the letter to the police.  The letter also referred to the writer having taken photographs of parked vehicles that are rarely moved and others that belong to business people and prominent local residents that are parked all day, ignoring the time limit restrictions’.   Cllr Quant reminded everyone of a PACT meeting to be held on 7 September which will discuss parking issues.
Cllr Quant reported that during a recent Ombudsman investigation against him by a local resident he had sought and received information from the Land Registry in respect of land between Pengoitan and Castle Stores and Land Registry records indicate there is an area of unregistered land between the properties, as previously advised by Dr Terry Davies and John Matthews.  Footpath 2/33 goes over the unregistered land and suggested that Borth Community Council may wish to register the land.  After consideration it was proposed  that Borth Community Council apply to register the land.  The motion was proposed and seconded with 6  votes for and 1 abstention.
Out of courtesy Cllr Quant felt he should report on a recent BSPFA meeting when they met with Roy Jones Chairman of the Football Club and Peter Fleming.  They asked permission to plant some trees along part of the perimeter that borders the leat and implement some other improvements.  The BSPFA Committee have no objections especially as the re- emergence of the football club is proving to be extremely successful; especially for the youth within the community.  Mr Fleming the football club grounds man complained about the many instances of dog fouling especially on the new football pitch.  He asked if we could replace the directional dog signs by the Coronation Path footbridge.  Cllr Quant explained the signs had been erected as part of the RDP project but had been vandalised and asked the Council if they would pay for replacement signs.   He also made the comment that when the Council recently considered including additional areas for Dog Control Area, he had asked for the Uppingham Playing Fields to be included in his capacity as Chairman BSPFA rather than as County Councillor. Cllr Quant also advised that following a recent electrical inspection it will be necessary to upgrade part of the electrical installation, especially within the main hall area.  He also gave an update on proposed LDP land allocation for Borth.
150.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.45hrs.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 4 October 2010  to include Flood Action Plan and Borth Railway Station. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.   
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