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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - November 2010

J M Lawrence
C Bainbridge
F Hitchings
G B Jones
J Jones
A J Morris
W J Williams
In Attendance:
M C Walker
5 Members of the Public
186.  Cllr J Owen and County Cllr R P Quant.
187.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
188.  It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 October 2010 as being a true record.
189.  Borth Sea Defences.  Minute 154.  See County Councillor report.
190.  Information Board.  Minute 155.  The Clerk confirmed that she had received a letter from CCC giving permission for the siting of the board on the paved promenade area by the flagpoles subject to certain conditions.  The Clerk read out the conditions in full and it was resolved to sign the document as requested.
191.  Bus Campaign.  Minute 156.  Cllr Hitchings read out a letter from Elin Jones AM. He suggested that the Council should communicate with all community councils and bus companies to arrange a meeting in a location suitable for all. 
192.  Boat Park.  Minute 157. The Clerk confirmed that the sign had been erected on the boat park. Cllr Bryn Jones asked that consideration be given to displaying a Welsh sign.  It was resolved to order the sign from Rebus.
193.  Public Services in Ynyslas.  Minute 158.   Cllr Hitchings has been informed by Mid Wales Travel that the bus service to and from Ynyslas is not well supported.  Cllr Bainbridge pointed out that the usage of the service was spilt between Arriva and MWT as both companies ran their service at the same time. The Clerk was asked to write to both companies requesting that they state their intentions in respect of the winter service.
194.  Civic Amenity Site.  Minute 159.  Ongoing.
195.  Borth United Football Club. An invitation to purchase a willow tree which will be planted in line by the side of the pitch at a cost of £65.  Cllrs Bryn Jones, Jo Jones, Anthony Morris and the Clerk declared an interest and left the room. Members decided against the purchase of a tree on this occasion although the idea had their full support.  Cllr Williams offered to give the Football Club willow trees at no charge.
196.  Borth Civic Amenity Site.  An acknowledgement of a recent letter sent to the department.
197.  Dyfed Powys Police Authority.  Details of a meeting on Thursday 11th November at 6.45 in Penmorfa, Aberaeron.
198.  Society of Local Council Clerks.  A letter asking the Clerk to consider becoming a member.
199.  Age Concern.  An invitation to attend the AGM on the 18th November at 2pm.
200.  Wales Air Ambulance.  Annual Review.
201.  Community Council Brush Cutting Grants 2011.  An invitation to submit a bid for 50% funding for annual brushing on public rights of way. 
202.  ROSPA.  The play area safety inspection report carried out on 1 October 2010.
203.  Donation Requests.  Home Start and Victim Support.  These requests will be considered along with other donation requests in March 2011.
204.  Land at Borth.  An invoice for work undertaken by Alun Thomas & John in respect of a land dispute between Geoff Thomas & BCC.  The solicitors fee to close the file is £88.13.  It was resolved to settle the account.
205.  Cambrian Mountains Initiative.  An invitation to attend one of their open meetings at various venues. 
206.  Election Notices.  The Clerk has had it reported to her that the election notices were not displayed in the noticeboards at 9.30am on 13 October 2010.  The official letter from Bronwen Morgan together with the official notices were dated 14th October 2010 and the Clerk was under the assumption that it wasn't common practice to display notices prior to the legal date which in this case was the 14th October.  However, the notices were displayed on the 13 October 2010 after consultation with Helen Harries, Electoral Officer for CCC. The Clerk also confirmed that the “Statement as to persons nominated” notices dated 26th October 2010 were displayed in the noticeboards on the 25th October as per legal requirement.
207.  Ecodyfi.  Information on the AGM on 16 November 2010.  The Ecodyfi membership costs £1 and the organisation is asking that the Council supplements this with a donation. To be discussed in March along with other donation requests.
208.  SSE Renewables.  A consultation seeking views on the proposed wind farm development at  Nant y Moch Farm.  Comments to be submitted by 30th November 2010. The Clerk was asked to respond by letter to confirm that BCC supports the principle but would give detailed consideration to the proposal on receipt of the planning application. 
209. New Nuclear Build in Wales.  A seminar on 25th November at the local Council Offices to discuss fundamental issues for a nuclear build programme.
210.  Planning Training Workshops.  One Voice Wales has arranged a number of workshops to be held at various locations at a cost of £25 per delegate. This was not supported by members.
211.  Wales Air Ambulance.  Annual review.
212.  Ceredigion Community Safety Partnership.  A request to complete a short questionnaire by February 1st 2011 on crime and disorder within the county.
213.  Borth & Ynyslas Golf Club.  A response to a letter sent in respect of litter on the car park at Ynyslas turn.
214.  Magistrates in the Community Project.  An initiative to increase awareness of the role of the magistrate in the criminal and civil justice system. A request to provide a magistrate to speak to the Council about the role and function of the magistracy.
215.  Menter Aberystwyth.  An invitation to the launch of their Rural Development Plan project for Aberystwyth on Wednesday 17th November at Ceredigion Museum, Aberystwyth.
216.  Cantref.  2010 Annual Report.
217.  Clerks & Councils Direct.  Monthly magazine for members.
218.  Care & Repair.  E-mail requesting to give a presentation to BCC.  It was agreed to decline at present as a presentation had been given previously to the Senior Citizens.
219. Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2010
Nationwide 29,993.43
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct) 500.84
Business No Notice Acct 17,147.25
Deposit Account 2,341.32
220. Income
Nationwide - Gross Int to 1 Sep  0.76
Deposit Acct - Gross Int to 3 June 0.41
Deposit Acct - Gross Int to 2 Sept 0.41
Scottish Power - Wayleaves 36.25
221. Expenditure It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Alun Thomas & John - Land at Borth 88.13
Playsafety Limited - ROSPA report on play area 84.61
M Walker - Cllks Salary 466.32
222.  Application for Full Planning Permission.  A100769.  Demolition of existing extension and the building of a new three storey extension.  Ystwyth House, High Street, Borth. No Objection. A100795.  To resite existing vehicular access to the property to a better visual and accessible position.  Cae Tink, Glanwern, Borth.  Borth Community Council sees  no reason to depart from their previous decision when the application was first submitted.
223.  The Chairman suggested discussing this important issue at a separate meeting with representatives from various community groups and emergency services.  It was agreed to arrange a meeting for Monday 22nd November at 7.00pm.  The Clerk was asked to invite the following: RNLI, Coastguard, Fire Brigade, Hefin Jones (Neighbourhood Police), Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa, Youth Centre Manager, YHA Manager and Borth Surgery. 
224.  Cllr Hitchings praised the excellent website.
225.  Cllr Bryn Jones and Cllr Carol Bainbridge volunteered to attend the meeting as Cllr Jones and the Clerk had prior commitments.  It was suggested that they raise the subject of the proposed closure of the Civic Amenity Site and gritting on B roads.
226.  It was resolved that with the assistance of Mr James Davies and Mr Graham Taylor to look into a new computer system for the Clerk as the existing one is out of date.
227.  Nothing to report.
228.  Cllr Jo Jones gave a report on a recent meeting which she attended on the proposed Nant y Moch Wind Farm development. Cllr Williams reported that he had learnt that CCC had no intention of gritting the big hill on Clarach Road this year.  He went on to say that he felt that the road to the Council should at least be done.   It was agreed to raise this at the Consultative meeting on the 2nd November.  Cllr Morris confirmed that he had written to CCC in respect of the Civic Amenity Site and Cllr Hitchings had written to the Cambrian News.  Cllr Williams said that a private company runs the site at Machynlleth and Cllr Bryn Jones suggested that a Social Enterprise scheme might be the way forward.  
229. Councillor Quant prepared this report in his absence.  
“There are many complex issues in progressing the Borth Coastal Defence Scheme and am pleased to report that  steady progress has been made.  Planning permission was issued on 28 October 2010 subject to conditions which will be considered by the Ceredigion County Council Coastal Protection team.  The Food and Environment Protection Act (FEPA) License was issued on 29 October which also has to be considered by the Council Department.  Subject to resolving two outstanding issues, we are getting nearer to the point of seeking Ministerial Approval and once approval is given we will formally appoint the nominated contractor who can commence the work.  I will convene a public meeting once we have formally appointed the contractor so the community can be informed of the scheduled work programme over the coming months.
I have obtained costs related to the Clos Winifred street lighting query at the last meeting and as it is an issue for the January 2011 Precept meeting I will update the Council at the December meeting.
A teenage member of the community has sent me details of what is termed a Pump Track and asks that one is built in Borth.  I will bring details to the next Council meeting.”
230.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.30hrs.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 6 December 2010  to include Flood Awareness Action Plan and Council Computer. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.   


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