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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - December 2010

Present:           Chairperson:             J M Lawrence
                                                          C Bainbridge
                                                          G B Jones
                                                          J Jones
                                                          A J Morris
                                                          G Lewis (Cllr Elect)
                                                          M J Willcox (Cllr Elect)
In Attendance:            County Cllr:     R P Quant
                                   Clerk:              M C Walker
                                                          6 Members of the Public
231.  Cllr J Owen, F Hitchings and Cllr W J Williams.
232.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
233.  Councillors Elect Michael Willcox and Gwynfor Lewis read out their declaration of acceptance of office and signed the documents. The Clerk gave both members copies of the Code of Conduct and Standing Orders and the Chairman welcomed both onto the Council.
234.  It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 1 November 2010 as being a true record subject to a resolution to amend minute
222 to read as follows:  “As the County Council refused the first application Borth Community Council sees no substantial reason why the County Council should change that decision”. It was resolved to resubmit the amended observation to the planning department.
235.  Borth Sea Defences.  Minute 189.  See County Councillor report.
236.  Information Board.  Minute 190.  It was agreed to delay erecting the new information board until the spring of next year.
237.  Bus Campaign.  Minute 191.  Cllr Bainbridge has been informed by the drivers of both Arriva and Mid Wales Travel that both bus services will continue to Ynyslas throughout the winter.
238.  Boat Park.  Minute 192. The Clerk confirmed that she had collected the Welsh sign. Subject to the correct minimum height it was suggested to place the sign above the English sign.
239.  Public Services in Ynyslas.  Minute 193.   Ongoing.
240.  Civic Amenity Site. Minute 194.  Cllr Bryn Jones suggested looking into the Social Enterprise Growth Fund. Mr George Romary was asked to describe briefly how it works. The £100000 funding is available for enterprises within the community and is a 3 year project.  Cllr Jones has agreed to look into it further and report back at the next meeting. Cllr Lewis suggested approaching various contractors to take over the Civic Amenity Site. This is an option that could be discussed at a later date.  Cllr Willcox enquired about the capping of the Landfill Site.
241.  SSE Renewables-Nant y Moch Wind Farm.  Details of a project launch event held on Monday 29th November at Talybont Memorial Hall from 3pm till 8pm.
242.  SSE Renewables.  Nant y Moch Wind Farm – Draft Statement of Community Involvement.
243.  Ceredigion County Council.  A copy of Ceredigion's County Council's Department of Highways, Property and Works End of Year Report 2009-2010.  The Clerk was asked to send a letter of thanks to Mrs Emma Byrne for achieving both 4 and 5 star awards in the Loo of the Year Awards.
244.  Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority.    Annual Action Plan 2011-2012. Cllr Willcox volunteered to take on the responsibility of Fire matters.
245.  Development Control Committee.  Agenda for the 10th November planning meeting and minutes of the 13th October meeting.
246.  Community Council Brush Cutting Grants 2011.  An invitation to submit a bid for 50% funding for annual brushing on public rights of way. This was again deferred until the next meeting.
247.  Legal Department – Ceredigion County Council.  A copy of the report by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales on an investigation into allegations of a breach of the Code of Conduct by a Councillor.
248.  Plant Dewi.  A request to attend a Community Council meeting to speak about their successful bid for lottery funding and what it will mean for the community. It was agreed to invite Catrin to speak at the February meeting.
249.  Mid Wales Housing.  An invitation to attend a re-launch event on affordable housing on Thursday 9th December at Canolfan Rheidol at 10.00am.
250.  Borth Coastal Defence Scheme.  An objection to the proposed works has been received and as it includes that the proposed works would be detrimental to the Borth shoreline, the objection is to be determined in accordance with section 5(4) of the Coast Protection Act 1949.  It is proposed to hold a hearing so that the objection can be heard by an inspector on the 7th December 2010 starting at 10.00am at the Community Hall.
251.  Street Lighting.  A letter from Mrs Lorraine Moore requesting that the Council puts the item on the agenda for further discussion. This will be discussed in January during the discussion on precept.
252.  Citizens Advice Bureau.  A request for financial support will be considered at the March 2011 meeting of Council.
253.  Morris & Bates.  A copy of the completed Deed of Surrender in connection with the RNLI for the Council's information and retention.
254.  Development Control Committee.  Agenda for the December 8th planning meeting and minutes of the previous meeting.
255.  Borth Station.  An update on the progress of the Museum Project at Borth Station.
256.  Civic Amenity Site.  A letter from Mr Peter Colwill asking what efforts Borth Council has taken to prevent the closure of the site.
257.  Borth Coastal Defence Scheme.  A letter from the Welsh Assembly Government informing that the public enquiry has been cancelled following the withdrawal of the objection.
258.   Balance of Accounts at 13 November 2010
          Nationwide                                                                               29,993.43
          Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct)              500.03
          Business No Notice Acct                                                          16,545.25
          Deposit Account                                                                        2,341.32 
259.   Income
260.   Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
          Royal British Legion – Remembrance Day wreaths                    51.00 
          (Cllr Jo Jones declared an interest and left the room)
          M Walker - Clks Sal 466.32, off exp 30.62                                496.94
          T M Lewis – grass cutting                                                        1250.00
          BSPFA – duplicate of lost chq no  201227                              3000.00    
261.  Audit of Accounts for year end 31 March 2010
During the Audit, BDO identified 2 misstatements which the Council were asked to correct. The Clerk had included the transfer between two bank accounts in boxes 3 and 5 and was asked to enter the correct figures in the appropriate boxes minus £4140 which was the total transferred between the accounts.  The Council, as requested, resolved to re-approve the Annual return and the Chairman re-signed Sections 1 and 2 as requested.  
The issue of Unauthorised Expenditure arose in the “Issues Arising Report”.  The clerk read out the report in full to members.
262.  The Clerk distributed copies of balance and expenditure to date to each member.
263.  Application for Full Planning Permission.  A100835.  Proposed new access to the public highway.  Uwch y Nant, Borth.  No objection.
264.  Full Planning Permission Granted. A041282.  Residential development (2 dwellings).  Part OS 9357, Ynyslas, Borth.
265.  The Chairman gave a brief update on the meeting held on November 22nd.  It was a poor turnout with only representatives from the RNLI and Borth Fire Unit present. It was agreed to put notices in all the noticeboards requesting volunteers to come forward to assist in forming and co-ordinating an action plan.  Cllr Lawrence, Cllr Willcox and the Clerk will meet to discuss the notices further.
266.  It was resolved and seconded that the Council would accept the second quotation provided by CCW Solutions for new computer equipment for the Clerk.  The total cost amounted to £500.55 including VAT.
267.  Cllr Lawrence emphasised the problem of ice on untreated roads over the previous weekend and asked for another grit box at the foot of Clarach  Road.  Cllr Jones said that he had travelled along a short cut between the Aberaeron and Lampeter Road which had been gritted and wondered how many other short cuts had been done. Cllr Gwynfor Lewis said that the bin by the seat near Castle Stores had disappeared.  Had the bin still been there he would have gritted the road and possibly prevented a car from skidding into his front wall.  Cllr Ray Quant explained that a matrix system was used to score routes to be gritted and that Clarach Road, despite having being removed from the schedule, had been gritted following the snow fall.  Cllr Bryn Jones asked the Clerk to write to Ceredigion County Council for a copy of the matrix. 
268.  Cllr Bryn Jones and Carol Bainbridge gave a report on the recent Ceredigion Council Consultative meeting and had raised the issue of gritting.  Cllr Jo Jones reminded everyone of the scheduled PACT meeting on 8th December.
269.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the coastal defence scheme.  The hearing on the 7th December had been cancelled due to a withdrawal of the objection.  The Environment Minister, Jane Davidson, will consider the proposed scheme during the next 7 to 10 days. Once ministerial approval is granted the contract can be signed and an announcement will be made.  Cllr Quant said he would discuss local transport service grants at the January meeting of Council. 
270.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.25hrs.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 10 January 2011 to include Budgets and Precept.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.   
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