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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - January 2011

Present:           Chairperson:             J M Lawrence
                                                          C Bainbridge
                                                          F Hitchings
                                                          G B Jones
                                                          J Jones
                                                          A J Morris
                                                          G Lewis 
                                                          W J Williams
                                                          M J Willcox 
In Attendance:            County Cllr:     R P Quant
                                   Clerk:              M C Walker
                                                          5 Members of the Public
271. Cllr J Owen. 
272. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
273. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 6 December 2010 as being a true record.
274. Borth Sea Defences. Minute 235. See County Councillor report.
275. Bus Campaign. Minute 237. Cllr Hitchings read out a letter he had written to Ieuan Wyn Jones and asked for the Council’s approval. Cllr Quant distributed a chart of allocated funding to areas in Wales. The funding was made up of Local Transport Services Grant and a contribution from Ceredigion County Council. Ceredigion had only received an increase of 1.02% in the last four years. 
276. Boat Park. Minute 238. The Clerk confirmed that the Welsh sign had been placed above the English sign on the boat park.
277. Civic Amenity Site. Minute 240. Cllr Morris suggested holding a meeting with representatives from CCC and Borth Community Council to discuss both Landfill and Civic Amenity Sites. Cllr Quant will arrange a meeting between both parties.
278. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 265. The Clerk confirmed that Mrs Joy Cook has put her name forward as volunteer. The Youth Centre cannot be used as a refuge in any sort of emergency as it does not have a local key holder. Cllr Bryn Jones said he would speak to Andrea Edwards – Youth Coordinator for Ceredigion. It was suggested that the issue could be raised briefly at the Coastal defence meeting on Wednesday 12th January.  
279. Council Computer. Minute 266. The Clerk has received her new computer equipment.
280. Ceredigion County Council. A copy of the Standards Committee full report on the outcome of the investigation into allegations against Cllr Janet Owen.
281. Community Council Brush Cutting Grants. An invitation to submit a bid for 50% funding for annual brushing on public rights of way. It was agreed not to submit a bid this year.
282. Mid Wales Housing. A request for observations on a consultation paper on how the association should allocate housing in the future.
283. Community Supported Agriculture Scheme. This company is based in Borth and Ynyslas and is a non profit organic food organisation. A request for financial assistance to purchase some propagation equipment for the upcoming growing season. 
284. Donation Requests. Marie Curie Cancer Care, Macmillan Cancer Support and The Stroke Association.
285. Standards Committee. A list of dates for the consideration of any dispensation applications received from Councillors.
286. Council Vacancy. A request to display “Notice of Election” posters throughout the Community. 
287. Coastal Defences. A copy of a press release from the Welsh Assembly Government sent by Elin Jones AM/AC on the approval by the Environment Minister of a £6.5million grant towards the first phase of the scheme. 
288. Annual Audit Return for Year Ending 31 March 2010. The audit for year ending 31 March 2010 has been completed by BDO Stoy Hayward. The Annual Return was presented to Council as evidence that the audit opinion had been given. It was resolved to approve and accept the Return. The following issues arising from the report were presented to Council: Unauthorised Expenditure. The Annual return and Notice of Conclusion should then be displayed in a conspicuous place for 14 days.
289. Borth Tip. A letter from Mr Peter Colwill in respect of the closure of the site and a request that Borth Council make some arrangements regarding placing a skip in Borth for the disposal of grass and hedge cuttings. The Clerk was asked to acknowledge the letter and to inform Mr Colwill that a meeting will be arranged between BCC and CCC to discuss various issues relating to both landfill and civic amenity sites.
290. Ecodyfi. An e-mail advising that they are moving premises to Y Plas in Machynlleth.
291. Winter Service Provision. A reply from Ceredigion County Council in respect of the questions raised concerning gritting minor roads. The Council during prolonged periods of adverse weather do endeavour to apply salt to routes outside the route network. A salt box will be provided to replace the one by Castle Stores. An explanation of how the matrix system works was provided in the letter.
292. The Crown Estate Marine Communities Fund. Details about the fund and a new supplementary fund intended to assist smaller community based projects up to £2500.
293. Darganfod Dyfi. A report outlining the provisional routes selected for the Darganfod Dyfi Initiative can be accessed online. 
294. One Voice Wales. December 2010 newsletter.
295. Development Control Committee. Agenda for the January 12th meeting of the planning department.
296. Community Toilet Grant Scheme. A grant for businesses who wish to be considered for the scheme.
297. The Royal British Legion. Details of their “Great Poppy Party Weekend” which will be held across the nation over the weekend of 10th – 12th June 2011 to celebrate their 90th birthday.
298. Ceredigion Local Development Plan. Ceredigion County Council is to consult on the Deposit Local Development Plan which includes documents on Strategy and Policies, Settlement Group Statements, Proposal Maps and Inset Maps, Sustainability Appraisal Report and a Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report. The consultation period will run from 22 December 2010 to February 17th 2011.
299. Clerks & Councils Direct. The January issue of the magazine.
300. Balance of Accounts at 13 December 2010
        Nationwide                                                                        29,994.17
        Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct)    1,000.09
        Business No Notice Acct                                                   12,989.41
        Deposit Account                                                                 2,341.32 
301. Income
RNLI rent                                                                                       500.00
Business No Notice acc - Gross Int to 2 Dec 2010                            2.16 
Nationwide-Gross Int to 1 Dec                                                           0.74
302. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Charge for stopped cheque no 201227 for £3000                          10.00
CCW Solutions – new council computer                                        500.55
BDO LLP – audit 2009/10                                                             334.88
Rebus – Welsh sign for boat park                                                 117.50
A & G Access Hire–connect and disconnect xmas tree lights        139.36
M Walker – Clks Sal 466.32, off exp – 7.68                                   474.00 
Post Office Ltd – Tax & NI Cont                                                     314.64
Paul Walker – Installation of 2 notices at the Boat Park                120.00
Air Ambulance Wales                                                                      50.00
303. The Clerk mentioned the poor state of the inside of the noticeboard at Ynyslas. It was resolved to ask Mr Paul Walker for a quotation to replace the pinboard.
304. Application for Full Planning Permission.  A100843. Proposed replacement garage and store. Ebbtide, Borth. Cllr Willcox declared an interest and left the room. No objection in principle subject to there being no loss of light to any adjoining property.
A100869. Extension of bay window. New roof over bay window and conservatory. Extension of utility room for storage. Anwylfan, High Street, Borth. No objection.
305. Full Planning Permission Granted.
A100445CD. Construction of a coastal defence scheme to replace existing dilapidated provision including the construction of new rock groynes and associated works.
306. The Clerk distributed up to date income and expenditure figures together with a financial plan for 2011/12 which was presented and discussed in detail by Cllr Quant. Members voted against the inclusion of lights energy and engineering in the budget. It was resolved to budget as follows for the financial period 2011/12.
Clerks Salary                                              6,970.00
Employers NI Contribution                             149.00
Office Expenses                                            300.00 
Clerks Gratuity Fund                                     140.00 
Insurance                                                   2,120.00
Chairpersons Allowance                                200.00
Maintenance                                               3,305.00             
Winter Maintenance                                      400.00
Amenities – Hall Revenue                           6,000.00 
Community & Arts Facilities                        2,500.00 
Donations                                                   1,000.00
Miscellaneous                                               500.00 
Contingency                                               1,000.00
Audit Fee                                                      400.00
Election Expenses                                      1,100.00
Total:                                                         26,084.00
307. It was resolved to set the precept at 65% which amounted to £16,954.60.
308. Nothing to report.
309. The issue of grit boxes was raised again. Cllr Bryn Jones and Cllr Lewis asked that one be placed on the route to school. Several residents were seen clearing snow around different areas to make paths and routes accessible. Cllr Jo Jones gave a brief update on the last PACT meeting and informed members that the next meeting will be held on 9th March 2011. Cllr Jones also mentioned the poor state of the bench by It’s A Gift. Cllr Williams said that the Christmas Tree this year had been donated by Mr & Mrs Saunders Jones who refused payment but asked that a donation be given to Wales Air Ambulance. It was ­resolved to donate the sum of £50 and to write to them to thank them for their generosity along with Mr Hywel Williams who delivered the tree, also refusing payment for his services. Cllr Hitchings updated members on the recent Borth Sports and Playing Fields Association meeting which highlighted the issue of the electrics which needed to be brought up to current standards. He asked that the committee consider the sum of £2500 from the Community and Arts Facilities allocation. Cllr Lawrence pointed out that the Borth Station Volunteers were also requesting financial support before the end of March. Cllr Morris suggested that Mr George Romary sends in a letter to the Council before the February meeting with an updated list of expenses. It was resolved to give the BSPFA the sum of £2500.
310. Coastal Defences. Cllr Quant summarised the scheme funding since a £7.4m announcement was made in mid 2009 which kick started huge activity including a public meeting in December 2009 and Public Exhibition in June 2010, when we were working against a budget of £7.4m and deadline of 31 March 2011. In September 2010 he was aware the scheme would cost between £11m and £13m and was concerned the scheme would either be reduced or the funding diverted to other schemes. At the time he decided against sharing the information whilst Ceredigion County Council were in discussions with the funders, otherwise it would have resulted in negative rumours throughout the community. He was pleased that Jane Davidson confirmed approval of the Borth scheme just before Christmas and the overall estimated cost of the work is a staggering £12.996m, which some months ago would have been beyond expectations. He reminded the Council of the public exhibition on 12 and 13 January with a public meeting during the evening of 12 January, when details of the scheme will be explained.
Footway. Due to the coastal defence scheme the footway improvements Cambrian Terrace and Brockhill is delayed until the next financial year.
Playing Fields. The football club have asked the playing fields committee if the main football pitch can be extended approx 35 metres to the North. Cllr Quant explained this would mean extending the playing field on to common land and there are two procedures that can be adopted and he would provide more details at the next council meeting.
Pump Track. He gave details of a request for a BMC pump track he had received from a local youth. It was agreed there was no land or funding available at this time.
Bottle Bank. He advised that following the closure of the civic amenity site a bottle bank has been sited on the hall car park and there is an intention to provide a paper bank.
311. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 10.25hrs. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 7 February 2011 to include Presentation by Plant Dewi. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. 
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