Minutes - February 2011
Present: Chairperson: J M Lawrence
C Bainbridge
F Hitchings
G B Jones
A J Morris
G Lewis
W J Williams
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M C Walker
4 Members of the Public
312. Cllr Jo Jones and Cllr J Owen.
313. The Chairman welcomed Ms Catrin Evans to the meeting. Catrin gave a brief presentation on the role of Family Centres within communities. They are looking for alternative premises to rent at present following a successful bid for lottery funding. Catrin gave each member a programme of events for February and March and hopes to encourage new families to attend the centre in Borth. Cllr Lawrence thanked Catrin for attending.
314. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
315. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 10 January 2011 as being a true record.
316. Borth Sea Defences. Minute 274. See County Councillor report.
317. Bus Campaign. Minute 275. Cllr Hitchings read out a letter he had received from Ieuan Wyn Jones.
318. Civic Amenity Site. Minute 277. The Clerk informed members that a meeting had been arranged for Friday 18th February with representatives from Ceredigion County Council to discuss the closure of the civic amenity site and the future of the landfill site.
319. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 278. Cllr Morris suggested arranging a public meeting with members of the Council present. However, Cllr Willcox suggested identifying and approaching various residents of Borth to ask whether they would be willing to put their names forward as volunteers. It was agreed that this was the best option prior to holding a meeting.
320. Ynyslas Noticeboard. Minute 303. It was resolved due to the state of the Perspex frontage to spend up to £100 on a replacement together with replacing the back of the board with a thin piece of plywood. The Clerk has asked Mr Paul Walker to carry out the works required.
321. Darganfod Dyfi. A list of dates and forthcoming events following the decision to improve various Rights of Way within the Dyfi Biosphere.
322. Footpath Improvements 2/21 Borth. Ceredigion County Council intends to undertake improvement works to Public Right of Way 2/21-Coronation Path.
323. Council Vacancy. The Electoral Services Officer has written to inform Council that she has not received a written request for an election in this instance and therefore advises that the vacancy shall be filled by Borth Community Council as soon as practicable. It was resolved to invite Mrs Lorraine Moore to fill the vacancy.
324. Buckingham Palace Garden Party – Tuesday 12th July 2011. The quota allocated to One Voice Wales is 32 invitations and are therefore inviting the current Chairperson in recognition of past service and a guest to be entered into a regional draw.
325. ROSPA. A request to undertake the annual inspection of the Children’s Playground was approved by Council.
326. Borth Station Volunteers. A list of funding required and a request for a donation. It was resolved to donate the sum of £1550.
327. Mid Wales Housing Association. Questions and answers following an event organised by the MWHA on how affordable housing in the Mid Wales regions should be allocated.
328. Walk for Life 2011. A request to organise a Walk for Life in the area and a request for a donation.
329. Gloucester House Planning application. A letter strongly objecting to the proposed extra storey on the extension at Gloucester House.
330. Donation Requests. Spinal Injuries Association, The British Heart Foundation, Ceredigion YFC and Y Tincer.
331. Society of Local Council Clerks. Details of a 50% Welsh Training Bursary to assist more Clerks to take training.
332. Development Control Committee. Agenda for the 9th February 2011 planning meeting at Penmorfa, Aberaeron.
333. Local Development Plan. An e-mail highlighting an omission from one of the documents made available when consulting on the LDP.
334. Fields in Trust. A programme led by Prince William to protect 2012 outdoor recreational sites.
335. BSPFA. A thank you letter for the Council’s recent financial assistance.
336. Balance of Accounts at 13 January 2011
Nationwide | 29,994.17 |
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct) | 500.54 |
Business No Notice Acct | 11,244.41 |
Deposit Account | 2,341.32 |
337. Income
Rent for Land at Ger y Don | 100.00 |
338. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Ceredigion County Council - by-election fees | 1,424.33 |
Dyfed Alarms Ltd - fault on CCTV 2 | 43.20 |
M Walker - Clks Salary | 466.32 |
Borth Station | 1,550.00 |
339. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A101003. Internal alterations and first floor extension to include a bathroom. Gloucester Cottage, Borth. No objection in principle to the design but recommend that a site visit is arranged by CCC to look at the question of light.
A110006. Erection of a dwelling. Land adjacent Pant-Glas, Borth. No objections in principle to the development providing that an extra dwelling would not prejudice the existing road. Ridge line should be compatible with existing dwellings.
A110057. Access arrangements, design including scale and appearance and layout. (Planning Decision A041282). Part OS 9357, Ynyslas, Borth. No objection.
340. Full Planning Permission Granted.
A100843. Proposed replacement garage and store. Ebbtide, Borth.
A100869. Extension of bay window. New roof over bay window and conservatory. Extension of utility room for storage. Anwylfan, High Street, Borth.
341. Cllr Lawrence suggested holding an annual dinner this year.
342. Cllr Billy Williams had received a complaint from a resident that the public toilets by the TIC were closed recently. The Clerk was able to confirm that they were closed due to burst pipes following the cold weather. Cllr Lewis mentioned the ripped orange netting by Welfare and the sandbags holding the keep left sign up by NISA. Cllr Hitchings said that “New Roundabout” sign was still on display by the NISA. Cllr Quant noted all these concerns. Cllr Bainbridge informed members that the bus timetable had changed. Cllr Lewis asked for a 20mph speed restriction on Clarach Road. This will be mentioned at the next PACT meeting. Cllr Quant is to investigate if there is any purpose to the outfall pipe opposite the old Pantyfedwen site.
343. Cllr Quant asked whether Ray Jones of BAM Nuttall and Alice Johnson of Royal Haskoning could address members at the next meeting and whether Council had any objections to them using the flagpole on the car park opposite Haven. Cllr Quant then proceeded to give a brief update on the coastal defence scheme and the issue of speeding lorries had led to several complaints. Cllr Quant discussed the request to extend the football pitch by 35 metres onto common land. He distributed maps of the area and the proposed extension to all members. Various options were put forward and considered. It was agreed to include this item on the agenda at next months meeting.
344. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.50hrs. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 7 March 2011 to include a visit by Ray Jones of Bam Nuttall and Alice Johnson of Royal Haskoning, extension of playing field area and co-option of member onto Council. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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