Minutes - April 2019
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
J James
G B Jones
A J Morris
D Tweedy
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
4 Members of the Public.
414. Cllrs M Griffiths and H Hughes.
415. None.
416. The visit has been cancelled due to work commitments.
417. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
418. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 4 March 2019 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr R Dalton and seconded by Cllr G Ashley.
419. Childrens’ Playground. Minute 382. Cllr Bainbridge informed members that drainage works to the playground had begun.
420. Common Land. Minute 383. See correspondence.
421. Car Parking on Old Hall Ground. Minute 384. Ongoing.
422. National Eisteddfod. Minute 385. Ongoing.
423. Welsh Flag. Minute 409. Cllr Quant will make further enquiries with CCC.
424. Ceredigion County Council. Notification of road closure on Clarach Road.
425. Welsh Government. A list of all current consultations.
426. One Voice Wales. March 2019 edition of the OVW news bulletin.
427. Ecodyfi. Events at the Repair Café on the 16th March.
428. One Voice Wales. An e-mail confirming that Borth CC has been nominated to receive an award in the Wales Innovative Award Ceremony at Builth Wells on the 28th March. Cllr Bainbridge and Cllr Dalton attended the ceremony and received a commendation in the Community Engagement category.
429. TV Reception. A letter to Ben Lake MP from Digital Uk in respect of the loss of TV channels following a change to Freeview signals in the area.
430. Donations. A request from CAB and thank you letters from Mynwent y Garn, Wales Air Ambulance and Tincer.
431. Grass Cutting. An e-mail enquiring as to whether the grass cutting is up for tender this year.
432. Insurance Claim. A follow up letter from Aviva in connection with a recent claim from a member of the public.
433. Redeployable Cameras. A letter from a North Wales company who deal in cameras and CCTV.
434. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a new Community Gateway scheme. It was decided to invite one of the Community Connectors to the June meeting.
435. One Voice Wales. A request for the Council's contribution to the Understanding Welsh Places website.
436. Common Land. An e-mail from a member of the public claiming that Borth Community Council has constructed an illegal car park on Common Land. Cllr Willcox said he would visit the complainant to resolve the issue.
437. Welsh Government. Health and Social Services newsletter.
438. Merchant Navy Day. An invitation to support this years' campaign.
439. Balance of Accounts at 13 March 2019
Nationwide 29,637.15
Community Acct 500.28
Business No Notice Acct 11,454.76
Deposit Account 3,579.83
440. Income
Deposit Account – gross int to 28 Feb 1.60
Business No Notice Acct – gross int to 28 Feb 9.30
Ceredigion CC – playground grant 4,500.00
441. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
Community Acct – stopped chq charge for lost chq 20,1683 10.00
Robert Griffiths – drainage works to playground 2,040.00
HMRC – PAYE for Jan, Feb, March 364.20
M Walker – salary 508.00, off exp 7.99 515.99
Heledd Davies – welsh translation 77.10
442. Grant Thornton UK LLP. Notice of the annual audit for the year ending 31 March 2019. The notice of appointment of date for the exercise of electors’ rights must be displayed for 14 days from 16 June 2019. The accounts and other documents must then be made available for 20 working days from 1 July 2019 to the 26th July 2019. It is the duty of Borth Community Council to submit a copy of the annual return and supporting documentation to the auditors by the 24th June 2019. The date for the Public Rights of Inspection has been arranged for Thursday 20 June 2019 between 5-7pm in the Community Hall.
443. Application for Full Planning Permission
A190110. Erection of an extension to existing cinema to create new entrance lobby. Libanus 1877, Borth. No Objection.
A190156. Erection of an extension and alterations. Argoed, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth. Cllr Bryn Jones declared an interest and left the room. No objection.
444. One application was received following the advertising of a tender for the boat park. Copies of the detailed proposal from Emma Heathcote was distributed to members. Following a discussion Cllr Morris proposed to accept the tender from Emma Heathcote subject to satisfactory exchange of leases. This was seconded by Cllr Bryn Jones. 7 members voted for the proposal with 1 abstention.
Cllr Morris resolved to submit the draft lease to the Councils Solicitors, namely Morris & Bates, for approval or amendment as required. The cost for the Councils legal advice will be borne by Emma Heathcote. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Ashley with 7 members voting for and 1 abstention.
445. A quotation has been received for £240 plus vat from Luke Griffiths of Redesigns UK for 5 x composite “No Fouling” signs with clips and fitting included. Cllr Ashley proposed to accept the quote and was seconded by Cllr Jones. All members voted in favour.
446. Works to the Roll of Honour is ongoing. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on a recent CHC meeting she attended. Several
concerns have been raised in respect of the beach profile. Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa has had to reduce the hours of one full time
member of staff to part time hours.
447. Cllr Dalton said that there was some confusion over the new parking restrictions and the newly painted yellow lines.
Cllr James is concerned that no work is being carried out to the potholes on Clarach Road whilst a less used road has had major works done.
Cllr Willcox asked for advice on whether to remove the stormboards or leave them in situ until after Easter. It was agreed to remove them after the holiday.
Cllr Ashley has also received complaints about the newly painted yellow lines on the road and the profile of the beach.
Cllr Jones asked whether there was any intention to hot chip Clarach Road as there is bare tar in some areas.
448. Cllr Quant reported that the coastal defence is an issue and that Phase 3 of the scheme is not a priority. He is seeking to have the beach re-profiled. The newly painted yellow lines on some parts of the high street are complete though the associated signage has not yet been put up. There is a National Eisteddfod meeting on the 16th April with a fundraiser function at Boulders on the 21st April and an open family afternoon on the 15th June. The British Legion Anzac dinner will be held on the 27th April and the Dyfi Biosphere AGM is on the 16th May. Cllr Quant sent a brief update to all Councillors by e-mail on a meeting he attended with Network Rail and a representative of Ceredigion County Council to discuss the fencing off of the path which runs from a southerly direction onto the station platform.
449. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.55pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 13th May 2019 to include the AGM and Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the newly elected councillor. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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