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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - June 2019



Present:    Chairperson:              R Dalton                                                         
                                                   M Griffiths
                                                   H Hughes
                                                   D Pryce Jones
                                                   G B Jones                   
                                                   A J Morris  
                                                   D Tweedy                                                                     
In Attendance:  County Cllr:      R P Quant
                         Clerk:               M Walker                     
                                                   5 Members of the Public. 
It was with great sadness that the Council heard that Cllr Gwenllian Ashley had passed away on Friday 31st May whilst a member of Borth Community Council.  Cllr Dalton said a few words and asked all Councillors and members of the public to stand for a minutes silence as a token of respect.  It was resolved to donate a sum of £100 to the families chosen charity from the Chairman’s Allowance.  Cllr Hughes proposed the motion, Cllr Bryn Jones seconded with all members voting in favour.

37.  Cllrs C Bainbridge, J James and M J Willcox.


38. Ms Wendy Mclean has concerns about the common land behind her house.  Tons of domestic waste has been deposited amongst the trees to the right of the football pitch. She has strong objections to cattle grazing on the site although this is not the case at present. Debris left by NRW when cleaning out the leat has resulted in a wild life reserve for snakes and stoats etc. The Clerk was asked to write to NRW.  Ms Mclean suggested pulling down the centre garden in the car park opposite Haven, concreting the area and replacing with picnic tables and chairs.


39. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 


40.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the AGM held on 13 May 2019 as being a true record.  Proposed by Cllr Griffiths and seconded by Cllr Hughes.  All members voted in favour.                      .


41.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 13 May 2019 as being a true record.  Proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Bryn Jones.   All members voted in favour.                                            


42.  Common Land.  Minute 5.  Cllr Dalton gave a brief report on a meeting she attended with Cllr Hughes and Rhys Evans of CCC in respect of fly tipping and bonfires on land behind Glanwern.

43.  Welsh Flag.  Minute 6.  The Clerk confirmed that the new flagpole has been erected.  Cllr Hugh Hughes suggested flying the flag at half mast as a mark of respect for Cllr Gwenllian Ashley.  All members agreed.


44.  Ceredigion County Council.  A request for comments or observations in respect of the content of the SA/SEA Scoping Report which documents how the Authority proposes to assess the sustainability of the LDP.
45.  Redesigns UK.  Following a request the quote for images of the sunken forest to be put on the remaining 2 bus shelters will be around £70-£80 + vat.  Cllr Pryce Jones proposed to accept the quote up to the value of £80 and Cllr Bryn Jones seconded the motion.  All members voted in favour.                     
46.  Playground.  The ROSPA play area inspection will be carried out in June.
47.  Ceredigion County Council.  Borth has been awarded a Blue Flag award and a Seaside Award in the 2019 Coastal Awards for Ceredigion beaches.
48.  Welsh Government.  Details of current consultations.
49.  Borth Arts.  A thank you letter for the Councils recent donation.
50.  Borth Rowing Club.  A request to use the car park during their Annual race Day on Sunday 30th June.  No objection.
51.  Ceredigion National Eisteddfod.  An invitation for two representatives of the Council to take part in the Civic Procession on the occasion of the Proclamation on Saturday 29th June.
52.  Ceredigion County Council.  A Play Equipment Maintenance Agreement between CCC and Borth Community Council for signing by the Chair and the Clerk following a successful grant application for equipment to the playground.  The Clerk briefed members on the contents of the agreement and Cllr Hughes proposed that the Chair and Clerk sign the document as requested.  Cllr Jones seconded the motion with all members voting in favour.
53.  Welsh Government.  Health and Social Services Newsletter.
54.  Land Adjacent to Cae Soar.   An e-mail expressing concern that nothing is being done to resolve the issues raised because of the actions of NRW at Cae Soar.  The Clerk was asked to reply stating that BCC has never instructed NRW to clean the leat.
55.  One Voice Wales.  A survey for completion on the new Model Informal Resolution Protocol which deals with low level complaints within the Council.
56.  Cardigan Bay.  A letter from a member of the public with concerns about the proposed gas and oil exploration in Cardigan Bay.  Cllr Morris with the agreement of the Council will send a response.
57.  Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales.  Copies of the Commission’s Final Recommendations for the electoral arrangements for Ceredigion which has been submitted to the Welsh Government for consideration.
58.  One Voice Wales.  Details of an Innovative Practice Conference at the Royal Welsh showground on the 10th July.
59.  Other Correspondence.  Glasdon Brochure and Play for Wales.
60. Balance of Accounts at 13 May 2019
      Nationwide                                                                                  29,879.20
      Community Acct                                                                          14,459.49
      Business No Notice Acct                                                            11,454.76
      Deposit Account                                                                           3,579.83
61. Income   
62. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
      Ceredigion County Council – 8 metre flag pole                              537.60
      Ceredigion County Council – Welsh Dragon flag                           100.86
      Heledd Davies – AGM & May minutes translation                        150.05
      M Walker – salary £508.00                                                            508.00
      Walker & Doyle-erect new flag pole & new flag                           360.00
      Luke Griffiths – 5 x dog signs with fittings                                     288.00
63.  Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2019.  Copies of the annual return were distributed to Cllrs.  Cllr Quant gave a comprehensive report on the accounts and the Annual Return. The Council confirms that the Annual Return has been presented to Council and resolved to approve the Accounting Statements 2018/19. The Council noted the contents of the Annual Internal Audit Report which was carried out and certified by Mrs Hilary Matthews (Internal Auditor) and it was resolved to approve Parts 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance Statement and authorised the Chairman and the Clerk to sign the Return on behalf of the Council.  Proposed by Cllr Hughes, seconded by Cllr Morris with all members voting in favour.
Mrs Hilary Matthews carried out the internal audit on Tuesday 21st May and the public Rights of Inspection will be carried out on Thursday 3rd July in the Community Hall. 
64.  Application for Full Planning Permission
65.  Cllr Quant read out comments made by Huw Bates in respect of the boat park lease and responses from Emma Heathcote. All suggestions and comments will be forwarded to the Solicitor for further consideration before the lease is finalised.
66.  Cllr Hughes has begun work on updating the Council’s information on the community website.  He thanked Graham Taylor for all his assistance.
67.  The Clerk confirmed that 5 new dog signs have been put up on Cliff Road by Luke Griffiths of Redesigns UK.  The Clerk mentioned that weeds are growing through the stones on the car parking area of the dog walk.  It was agreed to wait for Cllr Willcox to return to Council following his recent illness before doing anything.
68.  Following the introduction of yellow lines prohibiting overnight parking on the sea front, vehicles have started parking on the main street where there are no signs and down Cambrian Terrace.  The three dimensional information sign opposite Cambrian Terrace has broken. Concerns still remain over the fencing of the pathway to the train station.  Cllr Dalton has written to various bodies and the Cambrian News has agreed to do an article on the subject. During the recent PACT meeting the main focus was on speeding.  It was suggested that the Council makes enquiries into having optical illusions painted on the road as a traffic calming measure which was fully supported by members.  Cllr Quant to make enquiries.
69.  Cllr Bainbridge in her absence sent in the following:   
CHC continuing - went to Bronglais to interview new mothers.  Cllr Dalton is assisting with Facebook. Also the bus shelter at Ynyslas does need a clean and repainting.  The Clerk said she would ask Kieran Doyle for a quote. The rubbish in the hut on the golf course is in the process of being removed. Environmental agency has been contacted.
Cllr Hughes reported that he has carried out checks on both defibrillators. The shock pads in the machine by the hall are out of date and the shock pads in the one by the public toilets at the northern end of the village have been taken along with the key.  The Clerk has ordered two more sets of pads from Welsh Hearts.  Cllr Hughes mentioned that tons of mud and rock has been dumped on the car park opposite Haven.  He will look into the matter.  Any bids for Sports Wales fund must be in by the end of June. Cllr Hughes is to speak to an ex dementia co-ordinator on how Borth could become a dementia friendly community.
He attended a meeting recently when a member of the public suggested that the Council give a sum of £1000 this year and the same next year towards the National Eisteddfod. BCC has agreed to make up any shortfall in the £5000 fund raising target.  Cllr Quant, Griffiths and Pryce Jones declared an interest and left the room.
Cllr Tweedy has volunteered to take the abandoned caravan which is sited on the way to the sewage farm to the zoo to be used as an animal shelter. Replacement brown direction signs pointing to the zoo need replacing.  Cllr Quant said he would speak to CCC.
Cllr Morris gave a brief update on a recent Biosphere meeting which he attended.
Cllr Jones reported that the Scarecrow Festival was a huge success for the village.  He is to attend a workshop in Llanrwst on Tuesday 11th June with Cllr Dalton where they will gave a presentation on the Flood Plan and the Community Survey carried out by BCC.
70.  Cllr Quant has asked the enforcement officer to visit Ynys Wen and Midland Stores. He is looking into ownership of the grass area on the Cliff. Welsh Water is to carry out a survey on the leats rising main.  A Family Day event has been organised for Saturday June 15th to raise funds for the National Eisteddfod.  A Veterans Parade will take place on the 26th June followed by a concert in the Community Hall.  Cllr Quant has had confirmation that Phase 3 of the Borth to Ynyslas sea defence is back on track.
71.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 10.00pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 1 July 2019 to include a talk by Mark Williams as Chair of the North Ceredigion Forum for Elderly Care and Sam Henly-Community Gateway Connector.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                           


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