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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - September 2019

Present:            Chairperson:  R Dalton
                                             C Bainbridge
                                             M Griffiths                                          
                                             H Hughes
                                             J James
                                             D Pryce Jones
                                             G B Jones                                                        
                                             A J Morris
                                             M J Willcox                                                                 
In Attendance:  County Cllr:   R P Quant
                         Clerk:            M Walker                     
                                                7 Members of the Public. 


114.  Cllr D Tweedy.


115.   Mr Terry Davies raised concerns at the right of way between Pengoitan and Castle Stores, the proposed lease of the Boat park to facilitate a sailing school, Borth Golf Club charging a fee to go on to the foreshore at Ynyslas and adverse possession of strips of land opposite residents properties.


116. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 


117. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 1 July 2019 as being a true record subject to the following amendment to minute 113 with 3 members voting for, 1 against and 2 abstentions.   Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones. 

The minute reads as follows:

Cllr Hughes asked that Cllr Quant vacate the room. Cllr Morris proposed and Cllr Hughes seconded that Cllr Quant should leave the meeting.  Cllr James objected and following a vote 2 members voted for the proposal, 4 members against and 1 abstention.  Following a short debate it was agreed to arrange a meeting with Mr Huw Bates of Morris & Bates to discuss concerns and to gain a better understanding of some of the legal jargon of the lease. The Clerk was asked to attend the meeting together with Cllrs Dalton, Bainbridge, Morris and Hughes.


118.  Common Land.  Minute 478.  A letter was read out under correspondence.


119.  One Voice Wales.

Details of consultation events on a “National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management in Wales”. Financial Assistance to Churches. Impact and Reach report 2018/19 published by the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales.

News Bulletin July 2019. Information and a booking form for the OVW Conference and AGM to be held on the 5th October. Wales Audit Office’s Good Practice Exchange Programme 2019/20.Details of a Long Forest project. Details of planned training sessions up to December.

OVW August 2019 bulletin. A reminder for AGM 2019 which is to be held on the 5th October at Bont Pavilion in Pontrhydfendigaid.

120.  Welsh Government.

Details of all current consultations. Natural Resources Bulletin August 2019. National Development Framework Newsletter August 2019 and details of the new development plan which addresses national priorities through the planning system. 

121.  Ceredigion County Council.  A response to a speeding letter sent from Borth CC. Cllr Hughes to look into concerns further.

122.  Mini Meadows.  An e-mail from Kate Doubleday with an update on progress to date.

123.  War Memorial.  A letter from a concerned resident that the lightning conductor has not been tested in recent years.  The Clerk was asked to arrange for the lightning conductor to be tested by an authorised electrician.

124.  Climate Emergency.  An e-mail from a resident asking the council to declare a state of climate emergency.  Agenda item next month.

125.  Ecodyfi.  Details and main points of the AGM.

126.  Scouts Jamboree Donations.  Thank you cards from Toohey and Anna.

127.  Dyfed Powys Police and Crime Commissioner.  Copies of the Annual report 2018-19.

128.  Hywel Dda University Health Board.  Copies of “A Healthier Mid and West Wales”.

129.  Council Vacancy.  An application has been received following the recent notice of vacancy.  The Clerk was asked to invite Dr Davies to the October meeting to observe and to have an insight into how the meeting is held and matters under discussion.

130.  Boat Yard and Other Matters.  A letter from a concerned resident seeking clarification on matters and what action the council will take to ensure “that some areas in Borth stay in the hands of its inhabitants and not be subjected to the possibility of private control or ownership”.

131.  Bridged road area adjacent to Fire Station and Chapel.  Concerns over a substantial crack to the wall on the east side and an e-mail from CCC stating that a structural engineer has been requested to carry out an inspection of the bridge.  The Clerk was asked to acknowledge receipt of the letter and confirm that the contents were noted.

132.  Street Lighting and car park near old hall site.  An e-mail concerning the co-option of a member of Council and whether the criteria for joining the Council was met.  Also 6 months has passed since the car park near the old hall site and changes to street lighting times were discussed and these issues can be raised again. The Clerk was asked to acknowledge receipt of the letter and confirm that the contents were noted.

133.  National Eisteddfod 2020.  The Clerk received a telephone call from the Economic Crime Team following a complaint by a member of the public. The complainant claims that Borth CC has pledged to donate the sum of £5000 to the Eisteddfod.  The Clerk clarified the situation and explained that Borth (not the Council) had pledged to RAISE the sum of £5000 and Borth CC had resolved to make up any shortfall.  A fund raising committee has been set up which does not involve the Council.  The police are totally satisfied with the Clerks explanation as verified by the minutes which are available online.

134.  Boat Park Lease.  An e-mail from Emma Heathcote to the Chair of Council as an item for correspondence in relation to issues regarding the lease of the boat park.

135.  Donation Request.  An e-mail from Dolau Bach y Borth asking for a donation towards equipment which will be considered in March along with all other requests.

136.  Other Correspondence.  Clerks & Councils Direct and Creative Play.

137.  Age-Friendly Wales.  Summer 2019 newsletter.

138.  Ceredigion County Council.  A copy of an advert for snow clearing and emergency related services.

139.  Understanding Welsh Places.  Details of their website which is going live in October.

140.  Common Land.  A meeting was held between NRW, Rhys Evans of CCC and Cllrs Dalton and Hughes to discuss waste which may have been left by NRW when work was carried out on the leat.

141.  BSPFA.  An e-mail requesting £4,000 from this years revenue funding.

142.  Eluned Morgan AM.  Copies of her latest newsletter.

143.  Ceri Ashley.  A thank you card from Ceri for all the support following the late Cllr Gwenllian Ashley’s death.

144.  Came & Co.  The Council’s policy schedule for 2019/20.


145. Balance of Accounts at 13 August 2019
        Nationwide                                                                       29,879.20
                Community Acct                                                               12,387.24
                Business No Notice Acct                                                   14,116.94
                Deposit Account                                                                 3,581.75
146. Income   
       Community Acct – Precept (2nd payment)                            6,590.00
147. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following 
       Kieran Doyle – painting Ynyslas bus shelter                          875.00
        G Davies – painting of memorial seat                                    40.00  
        Keelin Hawker – plants for flowerbeds                                  12.05
        BSPFA – revenue funding                                                 4,000.00
        Came & Co – insurance policy                                         1,507.97
        M Walker – salary 1016.00 (Aug & Sept), off exp 23.98   1,039.98
        Heledd Davies – translation July minutes                              97.05
148.  Audit for Year Ending 31 March 2019.  The Annual Return has been certified by Grant Thornton and the notice of conclusion of audit is displayed in the noticeboard as per requirement.
149.  Application for Full Planning Permission
150.  Following a recent meeting with Mr Huw Bates requesting clarification on certain issues relating to the boat park lease he sent a summary of the discussion between those present at the meeting to the Clerk who then forwarded the e-mail to all council members. The correspondence was also forwarded to County Cllr Quant and Emma Heathcote.  A response from Emma was read out to councillors.  It was resolved to carry out an inventory of the existing boats on the boat park to establish ownership of the boats and to request that local boat owners who want to continue to store their boats on the boat park can continue to do so free of charge and this condition would be written into the lease.
151.  Details of a 12 week consultation on the New Draft National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management in Wales launched on the 24th June 2019.  Cllr Quant had prepared a response to the consultation which was distributed to members prior to the meeting.  Cllr Morris proposed and Cllr Hughes seconded the proposal to accept the responses prepared by Cllr Quant.  All members voted for.
152.  Deferred to the October meeting.
153.  Deferred to the October meeting.
154. Cllr Dalton informed members that following a request to CCC all the benches in the village have now been painted/repaired.  The next PACT meeting is scheduled for Thursday 5th September.  The trims on the panel at the bus stop at Cambrian Terrace have still not been replaced despite a request to CCC.  The Clerk will chase up.
Pryce Jones
155.  Cllr Dalton praised Borth Begins and the Clerk was asked to write to the organisers for a wonderful display of street theatre and also to the Carnival committee for a wonderful event. The concrete path opposite York House has become a trip hazard.  Cllr Quant said he would contact Kevin Standing for a quote to tarmac the entire path. Cllr Bainbridge said that the carnival had raised approximately £10k this year and the money will be distributed on Saturday 19th October to various local organisations.Cllr James mentioned potholes on Clarach Road. Cllr said that the litter bin on the playground is not regularly emptied. Cllr Hughes has no dates as yet for defibrillator training, the Genomics Partnership are paying a return visit to Bronglais Hospital on 24th September and suggested a presentation to Council on the Habitat Project.The Clerk was asked to write to CCC regarding overgrown brambles on the road by NISA.
156.  Cllr Quant gave a brief update on the proposed Phase 3 of the coastal defence scheme which would run from the Golf Club to Ynsylas. It was proposed that the Council ask Tony Bates of Morris & Bates to contact Land Registry to check land ownership of the grass verge from the monument down.   CCC has been selected to take part in a rehearsal for the next census. Highways department of CCC is to look at resurfacing Clarach Road.
157.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 10pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7 October 2019 to include Speeding, Climate Emergency, Common Land, Revised Model Financial Regulations and Flowerbeds.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
























































































































































































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