Minutes - October 2019
158. Cllr J James. The Clerk has received a letter of resignation from Cllr Willcox following his recent ill health.
159. None.
160. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
161. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 2 September 2019 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Morris. All members voted in favour.
162. Common Land. Minute 118. This was dealt with under Minute 165.
163. One Voice Wales.
Details of a link to The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales Facebook page.
Environment Wales Act 2016 where public authorities are required to prepare and publish a plan setting out what it proposes to do to comply with the duty to Maintain and Enhance Biodiversity within their current work areas.
Details of a seminar on Making an Equal Wales a Reality.
Information on Carnegie UK Trust which aims to improve the lives and wellbeing of people throughout the UK, particularly those who are disadvantaged.
Protecting Community Spaces.
Agenda and backing papers for the OVW Ceredigion Area Committee meeting at Penmorfa on the 9th October.
Community Asset Transfer research.
164. Welsh Government.
Information on all current consultations.
Natural Resources Bulletin September 2019.
Health and Social Care newsletter September 2019
165. Flooding from the Leat. Several e-mails accompanied by photographs from a Glanwern resident concerning repeated flooding from the leat onto his property. Cllr Hughes and Cllr Morris have arranged to visit Mr Beech on Friday the 11th October to discuss the issues arising from the leat. It was suggested that the Council should contact Carol Fielding of NRW and a representative from CCC to attend also.
166. Borth Arts. A thank you letter for the Council’s support of Borth Begins and details of a Borth Arts exhibition at MOMA from 21st September to 16th November.
167. The Ramblers Campaign Team. Details of their Charter for Walking Neighbourhoods.
168. Ceredigion County Council. A request to promote a Budget Challenge to members and residents in the area giving them the opportunity to show how they want the council budget to be spent in 2020-2021.
169. Footpath opposite Amusement Arcade. An e-mail expressing concerns at the dangerous state of the pathway opposite the Amusement Arcade. Cllr Quant has received a quote from a tarmacadam firm for £9200 + vat and a further £7275 + vat for the area to be kerbed between the tarmac and the grass verge. It was resolved to obtain further quotes and the possibility of using environmentally friendly materials. The Clerk was also asked to contact OVW for advice on where the Council would stand legally with knowing the footpath is dangerous and allowing the public to continue walking on it whilst they are in the process of obtaining quotes for repair works.
170. BSPFA. Thank you letter for the £4,000 revenue funding.
171. Ceredigion County Council. Details of the new waste collection service on Route 126.
172. Borth Family Centre. A request for financial assistance of £500 to set up and run dementia friendly group in Borth and an invitation to attend a consultation meeting on the needs of Borth residents on the 16th October at the Community Hall. Cllrs Bainbridge, Dalton, Hughes and County Cllr Quant declared an interest and left the room. It was resolved to give £500 to set up the group. Cllr Pryce Jones proposed and Cllr Morris seconded with all remaining members voting for the proposal.
173. Gerydon. A request from the owners of Gerydon to purchase the land at the rear of Gerydon. Members considered the request and agreed to sell the property for a value to be established by an independent party, namely Aled Ellis Estate Agents, with the buyer paying all legal costs. Cllr Morris proposed and Cllr Hughes seconded the proposal to sell the piece of land with all members voting in favour.
174. Ecodyfi. Copy of an advertisement for a part-time bilingual administrator.
175. Playground Repairs. A breakdown of the cost of repairs from CCC to the playground. The cost is in the region of £5200. Cllr Bainbridge proposed that the Council spends £500 on minor repairs as per quotation. Cllr Griffiths seconded the proposal with all members voting in favour.
176. Ceredigion County Council. Details of BT payphone removal consultation.
177. Resolutions to Street Lighting and the National Eisteddfod. An e-mail received by the Clerk and Councillors and copied to several bodies making allegations of vote mis-management.
178. Borth Monument. The Clerk has received a quote for £210 inc vat from TME for the inspection and testing of the lightning protection system on the monument. Members resolved to accept the quote with all members voting for.
179. Mini Meadow. An update on progress to date.
180. Other Correspondence. Clerks and Councils Direct.
184. The Clerk distributed copies of income and expenditure up to the 1st October together with remaining balances of all allocated funds.
185. Application for Full Planning Permission
186. Cllr Dalton read out a letter from Emma Heathcote asking the Council to address her concerns. Cllr Hughes has compiled a list of all boats, trailers etc on the boat park and will attempt to establish ownership of the vessels. Cllr Morris declared an interest and remained in the room. Cllr Hughes was concerned with the third option presented to Council by Huw Bates Solicitor where he refers to boat owners “having an unequivocal right to use the yard”. It was suggested that the Clerk contact One Voice Wales for legal advice on the matter. Cllr Griffiths proposed and Cllr Bainbridge seconded the proposal with 7 members voting for and 1 abstention.
187. Councils have received revised Model Financial Regulations for consideration with minor amendments from the 2016 version. The Clerk distributed copies of the old and new version of the relevant sections. Members resolved to adopt the new amended Regulations. This was proposed by Cllr Morris, seconded by Cllr Jones with all members in favour.
188. This item has been deferred to the January meeting.
189. Cllr Dalton referred to a recent road traffic accident by the Golf Club and the vast amount of water on the road that day. Speeding was high on the agenda at the recent PACT meeting and it was suggested that the Council make enquiries with CCC into having flashing speed signs installed.
190. The absence of a footpath in Glanwern causes potential safety problems when cars are speeding through that section of the village.
191. A letter was read out from a resident of Borth asking the Council to declare a state of emergency. The Clerk was asked to send the following response: The Council fully supports the principle of recognising the state of climate emergency and will review their policies going forward and consider the impact on all future decisions they make.
192. Deferred to the November meeting.
193. The dog banners need to be taken down and stored for next year, the storm boards need to be put back in situ and following the resignation of Cllr Willcox the Council needs to appoint a new flood co-ordinator.
194. Cllr Morris volunteered as the second financial internal examiner of accounts following the resignation of Cllr Willcox.
Cllr Hughes has no update on the defib training. Scientists from Aberystwyth University would be happy to attend a Community Council meeting to discuss the research being carried out on Borth reef. Mark Williams is holding a dementia meeting on the 6th November. A race horse evening is to be held at the Golf Club on the 1st November to raise money for the National Eisteddfod.
Cllr Jones is to meet with a representative of Cered to discuss research into the use of Welsh Language in the community. Cllrs Pryce Jones and Griffiths will also attend the meeting on the 10th October. Cllr Jones is deeply concerned at the steep incline of the shingle bank on the beach. Cllr Dalton said she would write another letter to CCC requesting a site visit with Councillors in attendance.
Cllr Bainbridge reminded Cllrs that the carnival donations evening is to be held on the 19th October at 6pm where a total of £10k will be given to various clubs etc. The new Roll of Honour is on display at the Community Hall.
195. Details of expenses for the recent election are not yet available.
196. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.50pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4 November 2019 to include Co-Option of new Member onto Council and Footpaths. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
197. The Council suspended their meeting for a few minutes during agenda item “correspondence” due to an interruption by a member of the public.
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