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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - March 2020

Present:            Chairperson:  R Dalton
                                             C Bainbridge                                       
                                             R Davies
                                             M Griffiths                  
                                             A J Morris                                                                                                         
In Attendance:  County Cllr:   R P Quant
                         Clerk:            M Walker                     
                                                8 Members of the Public. 
319. Cllrs H Hughes, D Pryce Jones, G B Jones, J James and D Tweedy.
320.   Three residents from Cae Gwylan attended the meeting to voice their concerns in respect of serious flooding the previous week in particular to no 22 due to blocked water courses. CCC delivered sandbags and these were put outside 22, 23 and 24.  Cllr Quant informed those present at the meeting that every property that suffered flooding during the recent storms will be entitled to a £500 grant from Welsh Government.  Marsh Bank at Glanwern was also flooded as was the road from the Golf Course to Ynyslas which was much deeper than usual and some flooding on the road to Searivers which caused damage to a couple of cars who had no choice but to drive down that road as they lived and worked at Searivers. Cllr Morris proposed to work with the homeowners to put together a letter to be sent to all relevant bodies for a resolution to this ongoing problem.  Cllr Bainbridge seconded the proposal.
Mr James Davies advised that the road to Machynlleth would be closed for a period of two weeks for resurfacing works.
321. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
322. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 3 February 2020 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Morris. All members voted in favour.
323. Minute 314.  Cllr Bainbridge has printed posters advertising VE day and how to celebrate the event which will be distributed to all pubs and caravan parks.
Minute 316.   Ynyslas bus shelter has been defaced again and a suggestion was made to have a mural painted on the walls. Cllr Bainbridge to pursue.
324.  Welsh Government.
Latest consultations.
February 2020 issue of the Natural Resources bulletin.
The Public Health (Minimum Price for Alcohol) (Wales) Act 2018 comes into force on the 2nd March 2020.
Health and Social Services News February 2020.
325.  One Voice Wales.
Monthly News Bulletin.
Details of how to take part in Spring Clean Cymru.
Details and dates of training sessions held in Aberystwyth.
Details of a consultation document – Beyond Recycling.
New requirements for Council websites and tree management.
Local places for nature packages.
Details of the OVW Innovative Practice Annual Awards Ceremony.
Funding opportunities for community and town councils on Keep Wales Tidy’s Green Growth programme.
Details of a training course at Baker Street, Aberystwyth on the 31st March on “Understanding the Law” and dates for several training sessions from the 19th March to 23rd July at Machynlleth.
An invitation to complete an online survey on Ceredigion Green Infrastructure.
OVW/SLCC Joint Event – 20 May 2020.
A request to register the communities defibrillators with the national network.
Details of job vacancies for a Mid & West Wales Development Officer and a Policy Officer.
326.  Hywel Dda University Health Board.  Details of the GP Out of Hours service affecting certain hospitals.
327.  Mid and West Wales Fire.  Winter 2020 edition of their magazine.
328.  Wales Audit Office.  A press release from the audit office and details of a consultation on future audit arrangements for community councils in Wales.
329.  Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.  Details of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales draft Supplementary Report – the principles relating to the reimbursement of costs of care.
330.  Recycling banks and road signs.  A letter permitting BCC to forward the original letters to CCC for their response.
331.  BSPFA.  A letter thanking the Council for the recent payment of £4000.
332.  Ecodyfi.  A survey on how Ecodyfi and Coed Lleol can benefit the local environment and the health and wellbeing of local people.
333.  Flooding.  Correspondence in respect of flooding at Marsh Bank, Glanwern, road by Golf Club, road to Searivers  and at Cae Gwylan.
334.  Borth Arts.  Information on the 2020 Spring exhibition held at Oriel CRiC in Crickhowell.
335.  Fields in Trust.  February bulletin.
336.  TME Electrical.  Notification that there will be a price increase for the 2020 Christmas lights.  Members resolved to accept the quotation supplied for £300 inc vat with all members voting in favour.
337.  London Denmark Street (concert) Big Band.  Details of their Reaching Community in Ceredigion events.  The Clerk was asked to inform the organisers that the hall can only accommodate a seating area of approx 250.
338.  Dog Fouling.  An invitation to attend a feedback session on a recent survey and an intervention strategy plan on dog fouling at Waunfawr Community Hall on the 16th March.  Cllr Griffiths volunteered to attend.
339.  Other Correspondence.  Glasdon and Broxap.
340. Balance of Accounts at 13 February 2020
        Nationwide                                                                                    29,879.20
        Community Acct                                                                           11,018.67
        Business No Notice Acct                                                               14,131.02
        Deposit Account                                                                              3,585.33
341. Income 
342. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:  
        Wales Audit Office – audit 18/19                                                     258.75
        One Voice Wales – 2020/21 membership                                         272.00 
        Rona Dalton – payment for 2 x guests at council dinner                  60.30               
        M Walker –salary £508, off exp £22.63                                           530.63
        TME Electrical – putting up and taking down Xmas tree lights      240.00
        CCC – repairs to playground                                                           522.00
        Heledd Davies – translation Feb minutes                                         66.10
        Eleanor Williams - donation                                                            100.00
        Capel y Garn – donation                                                                   50.00
        Wales Air Ambulance – donation                                                     50.00
        Tincer – donation                                                                             25.00
        Borth Art & Friendship Group – donation                                       50.00
343.  Application for Full Planning Permission
A200132.  Crudyrawel, Clarach Road, Borth.  Extension to dwelling through the addition of a first floor to the existing garage and the construction of a new 2 storey link.  No Objection.
344.  The Clerk advised members that she has been in contact with the Council’s insurance company in respect of the proposed leasing of the boat park land. They have advised that Emma would have to take out her own insurance cover.
345.  Ongoing.
346.  The final amendments should be completed by the end of the week.  It was proposed by Cllr Davies and seconded by Cllr Bainbridge to have the first 4 pages of the English version translated into Welsh.  The out of hours emergency number for sandbags etc is 01970 625277.
347.  Ongoing.
348.  All donations from various organisations were considered along with a request from Eleanor Williams, a local resident, who has been accepted as a volunteer on the Edge of Africa project in South Africa and from Helen Williams who is asking for a match fund donation of £100 towards weekly dementia friendly mornings which is starting on Monday 2nd March. The following requests were supported: Eleanor Williams, Capel y Garn, Wales Air Ambulance, Y Tincer and Borth Art & Friendship Group.                 
349.  The next PACT meeting is scheduled for Thursday 19th March.  Several drains were overflowing during recent heavy rain, in particular down Church Lane and outside Richmond on the High Street.
350.  Cllr Morris said the Welsh Government is carrying out a survey along the coastline.
Cllr Bainbridge has nothing to report on the Speed Watch Scheme.  A dementia friendly meeting has been arranged for the 5th March.  Cllr Bainbridge has become a member on the board of Gorwelion and gave a brief update.
351.  Cllr Quant informed members that the Welsh Government is to spend £20k on reprofiling the area of beach opposite Pebbles. He gave a brief update on a recent Phase 3 meeting which he attended and asked for a concrete ramp opposite Benfleet to be included in the scheme along with a walkway from the Golf Course to Ynyslas. Cllr Quant gave updates on a recent Biosphere meeting with the First Minister from the WG and a re-consultation on the Local Development Plan.
352.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.30pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 6 April 2020 to include Boat Park Lease, Footpaths, Dogs, Council Vacancy and Emergency Plan. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                         
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