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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - (Remote) - May 2021

MONDAY 10th MAY 2021 AT 19.00HRS
Present:    Chairperson:                     H Hughes                                                                                                                                                                                    R Dalton
                                                            R Davies
                                                            M Griffiths
                                                            J James                                                
                                                            G B Jones
                                                            A J Morris
                                                            D Pryce Jones
                                                            A Thomas
                                                            D Tweedy                                                        
In Attendance:  County Cllr:             R P Quant
                                   Clerk:               M Walker                     
                                                            4 Members of the Public. 
1.  Cllr Bainbridge.
2.  None.
3.  To remind Cllrs that any matters of interest which may arise during the meeting must be declared.
4. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 12th April 2021 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Griffiths and seconded by Cllr Dalton. All members voted in favour.
5.  None.
6.  Coronavirus.  Regular updates from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council.
7.  One Voice Wales and Welsh Government.  All correspondence received during the month has been forwarded to all Councillors by e-mail. 
8.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a Community Renewal Fund.
BT Payphone Consultation.  Borth Community Council originally responded to this consultation in July 2020.  The Clerk has reiterated the Councils objections to the proposals to remove the payphone at Ynyslas and the one on the high street in Borth.
The precept will be made in three separate payments again this year.
9.  Ecodyfi.  Details of a vacancy for a Climate Officer.
10. Donation Requests. Tenovus.  All requests will be considered at the March 2022 meeting of Council.
11. Flowerbeds.  A letter of request for financial assistance to improve the plant containers opposite the Premier.  Also a request for £20 payments to Borth Community Hub and to 2nd Borth Scouts towards the cost of plants for two flowerbeds.  Cllr Jones proposed and Cllr James seconded to give the sum of £300 to restore the planters at the north end of the village.  Cllr Morris proposed and Cllr Davies seconded to give the sum of £20 each to Borth Community Hub and to 2nd Borth Scouts.  All members voted in favour.
12.  Safe Zones.  An e-mail from the owner of Eltham who has concerns regarding the barriers which instead of being used for people to pass safely whilst keeping a safe distance appear to have “an unwanted, unintended consequence” in that people are walking around the barriers and onto the road.  Members expressed concerns that the planned safe route between Wesley Cottage and Brittania cannot be fully implemented due to parked vehicles especially in the vicinity of the dropped kerbs thus preventing easy access to the safe zones for wheelchair and pram users. Cllr Quant said he would seek advice on the white H boxes.  Cllr Jones is concerned that the width of the pavement along the high street is not DDA compliant.
13.  ­Old Hall Land.  A request to rent or buy the parcel of land which was previously the site of the old village hall.  The Clerk was asked to reply stating that the land in question is privately owned.
14.  ROSPA.  Notification of the playground inspection in June.
15.  Golf Club Car Park.  Concerns at the number of camper vans and small vans on the golf club car park.  This was discussed as an agenda item later in the meeting.
16.  Dogs.  An e-mail from a Borth resident who has become increasingly concerned following a recent incident when his wife was badly bitten by a dog about untrained and uncontrolled dogs locally.  Cllr Hughes suggested walking the length of the promenade to ascertain whether more signage is required to alert dog owners that there is a dog ban on the beach between the 1st May and the 30th September.
17.  Census 2021.  Details of an online census press release.
18.  Wales Air Ambulance.  A thank you letter for the Council’s recent donation.
19.  Corgobaith.  An e-mail asking the Council to consider including the white poppy in the Remembrance Sunday commemoration.
20. Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2021
      Nationwide                                                                                                      30,229.71
      Community Acct                                                                                            10,205.56
      Business No Notice Acct                                                                                15,341.59
      Deposit Account                                                                                               3,749.10
21. Income 
      CCC – Precept- 1st payment                                                                            6,682.50     
22. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
       W Doyle – Repair works to coping stones on the promenade               1,280.00
       M Walker – clerks salary 522.00, off exp 9.99                                            531.99
       Heledd Davies – translation April minutes                                                   99.00
       D Tweedy – Cllrs remuneration                                                                   150.00
       Borth Family Centre – plants for a flowerbed                                              20.00
       2nd Borth Scouts – plants for a flowerbed                                                    20.00
       Borth Senior Citizens – to reinstate 3 x flowerbeds opposite Premier      300.00
Proposed by Cllr Griffiths and seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones with all members voting in favour.
23.   Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2021.  Copies of the annual return were distributed to Cllrs by e-mail due to        the current situation.  Cllr Quant gave a comprehensive report on the accounts and the Annual Return. The Council confirms that the Annual Return has been presented to Council and resolved to approve the Accounting Statements 2020/21. The Council noted the contents of the Annual Internal Audit Report which was carried out and certified by Mrs Hilary Matthews (Internal Auditor) and it was resolved to approve Parts 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance Statement and authorised the Chairman and the Clerk to sign the Return on behalf of the Council.  Proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Griffiths with all members voting in favour.  An arrangement will be made for the Chair to sign the return.
Mrs Hilary Matthews carried out and signed the internal audit on the 28th April.  The accounts will be made available for inspection between 20th August and ending on the 17th September. 
24.  None.
25.  Concerns have been raised at the amount of camper vans and small vans on the Golf Club car park at Ynyslas.  Cllr Pryce Jones has raised the issue with a member of CCC and is yet to receive a response.  Cllr Griffiths said she would speak to the Golf Club captain on behalf of the Council.  Cllr Quant said he would look into the “No Overnight Parking” orders in respect of camper vans parking in certain areas of the high street and when they are to be reviewed.
26.  All noticeboards have been repaired and painted and the Chairman thanked Phil and Rona Dalton for carrying out the work.
27.  The Clerk confirmed that she has forwarded the recent audit of benches to CCC. Following a query regarding putting plaques on benches it has been confirmed that CCC no longer issue such approvals.  Members of the Council have not yet met to establish the work needed to the picnic benches by the playground (see minute 309).
28.  A sub committee has not yet been set up to focus on flooding etc, however, Cllr Jones has drafted a letter to various authorities.
29.   The playground is now open to the public and all mandatory signage is in place.
30.  Ongoing.
31.  This was discussed in correspondence.   
32.  The Chairman gave his report during the AGM.
33.   Cllr Dalton asked whether CCC could provide another waste bin on the road to the church.
Cllr Griffiths referred to speeding cars on the main street especially late at night. This will be reported art the next PACT meeting.  Cllr Jones has understood that there is a 20mph speed limit through Aberaeron and questioned whether Borth could have the same.
Cllr Pryce Jones asked about the wood purchased for the bench up at Heol Aberwennol which wasn’t suitable for the repair works and which is stored in her garage. It was suggested that the wood could be used to repair the picnic benches by the playground.  The owners of Benfleet have asked whether the coastal defence sign which was put up on their land several years ago could be removed.  Cllr Quant has spoken to CCC who will arrange to have the sign removed.
Cllr Morris asked about the works that had not been completed to Uppingham Playing Fields.  Cllr Quant confirmed that he had negotiated a sum of £1000 with the agents for Welsh Water for completion of the works and that the sum could be passed on to either Borth Community Council or direct to Borth United Football Club.
Cllr James­ referred to the ongoing speeding on Clarach Road and that cars were permanently parked on the crossroads at Clarach.  Cllr Quant said he would mention the matter to Cllr Paul Hinge.
Cllr Jones gave an update on a recent Health Board meeting which he attended.
Cllr Davies questioned who cleared the stones on the slipway by the RNLI. It was confirmed that this has been a practice normally carried out by the RNLI themselves.  Borth 2030 have recently met and Cllr Davies said he would give an update at the next meeting.
Cllr Tweedy mentioned that there was a pig on the loose in Borth.
34.  No Covid update. Cllr Quant will follow up on any issues raised during the meeting.
35.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.55pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7th June 2021 to include Councillors Responsibilities, Flooding and Ditches, Playground, Benches, Boat Park and Social Distancing along Borth High Street.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the meeting in advance.                                                                                         
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