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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - (Remote) - June 2021


MONDAY 7th JUNE 2021 AT 19.00HRS

Present:    Chairperson:                       H Hughes        
                                                              C Bainbridge                                                                                                                                                        R Dalton
                                                            R Davies
                                                            M Griffiths                                                                                                                   G B Jones
                                                            A J Morris
                                                            D Pryce Jones
                                                            A Thomas                                                                                
In Attendance:  County Cllr:               R P Quant
                                   Clerk:                 M Walker                     
                                                              3 Members of the Public. 


 36.  Cllrs J James and D Tweedy.


 37.  None.


38.  To remind Cllrs that any matters of interest which may arise during the meeting must be declared.


39.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote AGM held on 10th May 2021 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Jones. All members voted in favour.


40. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 10th May 2021 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Jones. All members voted in favour.


41. Minute 29.  Cllr Bainbridge informed members that the second piece of equipment purchased with grant money was being installed week commencing 7th June. ​​​​​​​

42.  Coronavirus.  Regular updates from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council.

43.  One Voice Wales and Welsh Government.  All correspondence received during the month has been forwarded to all Councillors by e-mail. 

44.  Borth Rowing Club.  An e-mail informing the Council that the Rowing Club has started rowing again following the pandemic.

45.  Cyngor Trenefyn.  An invitation to attend a Zoom meeting on the 27th May and the 24th June to discuss second homes.

46.  Sight Cymru.  An invitation to receive a free awareness raising session on eye conditions and the barriers that people with sight loss face in accessing the community.

47.  Hywel Dda University Health Board.  A survey for completion on community pharmacy services and a questionnaire on “Building a Healthier Future after Covid-19”.

48.  Safe Zones.  Further correspondence regarding the safe zones and the blocking of driveways and H bar markings.  Also CCC have removed the existing safe zone barriers and replaced with king pins.  The bank holiday weekend proved to be extremely busy with unauthorised parking and grid lock at times on the high street. Cllr Pryce Jones asked whether it would be possible to have a traffic warden in Borth at least one day a week.  Cllr Quant said he would try to arrange that.  Cllr Jones suggested a 20mph speed limit through the village.  All these issues will be raised at the next PACT meeting.


49. Balance of Accounts at 13 May 2021

      Nationwide                                                                         30,229.71
      Community Acct                                                                 18,980.30
      Business No Notice Acct                                                    15,341.59
      Deposit Account                                                                   3,749.10

50. Income   


51. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
      Philip Dalton – works to 5 x noticeboards                                           425.00
         H Hughes – annual subscription to Zoom                                           143.88
         Heledd Davies – translation 2 x May minutes                                     136.75
        M Walker – clerks salary 522.20                                                              522.20
                    Proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Jones with all members voting in favour.
  52.  Audit 2021/22.  It was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Morris to write to     Mrs Hilary Matthews to ask whether she is willing to continue as the Council’s internal       auditor for the current financial year.  All members voted in favour.


53.  A210411.  Proposed residential dwelling and associated works including the demolition of the existing MOD building.  Land to the East of Renfrew Drive, Ynyslas, Borth.  Borth Community Council is aware of objections within the community and recommends a site visit to take into account local concerns. It was also suggested that the Ancient Monuments Society may have a historic interest in the old MOD building and that you also seek their views on its proposed demolition.

            CAMPER VANS

            54.  Cllr Pryce Jones has received several complaints from Ynyslas residents in respect of                     the amount of campervans at Ynyslas over the bank holiday weekend. Cars were also                           parked on the grass verge from the entrance to the Golf Club car park at Ynyslas and                           Renfrew Drive.  Cllr Quant said he would report the matter to CCC.


55.  Cllr Quant agreed to ask Mr Glyn Davies if he would paint the adopted bench at the end of the promenade.


56.  This matter is to be deferred until the September meeting.  Cllr Morris asked the Clerk to thank Mr Ben Byrne for the use of his quad and trailer and for all his assistance in removing and storing the stormboards.


57.  Ongoing.


58.  This was mainly discussed under minute 48. Cllr Jones suggested purchasing more 2m signs but other members disagreed as it was felt that the signage was being ignored by some.   


59.  Cllr Davies gave a brief update.  Cllr Bainbridge asked whether there were any new members on the group.  All current members have been part of the group since the start but there will be an opportunity for new members to join in the future.


60.  Cllr Hughes gave a brief update on his meeting with Cllr Quant to discuss the ongoing issue with the works to the valve chamber on the playing fields.  He thanked Cllr Quant for clarifying the situation regarding the lease between Borth CC and the BSPFA and felt that this was not an issue for BCC to become involved with. Cllr Quant has agreed to arrange for the works to be completed.  Cllr Hughes has carried out an audit of the dog signs within the dog ban area which will be passed on to CCC with a request for more signage.


       61.   Councillors volunteered to accept the following responsibilities:      

C Bainbridge  Boat Park, Children’s Play Area, Governor Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa, WW1, Community Health Council, Arts, Borth Community Hub Trustee, Emergency Plan Warden.

R Dalton  Boat Park, PACT, Borth Community Hub Trustee and Housing, Volunteer at the Railway Station Museum, Speeding and Emergency Plan Co-ordinator.

R Davies Council Representative on the Hall Committee, Speeding and Emergency Plan Co-ordinator.

M Griffiths One Voice Wales, National Eisteddfod and Health and Emergency Plan Warden.

H Hughes Boat Park, Common Land, “Tree”, Facebook and Website, Speeding, Borth Community Hub Trustee, Fire, Emergency Plan Co-ordinator.

J James PACT and Police Matters.

D Jones  Boat Park, Litter, Dogs, National Eisteddfod, Facebook and Emergency Plan Warden .

G B Jones Emergency Plan Warden, Arts and Welsh Language, Financial Internal Examiner, Defibrillators and BCC representative on the Borth Health and Care project.

A J Morris Boat Park, Dyfi Biosphere, Leats and Internal Ditch Drainage, Financial Internal Examiner and Emergency Plan Warden.

A Thomas Business Representative and Emergency Plan Warden

D Tweedy Art and Emergency Plan Warden.

Cllr Dalton is concerned at the state of the lobby on entering the railway station.  She volunteerd to write a letter to Network Rail. 

Cllr Bainbridge has nothing to report on the CHC and Gorwelion.  Ysgol Craig yr Wylfa is to adopt additional learning needs within the school.

Cllr Pryce Jones praised the lifeguards for their amazing work in informing dog owners of the dog ban.

Cllr Morris gave a brief update on the Dyfi Biosphere. He asked for information regarding the Biosphere to be put on Facebook to raise awareness.

Cllr Jones referred to a questionnaire on pharmacy services in the county. He gave an update on a recent meeting of the Borth Health and Care group which he attended.  Cllr Jones mentioned that the metal fencing at the bottom of the Cliff needs strimming.  Cllr Griffiths volunteered her son to do the work.  Cllr Jones referred to an incident of racial abuse by passengers boarding a train from Borth Station.

Cllr Davies advised members that the community hall had reopened and that an incident in Glanwern involved a dog being hit by a car and killed.

Cllr Griffiths has spoken to PC Westbury regarding speeding through the village.  Several complaints have been received regarding litter outside the Surrey Café and dogs on the beach.

Cllr Hughes suggested an unofficial meeting during August to try out social distancing with a view to commencing face to face meetings in September.

The Clerk was asked to send a letter to Borth Community Hub to congratulate them on securing lottery funding over a three year period.


62.  No covid report. Cllr Quant informed members that CCC are using the car park opposite Brynowen as a storage facility to tip stone for road repair works and in turn they would fill in the potholes on the car park itself.  A PACT meeting is scheduled for the 17th June.  A Phase 3 coastal defence meeting has been arranged for week commencing 17th June.  Cllr Quant said that the BSPFA accounts had been approved and that successful grant applications will be used to carry out improvements and a possible upgrade to the heating system.  The BSPFA will hold their AGM on the 8th July.


63.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.12pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5th July 2021 to include a presentation on Full Fibre Broadband, Benches, Boat Park and Social Distancing along Borth High Street.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the meeting in advance. meeting in advance.                                                                                     

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