Minutes - (Remote) - October 2021
Present: Chairperson: H Hughes
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
R Davies
M Griffiths
G B Jones
A J Morris
D Pryce Jones
D Tweedy
135. Cllrs J James and A Thomas.
136. None.
- To remind Cllrs that any matters of interest which may arise during the meeting must be declared.
138. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 6th July September as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Griffiths and seconded by Cllr Bainbridge. All members voted in favour.
- None.
140. Coronavirus. Updates from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council.
141. One Voice Wales.
Information Highlights – September.
Older People's Commissioner's Newsletter.
One Voice Wales and Keep Wales Tidy Webinar.
Welsh Government Tax Conference.
Keep Wales Tidy - Time is running out for starter packages.
Facebook Marketplace - Increase in scams.
Remote training sessions that are taking place in September/October.
Open Consultation on Proposed Guidance on “Principles of Good Administration” and “Good Records Management.
Welcoming the public to the countryside and coast – survey.
Our Living Trails.
Together for our Planet / The National Lottery Community Fund.
One Voice Wales Ceredigion Area Committee Meeting.
Consultation on local taxes for second homes and self-catering accommodation.
Publication of new Technical Advice Note (TAN) 15 and Flood Map for Planning.
Community Centres Network: Funding Opportunity.
Launch of the Ystadau Cymru Awards 2021.
Updated guide to taking part in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons – 2nd June 2022.
142. Welsh Government.
Details and links to current consultations.
Climate Change Bulletin.
143. Ceredigion County Council.
Don’t lose your voice - residents in Ceredigion urged to check their voter registration details are up to date.
Funding opportunity to support carers.
Welcome to Ceredigion - the Tour of Britain.
Local social care services face significant pressures.
Mid Wales Growth Deal approaching final phases of development.
Welsh in Education Strategic Plan 2022-2032.
Consultation on draft Welsh in education strategic plan goes live.
Campaign launched to increase foster carers in Ceredigion.
The Saddening result of seal and seal pup disturbance on the Welsh coast.
Mid Wales Growth Deal Portfolio passes key decision point.
Council commits to achieve diversity in democracy.
A safe welcome back to Ceredigion students.
Motion agreed on carbon management.
Ceredigion Well Being Assessment 2021.
Binoculars provided in a bid to try and reduce wildlife disturbance.
Signing of the Armed Forces Covenant.
Meeting between representatives of the County Council and Town and Community Councils – 24 November 2021.
144. Boundary Commission for Wales. The Commission’s report containing initial proposals for changes to Parliamentary constituencies in Wales has been published.
145. Cloudy IT . Virtual Summit and Broadcasting Your Council Meeting.
146. Welsh Blood Service. The Welsh Blood Service is visiting Borth from the 11th to 13th October.
147. Cymdeithas yr Iaith. A request to support the call on the Welsh Government to manage the housing market.148. Calon Heart Screening and Defibrillators Wales Charity. Newsletter.
149. Natural Resources Wales. An invitation to attend a Cors Fochno site visit by LIFE Welsh Raised Bogs Project - Thursday 7 October 2021 between 10am-noon and 2pm-4pm.
150. Bronheulyn Cottage. Following an investigation by NRW and CCC into the breach of the coastal defence wall it has been determined that there is no official record of the wall and is not part of the 1930 or 1970 coastal defence.
151. Flu Clinic Dates - 16th & 30th October - updates and Covid boosters.
152. Flooding matters - useful updates and reminders to help prepare for winter.
153. Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales. Draft Annual Report Consultation - February 2022.
154. SP Energy Networks - Overhead Line Rebuild Scheme to the south of Ynys Fergi.
155. Ecodyfi. Details of a “Our Community, Our Climate” event.
156. Defibrillator. A request from the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust to assign a “Guardian” to each defibrillator.
157. Borth United Football Club. Following a request for copies of accounts (see minute 122) and a copy of a grass cutting invoice from Rob Griffiths. Members resolved to grant the club a sum of £1500. This was proposed by Cllr Morris, seconded by Cllr Davies with all members voting in favour.
158. Came & Co. The Council insurance is up for renewal. There is again an option to enter into a 3 year long term agreement plan. The premium for the first year is £1273.01 in comparison to £ 1337.38 for an annual policy for the coming year. Cllr Bainbridge proposed that we enter into a long term agreement, this was seconded by Cllr Morris with all members voting in favour.
159. Community Planting. Martine Ormerod is proceeding with a consultation on the concept of community planting at Heol Aberwennol. She is asking whether the council would assist with funding of £30 towards the cost of the consultation.
Members gave Martine their full support and it was proposed by Cllr Pryce Jones to donate the sum of £30, this was seconded by Cllr Tweedy with all members voting in favour.
160. Ceredigion Water Safety Forum. Information on the work they carry out.
161. Welsh Youth Parliament. A letter on how to get involved with the Welsh Youth Parliament.
162. Viewpoint over Borth Asset. A letter proposing that the council investigates with the appropriate authorities (Government, Tourism Council?? ) the possibility of making a viewpoint on the hill south of Borth for people to stop and admire the view over Borth and the Dyfi valley. Cllr Hughes volunteered to speak to the landowner though this request has been denied in the past.
163. Pedestrian Access along Borth High Street. Despite the restrictions put in by Ceredigion parking along the high street has not been much better. In Aberystwyth the pavements have been widened at certain points to allow for these sorts of problems. It would be good if such an extension could be placed outside the Holiday Shop to widen the pavement and allow complete travel for wheelchairs users, prams and pushchairs, children on bikes and the general public. The Clerk was asked to reply to the letter stating that BCC takes on board concerns raised and will be pursuing the issues with the authorities.
164. Gift of Bench to Borth CC. A request from a family to donate a bench, possibly on the Cliff, in memory of their parents who holidayed in Borth. The Clerk was asked to suggest that they could adopt one of the CCC benches on the promenade.
165. Other Correspondence. Clerk & Councils Direct and NBB Outdoors.
- Balance of Accounts at 13 September 2021
Nationwide 30229.71
Community Acct 7748.44
Business No Notice Acct 18836.47
Deposit Account 3749.28
- Income
Business No Notice Acct – gross interest to 2 Sept 0.47
Deposit Acct – gross interest to 2 Sept 0.09
Community Acct – payment made by Cllr Griffiths towards defib pads 45.00
- Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
HMRC - PAYE July, Aug, Sept 391.60
H Hughes – defib pads 89.93
M Walker-salary £522.00, off exp £9.99 531.99
Heledd Davies –September minutes translation 132.10
Came & Company - council insurance 1273.01
Borth United Football Club 1500.00
Martine Ormerod – donation 30.00
Proposed by Cllr Pryce Jones and seconded by Cllr Griffiths with all members voting in favour.
169. The Clerk advised members that a notice and accounting statements for year ending 31 March 2021 has been published on the website before the conclusion of the audit as per Regulation 15(5) of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014. Due to the impact of COVID-19, the Auditor General has not yet issued an audit opinion.
- Cllr Dalton has made enquiries to change bank account provider. This is still ongoing.
171. A210777. Change of use of reception area to a one bedroom flat. Grand Hotel Cambrian Terrace, Borth, Ceredigion,
Cllr Morris declared an interest. No observations and No objections.
- Cllr Quant confirmed that all benches had now been painted.
- Ongoing.
- Cllr Hughes is to make enquiries on a purchase price for the equipment needed to carry out face to face meetings in accordance with Welsh Government guidelines.
175. Cllr Hughes has read the TAN15 and Flood map for planning. He has taken part in the consultation on local taxes for second homes and self-catering accommodation and has registered as a guardian to the defibrillators.
176. Cllr Dalton has removed the dog ban banners as the ban has now come to an end for this year. The banners need replacing for next year and it was proposed by Cllr Davies and seconded by Cllr Jones to buy replacements up to the sum of £300. All members voted in favour. Cllr Dalton informed members that there is scouring of the sea defence opposite the Premier stores.
Cllr Bainbridge has been selected as the CHC representative on the Borth Health and Care Interest Advisory Group. Ysgol Craig yr Wylfa is interviewing for a new members of staff after losing a member. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on monies raised during carnival events.
Cllr Jones has completed the health and wellbeing questionnaire. He gave a brief update on a recent meeting held by the Health and Care Group. They are hoping to arrange a community engagement event in November where certain groups can meet with the community.
Cllr Davies gave a brief update on Borth 2030 and an update on a recent wellbeing meeting which he attended. Cllr Bainbridge suggested a 10 minute presentation on Borth 2030 at the start of the next Council meeting as she had missed the update given at an informal get together recently.
Cllr Tweedy said that the bushes from the railway crossing to the Animalarium have still not been cut back. Cllr Quant has reported this to NRW. The path to the church is also overgrown.
Cllr Griffiths said that whilst everyone is in favour of Borth 2030 some of the older generation would prefer to understand its concept by having a face to face meeting with representatives instead of having it all on a website.
177. The next PACT meeting is to be held on the 14th October. Cllr Quant asked members to look at the impact the recent rain has had on the car park opposite Brynowen. He informed members that CCC is to install a pay gate at the toilets opposite Cambrian Terrace.
178. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.55pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 1st November 2021 to include a presentation by members of the Borth 2030 group, Boat Park, Face to Face meetings and matters of current mutual interest to discuss with the leader and chief executive of CCC. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the remote meeting in advance.
- Hits: 1350