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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes (Remote) November 2021

Present: Chairperson: H Hughes
                                       C Bainbridge
  R Dalton
  M Griffiths
  J James G B Jones
  A J Morris
  D Pryce Jones
  A Thomas
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
                                      Clerk: M Walker
                                       4 Members of the Public.


 179.   Cllrs R Davies and D Tweedy.


 180.  Dr Andrea Hughes gave a presentation on how the group was formed and their long term plan for the future of Borth and how they aim to work with other groups and parties for the betterment of Borth.


181.  Mr Graham Taylor wished to thank Mr James Davies for directing Scottish Power to the source of the electrical fault in the village on Sunday 31st October.


  1. To remind Cllrs that any matters of interest which may arise during the meeting must be declared.


183. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 4 October as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones. All members voted in favour.


  1. None.


185.  Covid 19.  Updates from Ceredigion County Council, One Voice Wales and Welsh Government.

186.  One Voice Wales.

September 2021 newsletter.

Launch of the Councillor Smart Survey.

Pilot of Community and Town Councils Self-Evaluation Toolkit – Expression of Interest.

Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales is running a new Eco Literacy course, Nabod Natur – Nature Wise. We are able to offer up to 150 free online training places for community or voluntary groups in Wales that would like to protect and restore the natural environment.

Consultation on Updating Earnings Thresholds for Council Tax Recovery.

October bulletin.

Ceredigion Area Committee Meeting set for Tuesday 19th October

Free Training - Taking Action Against Ageism (For Stakeholders).

Amended version of the model Informal Resolution Protocol.

Keep Wales Tidy packages available.

Active Travel Plans Consultations.

Remote training sessions that are taking place in November / December.

Welsh Government research into the role and remuneration of councillors in Wales.  A reminder to complete the online survey.

COP Cymru 2021 – a toolkit for stakeholders.

Magnificent Meadows Cymru - A Plantlife webinar.

October 2021 update of the guide to taking part in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons 2nd June 2022.

Coronavirus levels dangerously high in Ceredigion.

Vacancy - One Voice Wales Pembrokeshire Community and Town Council Projects Officer.

People's Practice Peer-to-Peer Network.

Delivering Public Value.

187.  Welsh Government.

Details and links to current consultations.

A Healthier Wales - Health and Social Services News.

188.  Ceredigion County Council.

Ceredigion residents are reminded to be aware of the latest COVID-19 related scam.

Bringing T Llew Jones’ work to life for children.

Ceredigion County Council’s draft Gambling Policy for 2022.

Ceredigion celebrates Shwmae Su'mae Day 2021.

New Member of Youth Parliament elected for Ceredigion.

Council leaders meet with UK and Welsh Governments to reach next stage for the Growing Mid Wales Growth Deal.

Open your home to Foster Wales.

Ceredigion shortlisted for Youth Excellence Awards 2021.

Temporary Road Closure: B4353 Dol Y Bont, Borth for bridge inspection.

Mitigation options to be considered for river Teifi Special Area of Conservation phosphate levels.

Action Plan approved for Ceredigion’s Through Age and Wellbeing Strategy.

Childcare Sufficiency Assessment

Changes to some coronavirus measures at Ceredigion Household Waste Sites.

A joint statement from Hywel Dda, Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthen and Ceredigion CC detailing the unprecedented demand on health and social care services across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire, which is leading to significant delays in care provision.

Information on debts and support.

Investment announced for Aberystwyth sea front regeneration scheme.

Keeping safe whilst celebrating Halloween and Bonfire Night.

New initiative to support Ceredigion’s rural towns.

189.  Natural Resources Wales.  NRW letter for all flood wardens.

190.  Dyfed Powys Police.  A letter from Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner, Dafydd Llywelyn, regarding his ongoing public consultation on policing priorities and the Police Precept level.

191.  Japanese Knotweed.  A reply to the letter sent in September in respect of growing knotweed.

192.  The Elms.  An e-mail asking whether the council will support the reinstatement of the property which may have lost its residential status and the proposed demolition of the old “Holiday Shop”.   Following a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Morris to reply to the e-mail confirming that Borth CC has discussed the “Holiday Shop” on several occasions and that the narrow width of the pavement is a problem in particular for wheelchair and pram users.  Borth CC supports the pre planning application and welcomes in principle any proposed development that would improve pedestrian flow and safety at this location.  The proposal was seconded by Cllr Jones with all members voting in favour.

193.  Ecodyfi.  Details of a press release about the new Tyfu Dyfi project and a consultation on Active Travel.

194.  Gofal Cardi Care.  The consultation has been completed and Aberporth has been selected as the community the Rural Health and Care Wales will work with to deliver the project.

195.  Emergency Plan.  A request from NRW to add 5-10 flood warden details to their online management system in the event of an emergency.  This requires GDPR statements to be completed and submitted.

196.  Ben Lake AS/MP.  Community banking survey results.

197.  Breakwater/localised erosion spot Ynyslas.  An e-mail concerning the erosion of the shingle on the seaward side by one of the breakwaters between two sea groynes at Ynyslas.  Cllr Quant confirmed that CCC is well aware of the erosion and have inspected the area and are compiling a report on their findings.


  1. Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2021

        Nationwide                                                                                   30,229.71

        Community Acct                                                                           11,220.04

        Business No Notice Acct                                                                  18,836.47

        Deposit Account                                                                                  3,749.28

  1. Income

        Landfill and CAS rents                                                                    4616.50

        CCC – Precept – 3rd payment                                                           6682.50      

  1. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:

        Robert Griffiths – grass cutting 2021 season                                     1,872.00

        M Walker – salary £522.20, off exp £17.91                                       540.11

        Heledd Davies – October minutes translation                                        102.10

        Jason Hines – playground repairs                                                       131.78

Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones with all members voting in favour.


201.  Application for Full Planning Permission.

A210849.  Glan Y Mor, High Street, Borth.  Construction of a two storey extension to the rear of the property. It was proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Bainbridge with all members voting in favour to send the following response. Whilst Borth Community Council has no objection in principle we do however have concerns at the potential loss of light, overshadowing and loss of privacy to the adjoining property on the northern side.  Borth Community Council recommends a site visit.

 A210866.  Meads, Ynyslas, Borth.  Proposed single storey rear extension and detached garage and shed. No observations or objections.


  1. Cllr Hughes will arrange a meeting with the sub committee to discuss the boat park.


  1. Cllr Hughes has priced equipment which is in the region of £1000+. He is also recommending that each member has a tablet to hand during meetings which would be approx £1000+.  Cllr Hughes suggested looking at the cost of the entire package through various companies with ongoing maintenance. 


  1. Cllr Hughes and Cllr Jones agreed to attend the zoom meeting where they will raise the issue of flooding in various parts of Borth and a request for a better bus service.


 205.   Cllr Hughes confirmed that both community council defibrillators have been registered with the Welsh Ambulance Service and that the Council needs to consider whether they have sufficient defib coverage in the community.  Cllr Hughes closed the gates by the RNLI and boat park on Sunday 31st October during heavy winds but there was a problem with shutting one of the gates.


 206.   Cllr James asked whether signage could be considered on the Clarach Road between the crematorium and the church as heavy goods vehicles are getting stuck in on the hairpin bend and on the bridge. Cllr Quant said he would report the matter to CCC.

Cllr Bainbridge reported that Craig yr Wylfa now has nursery facilities for 3 years old upwards. She is also the new chair of governors at the school.  Cllr Bainbridge was notified that the firemans pole on the climbing frame at the playground was badly decayed and had been removed.  As this was a safety issue Cllr Bainbridge asked Jason Hines to secure the section with safety net which was billed at £131.78.  Cllr Bainbridge asked the Council for their support in applying for further funding to replace the climbing frame.  A sum of £4000 will be distributed from carnival funding to those groups applying for donations.  Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on work being carried out by the Community Hub.

Cllr Jones gave a brief update on a recent Borth and Health Group meeting and welcomed Carol as the CHC representative.

Cllr Morris thanked Andrew Doyle for carrying out temporary repair works to secure a section of the damaged climbing frame.

Cllr Thomas asked whether Borth had any plans to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee.

Cllr Dalton updated members on Walking for Wellbeing on Friday mornings. She asked whether the flags could be removed opposite the Premier Stores to avoid damage during high winds. She gave an update on a Cors Fochno site visit which she attended by representatives of the LIFE Welsh Raised Bogs Project.


 207.  A Festival of Remembrance will be held at the Great Hall on the 11th November and a Remembrance Service will be held in St Mathews Church on Sunday 14th November.  Cllr Quant gave a covid update.


 208.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.25pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 6th December 2021 to include Boat Park, Signage on Promenade, Face to Face meetings and an update by Cllr Quant on Phase 3 of the sea defence. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.  Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the remote meeting in advance.  




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