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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - November 2011

Present:            Chairperson:               J M Lawrence  (Vice Chairman)
                                                             C Bainbridge
                                                             M Griffiths
                                                             J James
                                                             G B Jones
                                                             G Lewis
                                                             W J Williams
                                                             M J Willcox
In Attendance:             CountyCllr:        R P Quant                    
    Clerk:        M C Walker
                                                             3 Members of the Public
188.  Cllr A J Morris (Chairman) and Cllr Jo Jones.
189.   Mr Ray Jones and Ms Alice Johnson attended the meeting and distributed a progress report to each member.  There is some delay to the works following the storm event in September, however, they hope to complete the work early in the New Year.  Several complaints in respect of vibration have been addressed. Ray finished by thanking the Council for the invitation to attend the meeting.
190.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Lawrence reminded members of Council and all members of the public of the ban on the use of recording equipment during meetings and requested that all mobile phones were switched off.
191.  It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 October 2011 as being a true record.
192.   Borth Sea Defences.  Minute 164.  Ongoing.
193.   Flood Awareness Action Plan.  Minute 165.  Ongoing.
194.   Extension of Playing Field Area.  Minute 166.  The Clerk gave a brief update.  The Welsh Assembly Government has requested further information following a number of submissions in respect of the proposed works despite Borth Community Council making a formal application in May.
195.   Beach Signage.  Minute 167.  Ongoing.
196.   Community Council Noticeboards.  Minute 168.  The Clerk advised that Mr Paul Walker had inspected the noticeboards.  All three village boards require extensive work or replacing.  Paul quoted a minimum of £200 per board for repair work but the boards ideally need replacing.  BAM Nuttall has agreed to give two of their noticeboards to the Council when work is completed and it was agreed that these will replace the existing ones.
197.  Land to the Rear of Sea Breezes.  Minute 173.  Ongoing.

198.  Dyfed Powys Police Authority.  An invitation to attend the Ceredigion Joint Community Consultative Meeting on Thursday 2nd November in Penmorfa.  The meeting was attended by Cllrs Billy Williams and Gwynfor Lewis.
199.  Footpath 2/34.  An order made on the 9th September was confirmed without modification by the Welsh Assembly Government to add the footpath on Francis Road which runs east-north-easterly along the back lane between the rear boundaries of several Cliff Road properties and Clos Winifred to join Footpath 2/24 to the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way.
200.  Borth Landfill and Civic Amenity Sites.  A letter from Morris & Bates Solicitors in respect of the recent rent reviews with two enclosures for signing by the Chairman and Clerk of the Council.
201.  Ceredigion County Council.  A response from Ms Bronwen Morgan, Chief Executive of CCC, acknowledging that Borth was placed in the Top 20 places to bring up children in England and Wales and that the Tourist Information Centre and their own tourist information will always try to promote Borth as a location and that the recent accolade would support this.
202.  Winter Maintenance 2011-2012.  A copy of an advertisement that will be placed in the Cambrian News and Tivyside Advertiser asking for farmers/contractors to be included on an “Approved List for the Provision of Supplementary Snow Clearing Services and other Emergency Related Services”.  The Clerk was asked to request two packs.
203.  Play Area.  A quotation for remedial works was considered following a meeting with the Parks and Gardens Officer from Ceredigion County Council.  Members resolved to authorise the works totalling £1,154.40 plus VAT.
204.  Dogs.  A copy of an e-mail from Mark Williams MP in response to a complaint from a Borth resident in respect of dog mess along the high street.
205.  Rail User Group.  A request from Mark Williams MP for the Council’s nominee to the Rail Users Group.  Cllr Carol Bainbridge volunteered to be nominated. 
206.  Speeding on Clarach Road.  A response from the Chief Inspector confirming that Ceredigion Roads Policing Sergeant will contact the Council for further information.
207.  National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management for Wales.  An invitation to attend the launch on Monday 14th November 2011 at Boulders.
208.  Terry Davies.  An e-mail in respect of the proposed registration of the land between Castle Stores and Pengoitan by Borth Community Council.  Members resolved to apply to register the area of land.
209.  Age Concern Ceredigion.  An invitation to attend the AGM on Thursday 17th November 2011 at the Memorial Hall, Aberaeron at 2pm.
210.  Big Lottery Fund.  Details of the Lottery Fund programme in Wales.
211.  Donation Request.  Cymdeithas Aredig Ceredigion 2012 and the National Eisteddfod.
212.  Gwenllian Ashley.  A letter in respect of the proposed commemorative sculpture.  It was resolved to accept the offer from Mr David Nash, the world famous sculpture, to make a sculpture out of the wood dug up from the beach known as Bog Oak.
213.  Aberystwyth Town Council.  A letter requesting that the Council consider lobbying all interested parties in respect of the potential cutbacks of services at Bronglais Hospital.  Members asked the Clerk to send a letter to Mark Williams MP, Elin Jones AM and the Chairman of the Health Board.
214.  Other Correspondence.  Play for Wales and Clerks & Councils Direct.  Details of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Mug offer for Councils.
215.   Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2011
          Nationwide                                                                                         28,866.37
          Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct)                     2,741.68
          Business No Notice Acct                                                                    11,028.99
          Deposit Account                                                                                  2,483.00
216.   Income
          Deposit Account – Gross Int to 2 June                                                      0.43
          Deposit Account – Gross Int to 1 September                                            0.43
          Nationwide – Gross Int to 1 September                                                     0.72
          Wayleaves                                                                                              37.42
217.   Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
          Pod Clare – repairs to mosaic                                                                110.00
          C Forster Brown – survey for extension to playing fields                        250.00
          M Walker – clerks salary           488.00, off exp 4.13                              492.13
          Ceredigion County Council – fee for Land Registry maps                        87.00

218.  Application for Full Planning Permission
110319AV(advert consent).  Proposed premises for surf training and equipment hire business.  Land at Canteen Corner, Borth.  Borth Community Council is fully supportive of this new venture in the village and whilst they have no objection in principle to the advertising signs members feel that they should be somewhat reduced in size and fewer of them.
A110809.  Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey extension to front.  Windy Ridge, Ynyslas, Borth.  Cllr Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room.  No objection.
A110838.  Sub-division of existing 6 bed roomed dwelling to provide independent 2 bed roomed ‘flat’ accommodation within the rear wing.  Bryngwyn, Ynyslas, Borth. Cllr Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room. Whilst Borth Community Council has no objection to the conversion of the building at the rear into a separate flat we would like to point out that the right of way at the rear of the properties was not for vehicles and as such car access should be through the front of the property.
219.  Full Planning Permission Granted A110318.  Erection of a building for surf training and equipment hire business.  Land at Canteen Corner, Borth.
220.  Planning Permission Refused
A110409.  Erection of 5 dwellings for use as holiday accommodation.  BrynowenHolidayPark, Borth.
221.  Dog fouling was considered under two headings.  The first being seasonal dog restriction on the designated area of Borth beach and secondly the fouling of pavements and the promenade area. In respect of the seasonal dog restrictions, Cllr Lewis asked if Borth Community Council still supported the seasonal beach restrictions and the unanimous decision was that the present restrictions should remain in force. In respect of dog fouling within the village, Cllr Wilcox stated that the dog fouling of many areas within the village is really disgusting and at its worst. There have been numerous complaints from members of the community and Councillors recommended the following measures are taken-Invite the Community Warden to attend the December meeting, deliver a letter to each household highlighting the dog ban area and the issue of dog fouling, ask all caravan site owners to include the dog ban area etc in their brochures, place a notice on the website and finally to raise more awareness by Spring 2012.  The Council agreed the measures and Cllr Wilcox is to prepare a specimen letter for consideration at the December meeting. Cllr Moore reported that she had met the Community Warden about signage and he agreed that it would be possible for him to check the beach on an irregular basis when driving through the village to deliver stray dogs to the Ynyslas kennels during the summer period. Mr James Davies reminded the Council of the option to contact the Highways Department who are expected to clean dog fouling from the pavements within two hours of the call as it is considered to be an environment health hazard.

222.  Cllr Bryn Jones updated members on the scheme following last month’s presentation. He suggested making an application for the creating and siting of a piece of sculpture and the possible erection of a sign at each end of the village promoting Borth’s recent accolade of “One of the best places to bring up children in England and Wales”.  Members asked Cllr Jones to obtain costings etc.

223.  The arrangements for the BAM Nuttall social evening were discussed.  Cllr Lawrence asked for a volunteer to attend a Ray Ceredigion one day workshop on Wednesday 16th November in Lorraine’s absence. 

224.  Cllr Bainbridge is concerned at the amount of excessive litter and rubbish on the Golf Course car park by Ynyslas Turn. The Clerk was asked to write to the Golf Club. Cllr Lewis informed Council that the road sweeper no longer cleaned the streets in Borth. Cllr Williams confirmed that he had placed an order for a Christmas tree.

225.  Cllr Quant distributed copies of “cycle signs” following requests for clearer signs. He gave a brief update on coastal defences and Phase 2 of the scheme. The next PACT meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 7th December 2011.  The Welsh Assembly Government is to carry out a review of all A and B roads throughout the County.
226.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.40hrs.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 5 December 2011 to include a visit by Aber Adventures, a visit from the Community Warden and Boat Park.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.  
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