Minutes - May 2013
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse
G B Jones
J M Lawrence
L Moore
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
4 Members of the Public
1. Cllr J James and Cllr W J Williams.
2. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
3. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 8 April 2013 as being a true record.
4. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 338. Ongoing.
5. Balchder Pentrefi Application. Minute 339. Report under Councillors Responsibilities.
6. Public Conveniences. Minute 335. Dealt with under County Councillor Report.
7. Tidal Dyfi Flood Risk Management Strategy. A summary document which outlines the main findings. All responses to be made by Monday 6th May. The Clerk has asked for an extension to that date. Cllr Jill Hulse read out the comments she had prepared and discussed with the Councillors present who agreed that the responses should be forwarded on their behalf.
8. Local Development Plan. Ceredigion County Council’s adoption statement for their Local Development Plan and details of a link to the Inspector’s Report on the LDP.
9. Ceredigion County Council. A corporate plan outlining Ceredigion County Council’s priorities over the next four years.
10. ROSPA. A reminder to book a play area inspection.
11. One Voice Wales. A receipt for £212 for membership for 2013-14. Also a request to nominate two Councillors to represent Borth Community Council at their quarterly meetings. Cllr Margaret Griffiths and Cllr Jill Hulse volunteered to be the Council representatives.
12. Borth Coastal Defence Scheme. Details of a public exhibition on 14th May 2013 on Phase 2 of the Borth Coastal Defence Scheme.
13. One Voice Wales. The latest edition of The Ombudsman’s Casebook is available online and contains summaries of reports issued by the Ombudsman between January 2013 and March 2013.
14. One Voice Wales. Details of training courses One Voice Wales are currently running and in particular a Planning Aid Wales course on the land-use planning system in Wales.
15. Dyfi Biosphere. An invitation to attend the fourth annual meeting on Wednesday 15th May at 7.30pm at Y Plas, Machynlleth.
16. One Voice Wales. An advertisement for a job application for a North Wales Development Officer.
17. Searivers Caravan Park. The planning enforcement officer has visited the site on two occasions and has written to the owner asking him how he proposes to overcome the breach of too many caravans on site.
18. One Voice Wales. Details of courses on helping communities to become healthier and more sustainable.
19. Ceredigion County Council. An invitation to the Chairman and one other to attend the Annual Meeting of the Council which will be held at Penmorfa on Friday 17th May followed by an informal reception at the Feathers Hotel, Aberaeron.
20. Ceredigion County Council. A request to elect one Council representative who will serve on the Governing Body of Craig yr Wylfa Community Primary School for a period of four years. Cllr Jackie Lawrence was voted as the ongoing representative of the Council for the next four years.
21. Borth Station Volunteers. The Clerk distributed a copy of a letter requesting financial assistance together with a breakdown of anticipated costs for the event which will mark the official Birthday of the Station. Councillor Gwenllian Ashley declared an interest and left the room. Members resolved to donate the sum of £1000.
22. One Voice Wales. Copies of the spring 2013 edition of The Voice.
23. Mid and West Wales Fire & rescue Service. A copy of the 2013-2014 Annual Improvement Plan.
24. Clerks & Councils Direct. May 2013 edition of the magazine.
25. Community Toilets Grant Scheme. Ceredigion County Council is currently managing for the Welsh Assembly Government a Community Toilet Grant scheme to pay businesses up to £500 for taking part in the scheme.
26. Borth Rowing Club. A thank you letter for the letter of support to Ceredigion County Council in respect of an application for funding and a request to use the car park opposite Brynowen for parking boat trailers during a racing regatta to be held on the 4th August. Members gave their permission to use the car park for the event.
27. Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2013
Nationwide 28,870.70
Community Acct 500.27
Business No Notice Acct 13,917.31
Deposit Account 2,765.68
28. Income
Transfer from BNN to deposit a/c 140.00
Community Account – Sale of 6 Jubilee Mugs @ £6 each 36.00
Precept 2013/14 17,513.35
VAT refund 2012/13 2,077.86
Landfill & Civic Amenity Site rents 4,616.50
Deposit A/C – gross int to 6/12/12 0.46
Deposit A/C – gross int to 28/02/13 0.42
Nationwide – gross int to 1/3/13 0.72
29. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Dyfed Alarms Ltd – CCTV maintenance contract 192.00
M Walker – clks salary 514.20, off exp 2.40 516.60
R W Jones – audit fee 100.00
Borth Station Volunteers – donation 1,000.00
30. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A130225. Demolition of flat roof garage and erection of two storey extension to dwelling. The Lodge, High Street, Borth. Borth Community Council has no objection providing it doesn’t impinge on car parking in that area.
A130246. Variation of condition 1 of planning permission A031350, commencement of development of café, kitchen and reception. The Animalarium, Borth. No objection.
A130247. Erection of first floor extension. Glynette, Dolwen, Borth. In view of the fact that Borth Community Council has received a letter of objection based on loss of light and character we strongly recommend a site visit.
A130279. Proposed three storey & single storey rear extensions & alterations. Tyrol House, High Street, Borth. No objection.
31. The Clerk read out a letter in respect of application A130247 from Mrs Linda Edwards, Myfanwy, Borth expressing her concern at the adverse affect on the area of small cottages to the rear of Glynette if the planning permission is approved.
32. Application for Planning Permission Granted.
A130116. Change of use from stable/store to B2 light industrial (kitchen for the preparation and cooking of pies). Felinwen, Glanwern, Borth.
33. Application for Planning Permission Refused.
A130070. Alteration and extension to dwelling to convert into two dwellings. Ynys Fergi, Borth.
34. Nothing to report.
35. The following responsibilities were allocated to the following Councillors:
G Ashley Visual Improvement of the Environment
C Bainbridge Children’s Playground and Transport
R Dalton PACT
M Griffiths One Voice Wales
J Hulse One Voice Wales and Dyfi Biosphere Representative
J James PACT and Police Matters
G B Jones Internal Auditor and PACT
J M Lawrence Dyfi Biosphere representative and Ysgol Craig yr Wylfa Governor
L Moore Children’s Playground and Transport
M J Willcox Fire, Council Representative on the Hall Committee, Internal Auditor and Dyfi Biosphere representative
W J Williams PACT and Police Matters
All Councillors will be responsible for footways and highways.
Cllr Bryn Jones gave a brief update on the progress of the Balchder Pentrefi application. Cllr Jones and Cllr Ashley have been examining possible sites for the location of the Borth sign. Cllr Dalton informed members that some mosaics had been damaged on the sea front following works to the breastworks at the northern end and Cllr Bryn Jones requested that the Council contacts Pod Clare for a survey of the damage and a quote for repair works to be carried out. Cllrs Jones and Willcox suggested painting the area in between the mosaics to enhance the concrete expanse. Cllr Quant pointed out that the area in question belongs to Ceredigion County Council. Cllr Hulse referred to graffiti on the pill box at the junction of Ynyslas car park. Cllr Dalton gave a brief update on a recent coastal path workshop. Cllr Ashley reminded Cllr Quant that the bolts on the new railings at the foot of Clarach Road had still not been capped.
36. Cllr Quant reminded Councillors of the Coastal Defence Scheme - Phase 2 - Public Exhibition which is to be held on Tuesday 14th May at the Community Hall. He also said that BAM Nuttall have been put up for an award following completion of the works on Phase 1 of the coastal defence scheme. PACT meeting scheduled for Wednesday 15th May at 7.30pm. Cllr Quant has made enquiries in respect of the 12 month occupancy on Brynowen Caravan Park as it was reported that the caravan sales people on site are allegedly stating that all sites are available for 12 months occupancy which contradicts the planning approval. Cllr Quant and the Clerk presented members with a dummy precept for 2014/15 for consideration which included the cost of keeping both toilet blocks open in Borth during the winter months. Cllr Quant pointed out that Borth Community Council would make the payment to CCC and the service would continue as normal.
37. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.15pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3 June 2013 to be notified to the Clerk.
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