Minutes - July 2013
Present: Chairperson: C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse
J James
G B Jones
J M Lawrence
L Moore
M J Wilcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
4 Members of the Public. Also In attendance Mr John Adams Lewis- Chairman Ceredigion County Council.
70. None.
71. Ms Sian Davies was welcomed to the meeting and she proceeded to explain her role as ceredigion Rural Housing Enabler. She produced a copy of a report showing the current housing situation in Borth along with a proposal for addressing the shortage of affordable housing. Borth Community Council resolved to support a local housing needs survey in the area in the foreseeable future.
72. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
73. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on the 3 June 2013 as being a true record.
74. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 42. Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.
75. Balchder Pentrefi Application. Minute 43. Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilites.
76. Public Conveniences. Minute 44. Ongoing.
77. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. Annual Report 2012/13.
78. Coastal Defence Scheme (Phase 2). Copies of responses to Ms Pryce and Ms Salmon to the letters received by Ceredigion County Council concerning the proposed phase 2 of the Borth to Ynyslas Coastal Defence Scheme.
79. Welsh Water. A letter requesting information in readiness for sewer replacement works which runs through part of Borth Community land.
80. Welsh Water. An invitation to a local customer open evening to discuss plans for the next six years. the meeting will be held on Thursday 18th July 2013 at 6pm at Arad Goch, Aberystwyth. RSVP by 4th July 2013.
81. Ceredigion County Council. Notification of temporary road closure between 13.30pm amd 14.30pm during the carnival procession to be held on Friday 2nd August 2013.
82. One Voice Wales. A bulletin on the recent Sustainable Development Bill White Paper.
83. One Voice Wales. The Welsh Affairs Committee will hold a one-off session on Police and Crime Commissioners in Wales on Thursday 11th July in Cardiff.
84. Donation request. Miss Megan Trubshaw has been chosen to represent Aberystwyth St John Division at the International cadet Camp in Australia in 2014. The cost of the trip is £2,500.00 and Megan is asking Borth Community Council to consider a donation towards her fundraising target. The chairman declared an interest and left the room. Cllr Moore as vice-chairman took over as chairperson whilst this was being discussed. It was resolved to donate the sum of £100.
85. One Voice Wales. The latest edition of "The Voice".
86. Welsh National Memorial - Flanders. A request for a donation to create a Welsh National Memorial on the Pilkem Ridge in Belgium was considered and it was decided to deal with this as an agenda item at September's Council meeting.
87. Betty Horton. A letter asking whether a large sign advertising caravans on the side of the amusement arcade is legal and whether consideration could also be given to the effect illegal commercial signs at the South end of the village is having upon the environment. Cllr Quant said he would raise the issue with the planning department.
88. Anthony Fisher. A letter asking whether there is a grievance procedure in place whereby he could complain about the way he was treated by an individual from Searivers Caravan Park. The Clerk was asked to reply stating that whilst the Council regrets his experience he may want to explore whether the site is associated with an umbrella body whereby he could make his complaint through them.
89. Police and Crime Plan. The launch of the Police and Crime Plan has now been rescheduled and will be taking place on Thursday 4th July at Canolfan Rheidol. Cllr Moore vounteered to attend the meeting.
90. One Voice Wales. An invitation to express our views on the proposed Draft Technical Advice Note 23 Economic Development.
91. Tim Grove. A request to place a bench overlooking the sea in memory of his parents for which Borth held a very special place in their hearts.
92. Elin Jones. The latest e-mail bulletin on issues of interest in Ceredigion.
93. Website Development Initiative. One voice Wales through its partnership with vision ICT Ltd is able to offer member Councils a complete internet package to maximise the full benefit of the £500 grant available. Members resolved following a vote not to proceed with this offer.
94. One Voice Wales. detail of two funding fairs on the 1st July and the 11th July aiming at providing an opportunity for smaller community, environment and voluntary groups to talk about what support is available and how to go about accessing project funding.
95. Balance of Accounts at 13 June 2013
Nationwide 28,870.70
Community Acct 2,758.59
Business No Notice Acct 32,193.52
Deposit Account 2,765.68
96. Income
Business No Notice - gross int to 6 June 2013 3.00
97. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
M Walker - clerks salary 514.20, off exp 9.50 523.70
Post Office Ltd - PAYE April, May & June 138.60
One Stop Promotions Ltd - Welsh Dragon Flag 88.92
Megan Trubshaw - donation 100.00
Newmans Garden Centre - flowerbed comp 45.00
K L Hughes & Sons - cleaning of leat 1,044.00
98. Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2013
The annual Return, details of the proposed audit certificate and opinions were presented to Council. The Clerk informed members that no mandatory issues had arisen during audit. The Council resolved to approve the Annual return and the Chairman certified, signed and dated Section3 as per requirements.
99. Application for Full Planning Permission
A130429. Extension to dwelling. Synnydene. Heol Aberwennol, Borth. No objections.
100. Application for Planning Permission Granted
A130247. Erection of first floor extension. Glynette, Dolwen, Borth
A130279. Proposed three storey & single storey rear extensions & alterations. Tyrol House, high Street, Borth.
101. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on Ray Ceredigion and the official opening of the new playground equipment. She also asked whether rumours were true that there were plans to build a bridge from Ynyslas to Aberdyfi. Councillors said that these rumours had been rife for years and as far as they were aware there were no such plans at present.
102. Cllr Margaret Griffiths had been asked by residents whether the slipway on the northern end of the beach would remain open during Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme. Cllr Quant was able to confirm that there were no plans to close the slipway. Cllr Griffiths also said that the leat by Brynowen had not been cleared despite a request and that she would visit the site once again. Cllr Lawrence informed members that otters had been seen by the cliffs. It was reported that Borth Youth Hostel was to close down. Members asked the Clerk to write a letter to Head Office strongly objecting to the closure as the hostel is a valuable resource within the village. Cllr Hulse gave an update on a resent LDP meeting and printed out a summary of the plans for Borth Community Council. Cllr Hulse also said that to date she had not received a reply from the Golf Club in relation to her complaint about graffiti on the pill box at Ynyslas. Cllr Wilcox gave a brief update on a Community Flood Plan which he and Cllr Hulse had put together. Cllr Wilcox had heard that lorries were no longer tipping on the landfill site at the request of the Environment Agency. Cllr Quant said he would investigate. Cllr Wilcox also reported a continuous wet patch by the bottle bank which Cllr Quant will investigate. Cllr Ashley asked everyone to vote for "Haul - Arts in Health" as they have reached the final of the National Lottery Awards 2013. Cllr Ashley reminded everyone of the Borth Station Gala event on Saturday 6th July. Mrs Brenda Davies said that she is having numerous queries about the location of the public toilets in Borth and asked for signs to be put up. The Clerk said that she had contacted Jasmine Wilson of CCC in May following the AGM and she said that she would look into having signs erected pointing to the public toilets. The Clerk is to follow up. Cllr Williams asked again for "Horses" signs to be erected on Clarach Road. Cllr Quant said he would pass the request on to the Highways department of CCC. Cllr James referred to speeding on Clarach Road . Cllr Dalton has been informed by Paul Smith of Dawnus that he has collected some of the broken mosaics. Cllr Dalton asked for more signs alerting visitors that dogs were not allowed on the beach between May and September. She said that locals were following the rules whereas holidaymakers were either ignoring them or were not aware of the dog ban. It was suggested that Borth Council paint large signs on the pavement at the entries onto the beach. Cllr Moore asked for the holes on top of the breastwork to be filled in. Cllr Jones gave an update on the Balchder Pentrefi project. Members resolved to give Cllr Jones permission to instruct the contractors to proceed with an authorised expenditure of up to £2,000 with the signs as an additional expense.
103. Two items to be discussed before cabinet shortly is "Housing for All" and "County Road Speed Limits Rationale". The latter will be based on a points system. Cllr Griffiths asked if there was a policy for police cars speeding through the village.
104. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9:30pm. Agenda items for next meeting to be held on Monday 2 September 2013 to include World War 1 Centenary and Welsh language Policy. Any other items are to be notified to the clerk.
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