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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - March 2014

Present: Chairperson:     C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse      
J James
G B Jones
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr:     R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
                                        4 Members of the Public.  
357.  Cllr L Moore.
358.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Bainbridge reminded members and the public that all mobile phones should be switched off during the meeting.
359.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 February 2014 as being a true record subject to an amendment to Minute 350 to quote “BAP activity” and not bat activity.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the public meeting on the Borth and Ynyslas Community Flood Plan held on Monday 17th February 2014 as being a true record.
360.   Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 322.  Dealt with under Councillor’s Responsibilities.  
361.   World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 323.  Dealt with under Councillor’s Responsibilities.  
362.   Priorities for Borth.  Minute 324.  Ongoing.  
363.   Dogs.  Minute 325.  Ongoing.   
364.   Speeding on Clarach Road.  Minute 339.  Cllr Williams disputes the figures of the personal injury accidents and can only conclude that the information is not being sent to CCC.  
365.   Borth and Ynyslas Community Flood Plan.  Minute 352.  Ongoing.
366.   Council Vacancy.  The Chairman read out a letter from Ms Sue Rees-Williams asking to be considered for the vacancy on the Council.  She was in attendance and was asked to leave the room whilst her application was considered.  Members resolved to co-opt Ms Rees-Williams on to the Council at the next meeting.  
367.   Walk for Life.  Details of the Walk for Life to be held on Sunday 27th April 2014 which supports families affected by kidney disease.   
368.   Cymdogion Cynnes.  Information packs explaining how to keep warm, well and safe during the winter months.  
369.   Consultative Meetings.  An invitation to meet with the Leader of the Council, Cllr Ellen ap Gwynn and the Chief Executive, Miss Bronwen Morgan to discuss matters of mutual interest at Rhydypennau Hall on Monday 24th March 2014 at 7pm.  Cllrs Bainbridge, Griffiths and Cllr Ashley volunteered to attend and it was agreed that the Clerk writes to CCC in advance to raise concerns in respect of street lighting at the northern end of the village which has been off since the floods of the 3rd January, speeding on Clarach Road, Leri Garage and the lack of any form of response or acknowledgement in some instances to e-mails or letters sent to CCC.  
370.   One Voice Wales.  Member Councils are invited to propose a maximum of two motions for debate at the AGM on Saturday 14th October which must arrive at the office no later than noon on Thursday 17th April 2014 for consideration by the Conference Agenda Committee. Cllr Jones proposed we send a motion asking then to discuss Rural poverty in Wales.  
371.   Welsh Government.  Natural Resource Management Bulletin Issue 7.  
372.   Ceredigion Play.  An invitation to attend the Ceredigion Play Conference to be held at Tyglyn Aeron on Monday 24th March 2014 between 9.30 – 3.15pm.  Ceredigion County Council has commissioned RAY Ceredigion to carry out a survey of all Play Areas in Ceredigion so that they can better understand the play opportunities available to children within the county.  The survey is now complete and CCC is requesting confirmation that the findings and conclusions are correct.  
373.   Adjudication Panel for Wales.  The 2012-2013 Annual Report has now been published online at www.adjudicationpanelwales.org.uk.   
374.   One Voice Wales.   Details of all training events are available to view online.  However, they have bookings for most of the courses but in most cases not enough to enable the course to proceed.  Cllr Bryn Jones, Jill Hulse and Carol Bainbridge asked the Clerk to book them on to the Community Engagement Part 2 course to be held at Parc Lodge on the 21st May 2014.  
375.   Borth Civic Amenity Site.  Ceredigion County Council has received a request to sublet the site for the purposes of storing building materials.  Under the terms of the lease the Council requires consent from Borth Community Council to sublet the site. They are asking whether BCC will agree to the proposed subletting.  The Clerk was asked to send a letter stating that they had no objection in principle but would like some additional information on what the site would be used for etc.  
376.   One Voice Wales.  An invitation to renew the Council’s membership from April 2014 at a fee of £218. Members resolved to renew its membership.  
377.   Ecodyfi.  Information regarding several events taking place in the near future.  
378.   One Voice Wales.  Links to the Local Government (Wales) Byelaws Act 2012 – Implementation and the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report – February 2014.  
379.   Local Development Plan 2007 – 2022.  Published copies of Volume 1 – Policies, Volume 2A – Settlement Group Statements and Volume 2B – Proposal Maps (including inset maps).   
380.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a consultation on the disposal of local authority playing fields.  
381.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a consultation document on the Statement of Participation for the Welsh National Marine Plan.  
382.   Elin Jones AC/AM.  The latest news from Elin Jones AM.   383.   Welsh Government.  A consultation on proposals to reform the planning system in Wales.  
384.    Proposed works on land at Wern Common.  Consent has been given for the works to proceed under section 194 of the Law of Property Act 1925 in accordance with the questionnaire and the plans attached to the application. 
385.  Balance of Accounts at 13 February 2014          
Nationwide                                                                                          28,872.87          
Community Acct                                                                                      973.28          
Business No Notice Acct                                                                    14,811.61          
Deposit Account                                                                                   2,766.67 
386.  Income
         No income.
387.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:           
Victoria Inn – payment for 7 guests at Council dinner                            150.00          
One Voice Wales – 2014-15 membership fee                                        218.00          
M Walker – clks salary                                                                            525.27          
St Mathews Church – donation                                                               100.00          
Capel y Garn – donation                                                                        100.00          
Age Cymru Ceredigion – donation                                                         100.00          
Wales Air Ambulance – donation                                                           200.00          
Y Tincer – donation                                                                                100.00          
Citizens Advice Bureau – donation                                                         100.00          
Talybont YFC – donation                                                                         50.00          
Cruse Ceredigion – donation                                                                 100.00          
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Inst Ceredigion – donation                50.00
388. The Clerk distributed a list of donation requests from various organisations received throughout the financial year.  After considering all requests it was resolved to donate to the following:
St Mathews Church                                                                               100.00
Capel y Garn                                                                                        100.00
Age Cymru Ceredigion                                                                          100.00
Wales Air Ambulance                                                                            200.00
Y Tincer                                                                                                100.00
Citizens Advice Bureau                                                                         100.00
Talybont YFC                                                                                          50.00
Cruse Ceredigion                                                                                  100.00
The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Inst Ceredigion                                 50.00  
389.  Mr Graham Taylor set up a new website for Borth – borthcommunity.co.uk which costs £12 per annum for the domain.  This cost will be met by the Borth Sports and Playing Fields Association.
390.  Cllr Bainbridge thanked all those who attended the council dinner. She also referred to the concert starring Peter Karrie and children from Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa which had been a success. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on a recent World War 1 meeting.  Cllr Griffiths said that they could get a list of veterans from the National Library.
391.  Cllr Jones gave a brief update on the Balchder Pentrefi project and members resolved to compensate for £120 for the groynes donated to BCC by CCC. Cllr Ashley said that Catrin Webster had visited Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa and the Senior Citizens to discuss the project. Catrin intends to hold three drop in sessions in the hall.  Cllr Jones referred to the Leri Garage and the storm damage.  The site has now been cleared of the majority of the debris though there is broken asbestos sheeting stacked in the one corner. Cllr Quant said he would look into the matter but was able to confirm that Environmental Services have been on site.  Cllr Ashley said that overtopping had occurred that morning over the newly built defences from opposite the NISA in a southerly direction which indicates that the defences are not working. Cllr Ashley asked whether there had been any communication with the locksmith who has been asked to open the history cabinet.  The Clerk said she would contact him again. Cllr Hulse confirmed that she had responded to the Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance on Special Landscape Areas Consultation. She also gave an update on e-mails received from Andy Rowland, Dyfi Biosphere. Cllr Hulse had also picked out relevant items from the Voice, Issue 24 which may be of interest to Councillors especially the WLGA guidance on social media for Councillors and the Welsh Memorial in Flanders opening August 2014. Cllr Hulse confirmed that she had flood plans for all flood wardens and it was agreed to display the maps in the Community Hall.  Cllr Hulse has received a thank you letter from the Golf Club for all the residents of Ynyslas who have helped with the letter picking.  Cllr Willcox referred to the loss of sand on the beach and asked Cllr Quant whether any surveys had been done. Cllr Williams said that the groynes are the village’s best defence and that it is madness to take them away.  Cllr Willcox asked whether the County Council intended to remove any dangerous objects exposed on the beach. Cllr Williams said that the seat by Ti’r Helyg was damaged. He also had concerns about the bog and that all wildlife and rare plants had disappeared.  He said there were weak patched behind the river embankment and that all ditches should be cleared. Cllr Willcox suggested inviting National Resources Wales to attend a meeting to discuss matters further. Cllr Quant said he would speak to Sue Byrne.  Cllr James asked what the council policy was on planting evergreen on the side of the road.  Cllr Dalton said that the capping stones on the sea side opposite the Amusement Arcade down as far as the public toilets had not been reinstated.  Cllr Quant said that the stones were left until the last of the high tides.  Cllr Dalton also mentioned the broken seat on that side of the road and asked for it to be repaired or removed.  Mr Graham Taylor at the request of the Chairman gave a brief update on the PACT meeting and advised that the next one is to take place on the 8th May 2014.
392.   Cllr Quant referred to a report in last week’s Cambrian News on the recent flooding in Borth and the distribution of sandbags.  He is expecting a response in this weeks’ paper from residents of Cae Gwylan. There has been much damage to the coastal defences along the Golf Club.  Cllr Quant said that Rhodri Llwyd is planning to visit Borth for his views on the new sea defence. Cllr Jones said the village needs to be protected as we are on the main Aberystwyth to Shrewsbury railway line.  Cllr Quant informed members that there is a meeting of the Dyfi Catchment on the 26th March.  There is a meeting at the Youth Centre on the 12th March to discuss the future of the Youth Club.  Cllr Quant said that following the recent storms a number of trees had to be cut down in St Mathews churchyard. He said that they have been cut into logs and are for sale to members of the public. Cllr Quant also informed members that the marine license is the only thing preventing the start of Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme.
393.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.27pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 7 April 2014 to include Co-option onto Council and Dogs.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk
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