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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - April 2014

Present: Chairperson:               C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse      
J James L
G B Jones
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr:        R P Quant
   Clerk:        M Walker                                    
3 Members of the Public.  
394.  None.
395.  Ms Ann Eleri Jones was introduced to the meeting as a member of Ceredigion County Council tourism department. She discussed the possibility of commissioning a piece of artwork which would depict the sunken forest.  The idea has come about following the January storms and must be completed by the end of September. Cllr Willcox asked whether the artwork could be incorporated onto the mosaic wall.  Cllr Bryn Jones would like to see community involvement throughout the project if it were to proceed.  Cllr Ashley asked about the future of the Tourist Information Centre.  The centre has been closed for the foreseeable future due to low attendance figures.
396.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Bainbridge reminded members and the public that all mobile phones should be switched off during the meeting.
397.  Deferred until the next meeting .
398.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 March 2014 as being a true record.
399.   Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 360.  Dealt with under Councillor’s Responsibilities.  
400.   World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 361.  Dealt with under Councillor’s Responsibilities.  
401.   Priorities for Borth.  Minute 362.  Ongoing.   402.   Speeding on Clarach Road.  Minute 364.  Ongoing.   403.   Community e-mail Group.  Minute 389.  Ongoing.
404.   Donation Requests.  A request from PRISM for financial assistance and thank you letters from Wales Air Ambulance, St Matthews Church, Tincer, Capel y Garn, Age Cymru Ceredigion, Cruse Bereavement Care for the donations given in 2013/14.  
405.  Simon Thomas AC/AM.  2 fortnightly regional bulletins.  
406.  Welsh Government.  Homes for Wales update.  
407.  One Voice Wales now have a new module on devolution of services that can be delivered on a bespoke basis to any one or group of Councils in Wales.   
408.  Ecodyfi.  Information on a FLAG programme which gives funding to community projects.  Deadline of 30th April for this funding opportunity.  
409.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details and dates of a Play Awareness Training programme.  
410.  One Voice Wales.  Information on a Code of Conduct training event at Parc Lodge on the 10th April 2014.  
411.  Borth Car Park.  A letter from Mr Graham Taylor requesting the Council follows up their original letter, to which there has been no response, in respect of leasing the land to be used as a car park. In the meantime the Clerk had followed up her original e-mail to Mr Friend, acting Solicitor for the St Davids Diocesan Board of Finance, to which he sent his apologies for not responding to earlier correspondence. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on a conversation he had with Mr Friend who confirms that the land can be used as a car park for which Borth Community Council would pay rent. He sees £250 per annum as a reasonable sum.  It was suggested and then resolved  that the Clerk makes enquiries as to whether the Board would be prepared to sell the area of land to Borth CC and at what price and furthermore to mention that one of the walls is in a poor state.  
412.  Ceredigion County Council.  A letter from the enforcement officer in response to a complaint about the siting of three caravans on Penrhiw, Clarach Road. He says that following a visit to the site he will need clarification as to whether there may be a breach of planning control.  The Clerk was asked to make the enforcement officer aware that the owners have now cut the ends off two of the caravans and joined them together to make one.  
413.  Cymdogion Cynnes.  A request to complete a feedback form on the packs handed out to Community Councils.  
414.  Pumping Station Access Borth.  An e-mail confirming that work will commence in May to replace the existing sewer.  
415.  Age Cymru Ceredigion.  A request for one or two volunteers to come forward to make tea at the start of the Falls Prevention and Exercise Class at Borth Community Hall every Monday.  The Clerk, Cllr Moore and Cllr Bainbridge have volunteered to assist.  
416.  Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority Annual Improvement Plan 2014-2015.  The document is available on www.mawwfire.gov.uk   
417.  Grass Cutting.  A request from Mr Terry Appleby to submit a tender for the work of grass cutting in Borth.  The Clerk was asked to note the request and to advise that Mr Meirion Lewis has been asked to cut the grass for another year.
418.  Ceredigion County Council.  A copy letter to Mark Williams MP in response to his letter requesting speed humps in Borth.  
419.  Smoke-Free Play Area Launch.  CCC and Hywel Dda’s Public Health team are working in partnership to offer FREE Smoke-free Play Area signage for all Town and Community Council managed play areas within Ceredigion.  
420.  Cynnal Y Cardi Celebration Event.  Cynnal y Cardi has financially supported new business start ups in Ceredigion as well as community led projects.  The project is coming to an end in 2014 and CCC is holding an event on Saturday 10th May 2014 at The National Trust Estate in Llanerchaeron to celebrate what the project has achieved.  
421.  One Voice Wales.  Details on the implementation of new guidance on making payments.  
422.  Radio BECA is a community radio station that will begin serving communities across Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion towards the end of the summer. They are inviting the Council to either become a full time member at a cost of £100 or alternatively make a similar donation.  
423.  One Voice Wales.  Confirmation that Cllrs Hulse, Jones and Bainbridge are booked on the “Community Engagement Part 11” course to be held at Parc Lodge on Wednesday 21st May 2014 between 6.30pm – 9.00pm.  
424.  Borth Car Park.  An e-mail from Jonathan and Kim Thomas in respect of travellers who have settled on the council car park to the rear of their property.  Mr & Mrs Thomas say that they are excessively noisy after dark, shouting and arguing and that they have a total disregard for others property.  
425.  BDO.  Notice of the annual audit for the year ending 31 March 2014.  The notice of appointment of date for the exercise of electors’ rights must be displayed for 14 days from 5 May 2014 to 18 May 2014.  The accounts and other documents must then be made available for 20 working days from 19 May 2014 to 16 June 2014.  It is the duty of Borth Community Council to submit a copy of the annual return and supporting documentation to the auditors by the audit date of 17 June 2014.  It was agreed to make the accounts available to the public at the Community Hall on Thursday 29th May 2014 between 5.00pm and 8.00pm.                
426.  Other Correspondence.  Clerks & Councils Direct and Glasdon brochure.  
427.  Civic Amenity Site.  The Clerk has received an e-mail from Mr Jason Hines advising what his intentions are if he were successful in applying to rent the old civic amenity site land from Ceredigion County Council.  Members resolved to give their consent to the subletting of the land.
428.  Balance of Accounts at 13 March 2014          
Nationwide                                                                            28,873.59          
Community Acct                                                                         500.01          
Business No Notice Acct                                                       14,244.68          
Deposit Account                                                                     2,766.67 
429.  Income
Business No Notice Acct – gross int to 6/3/14                             3.07          
Nationwide – gross int to 1/3/14                                                  0.72          
Scottish Power Wayleaves                                                        32.30           
Transfer from community a/c to deposit a/c                            140.00        
430.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:           
Post Office Ltd – PAYE Jan, Feb, March 2014                        147.00          
M Walker – clks salary £531.05, off exp £6.00                        537.05        
Roger Clive Powell – laminating sheets for the flood plan         10.00          
Transfer to deposit a/c from community a/c                            140.00
431.   Planning Permission Approved
A130493.  Erection of an extension to restaurant, beer cellar and roof terrace. Victoria Inn, High Street, Borth.
A130886.  Conversion and alteration of amusement arcade to form an extension to existing restaurant and alterations and renovations to first floor flat.  It’s a Gift, High Street, Borth.
A130895.  Extension to existing zoo to include new enclosures, car parking facilities etc.  Animalarium, Borth.
432.  Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on the arrival of the travellers on the main car park.  A notice was served on the 24th March 2014 informing the travellers that they were parked on private land which is in ownership to Borth Community Council. They were asked to vacate the area. Cllr Bainbridge and Cllr Willcox visited the site on several occasions and they eventually left the site two weeks later. Cllr Hulse suggested setting up a file with information on whether there are travellers sites close by, and to research advice on how to deal with the situation.  Cllr Moore volunteered to open and lock the gates each day but until Easter it was agreed to keep the gates locked 24/7. It was also suggested to approach Jonathan Thomas to ask whether he would be prepared to keep a set of spare keys to the gates in the event of an emergency.
433.   The Clerk informed members that she had received a telephone call from Nigel Jones, Ceredigion County Council Dog Warden, for information on where Borth Council would like more dog signs. The Clerk passed his telephone number onto Cllr Moore who agreed to contact him to arrange a meeting. The meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 8th April at 1pm. Cllr Ashley said that that the dog bin at the foot of Clarach Road had been blown away during the storms and had not been replaced and that owners were leaving dog bags on the bench.
434.  Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on the play conference which she had recently attended.  A report on the Borth play area had highlighted the need for signage indicating who was responsible for the area and a contact number in the event of an emergency.  Cllr Bainbridge also gave an update on a recent consultative meeting with the leader and chief executive of Ceredigion County Council.  They were impressed with the Borth and Ynyslas Flood Plan and all issues raised at the meeting were dealt with and they were able to confirm that a speed review would take place throughout Ceredigion by the end of the year.  There had also been a complaint about the state of the bus shelter at Ynyslas and it was suggested that the Council ask the fire brigade to wash it all down as they had kindly done a few months ago.
435.  Cllr Margaret Griffiths said that there was a fault with the street lighting from the TIC to the Golf Club. Cllr Moore referred to comments made on Facebook regarding new gym equipment at Brynrodyn which implied that the equipment had belonged to Borth Community Hall which is not the case.  Cllr Williams said that the cliff path was widely used by walkers and their dogs and that the dogs should always be kept on a lead as they sometimes had a tendency to chase sheep over the cliff edge into the sea. He suggested putting two signs at each end of the path asking owners to keep their dogs on leads at all times.  Members resolved to purchase two signs. Cllr Willcox said that the time had come to remove the stormboards which will be numbered to identify their location. Cllr Williams kindly offered to store them on Ty Du Farm.  Cllr Hulse referred to the Flood Plan and a conversation she had with Mr James Davies after the last meeting of Council whereby he raised a few points including having a bilingual Flood Plan and the issue of Data Protection. Cllr Hulse, after making enquiries, said that the Flood Plan could be in English only as the Council owned the plan. However, it was resolved to ask Heddwen for a quotation to translate the document into Welsh. In respect of Data Protection the Plan could be kept in a locked drawer as it contained personal information. Debbie from National Resources Wales has two flood plan kits including high visual vests for the flood wardens.  Cllr Hulse has received a letter from Borth and Ynyslas Golf Club thanking her and the residents of Ynyslas for their help with clearing the Golf Course after the storms. She advised members that there is a beach clean planned for Saturday 12th April commencing at 10.30 at Ynyslas Turn. Cllr Hulse gave a brief update on a National Habitat Creation Event which she recently attended.  Cllr Ashley said that Catrin Webster had held three very successful drop in sessions to discuss the love spoon project. Cllr Jones gave an update on the Balchder Pentrefi project which included the making of two signs.  He suggested placing one opposite Brynowen entrance which leads to Coronation Path and the other opposite the Youth Hostel. Cllr Griffiths is concerned that a boy tore his wet suit on a broken groyne and that he himself could have been hurt. Cllr Jones asked about the future of the old Leri Garage and what the owner’s plans were.  Cllr Quant replied that he had been informed that Health and Safety officials would be visiting the site to gauge the stability of the walls.  There was concern that the public footpath by the site had been blocked off.
436.   Cllr Quant advised members that work would be done by the Golf Course following recent storms. A marine licence has been issued for Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on a meeting with a few village youths and Ann Sweeting to discuss the future of the Youth Club as support workers are not willing to travel to Borth to help out.  Cllr Quant has had a meeting with Gareth Jones of Natural Resources Wales, Ms Ann Budge and Mark Williams MP to discuss the leat.  
437.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.35pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 12 May 2014 to include AGM at 6.30pm and Co-option of Member onto Council.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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