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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - May 2014

Present: Chairperson:                     L Moore
G Ashley
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
J Hulse
J James
G B Jones
S Rees-Williams
M J Willcox
In Attendance:    County Cllr:     R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
                                        3 Members of the Public.  
1.  Cllr M Griffiths and Cllr W J Williams.  The Chairman, Cllr Lorraine Moore, left the meeting at 7.30pm due to a previous commitment and Cllr Jill Hulse (vice-chair) chaired the remainder of the meeting.
2.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Moore reminded members and the public that all mobile phones should be switched off during the meeting.
3.  The Chairperson invited Ms Sue Rees-Williams to join the Council.  Ms Rees-Williams swore her Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed as a member of the Council. The Clerk gave her a copy of the Council’s Code of Conduct and a copy of the Standing Orders.  
4.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 April 2014 as being a true record.
5.     Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 399.  Dealt with under Councillor’s Responsibilities.
6.     World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 400.  Dealt with under Councillor’s Responsibilities.  
7.     Priorities for Borth.  Minute 402.  Ongoing.  
8.     Borth Car Park.  Minute 432.  This was dealt with as an item of correspondence.  
9.     Dogs.  Minute 433.  Dealt with under Councillor’s Responsibilities.  
10.   Dyfi Biosphere.  Details and agenda for their Annual Meeting to be held on Thursday 15th May at Aberystwyth University.  
11.   Simon Thomas AC/AM.  The latest regional bulletin.  
12.   Welsh Government.  An advertisement for the post of “Children’s Commissioner for Wales”.  
13.   Taliesin Communications.  An e-mail requesting details of the flood plan for Borth as Llancynfelin Council have decided to draw up an emergency plan also.  
14.   Borth Car Park.  The Board of Finance are willing to grant a licence for the use of the car park for the summer period for a sum of £250.  However, at this time, they are unable to agree to a sale of the property as various investigations are being made as to its potential use. Once these investigations are complete, a decision will be taken as to its future. It is most likely that the property will be sold.  The Clerk was asked to query the £250 figure for 6 months as initially the verbal quote was £250 was one year. Mr James Davies made the point that the site had been used as a car park for many years and that a right might already exist if it has been in constant use for a long period of time.  It was suggested that the Clerk contact One Voice Wales for advice.  
15.   Planning Aid Wales.  A research company interested in hearing from people with a wide range of interest in planning and planning matters.  
16.   ROSPA.  A reminder to book the annual play area inspection.  The Clerk was asked to book ROSPA or CCC for the play inspection and to ask Paul Walker to look at the loose planks of wood on the large piece of play equipment.  
17.   Welsh Water.  The intended works to replace the Glanwern sewerage pipe has been delayed until the autumn.  
18.   Keep Wales Tidy.  Details of Clean Coasts Week 2014 Flagship events.  
19.   One Voice Wales.  BBC 1 are looking for people who live in interesting homes across Wales for a new TV series and are interested in hearing from anyone who may be interested in a home swap holiday.  
20.   Welsh Government.  Details of a consultation document which proposes to remove Police Authorities and designate Police and Crime Commissioners as community planning partners for the purposes of Part 2 of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009.  
21.   Traws Link Cymru.  A request for support for the re-opening of the railway line between Aberystwyth and Carmarthen.  The Clerk was asked to forward the letter to all Councillors for their individual responses and for the Clerk to send a letter of support on behalf of the Council.  
22.   Ceredigion County Council.  Details of the Council’s annual improvement plan and their priorities.  
23.   One Voice Wales.  Details and agenda for the Ceredigion Area Meeting to be held on the 30th April at Penmorfa.  
24.   Ceredigion County Council.  An invitation for the chairman and clerk to attend the Council’s AGM  on the 9th May followed by an informal reception at the Feathers Hotel in Aberaeron.  This has now been postponed.  
25.   One Voice Wales.  A request for contact details of councillors who will represent Borth Community Council at the quarterly area meetings.  This will be updated at the next meeting when the list of Councillors Responsibilities is updated.
26.   Welsh Government.  Details of Governance in Small Public Bodies.  
27.   Donation Requests.  Squadron 561 (Ardwyn, Aberystwyth and Area) Air Training Corps.  All donation requests are dealt with in March of each year. Thank you letters from Citizens Advice Bureau and Talybont YFC for the Council’s recent donations to their organisations.  
28.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a new consultancy leaflet that describes the services OVW can offer in the field of employment law/HR, health and safety, and internal auditing.  
29.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a new edition of the Local Government and Communities Community and Town Councils Welsh Government News which has been published and available online.  
30.   One Voice Wales.  Details and dates of forthcoming training sessions.  
31.   Penrhiw, Clarach Road.  A letter from CCC stating that Mr Huw Davies, Enforcement Officer, has contacted the owner of Penrhiw in relation to the alleged unauthorised siting of mobile homes at the property.  
32.   SLCC.  Details of their Conference for Wales on Wednesday 4th June in Cwmbran.  
33.   One Voice Wales.  Dates and details of “Informing the Public Community and Town Councils“  workshops 2014.  
34.   Other Correspondence.  Play for Wales and Clerks and Councils Direct.
35.    Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2014
         Nationwide                                                  28,873.59
         Community Acct                                               532.31
         Business No Notice Acct                                                                            13,357.68
         Deposit Account                                                                                                2,766.67 
36.    Income
         Ceredigion County Council Precept                                          18,937.10 
         Business No Notice Account – int to 5/12/13                                           0.48
         Business No Notice Account – int to 6/1/14                                           0.48
         Landfill & CAS Rents                                            4,616.50
37.    Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts: 
         TME Electrical Contracting Ltd – Setting up and taking down Xmas lights -          175.20
         Cartridge Save Limited – ink 21.08, printer paper 17.78                                        38.86
         M Walker – clks salary                                                     531.05
         Dyfed Alarms Ltd – maintenance contract                               237.60
38.   Nothing to report.
39.  Cllr Hulse said that people should contact Graham Taylor if they wanted to be included in the community e-mail group and that she would contact all flood wardens to ask them to contact Graham.  
Cllr Bryn Jones informed members that a neighbour close to the Leri Garage has concerns that there may still be traces of asbestos in the remains of the building.  Cllr Quant to follow up. Cllr Jones gave a brief update on the Balchder Pentrefi project. Cllr Jones commented on the RNLI function on Saturday 10th May and that it was a wonderful community event. He also referred to the recent accident on Llangorwen Bridge and suggested sat nav warning signs for extra large vehicles.  Cllr Jones said that Jackie Lawrence was disappointed that she had not received any communication from Council following her resignation last year.  The Clerk said that she had sent an e-mail thanking her etc however she was asked to send another on headed paper.  Cllr Ashley apologised for not attending the RNLI event. She commented on the condition of the bus stop by the RNLI and opposite by It’s A Gift. Cllr Willcox said he would ask the Fire Brigade to hose them down.
Cllr Ashley asked if there was a number to telephone when dogs are seen on the beach during the dog ban season.  Cllr Quant said all calls could be made to 01545 572572 and they would direct the caller to the correct department. It appears that there is only one dog warden for the whole of the south and north area at present.  New dog signage has been displayed around the village and the Clerk has been provided with dog signs for the coastal path.  However, the Clerk was asked to contact the Coastal Path department for correct signage asking dog owners to keep their dogs on a lead at all times.
Cllr Bainbridge has given the Clerk a “No Smoking” sign for the playground which was provided by Ray Ceredigion.  There have been lots of complaints in respect of signs placed on the grass triangle in Ynyslas.  Cllr Quant said that all signs can be removed and disposed of if not on private land.  Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on a recent World War 1 meeting. An event has been planned for 4th August 2014 starting with an exhibition, followed by a sing song with children from Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa and Borth choir and ending with a tasting session of WW1 food. Cllr Willcox informed members that the stormboards had been removed and numbered for future reference.  They have been stored at Ty Du Farm.  The issue of the travellers illegally parked on Borth Community Land was raised.
Cllr Bainbridge had visited the site following their return on the 6th May 2014 and was told that they would leave by Monday 12th May. It was agreed to log all times and dates of visits for information purposes.  Cllr Hulse as vice chair agreed to visit the site the next day, 13th May 2014, with Cllr Moore. It was suggested that they collect all vehicle registration numbers. Members resolved to ask Morris & Bates Solicitors to instigate legal proceedings. Reference was also made to the fact that the rubbish had not been collected from the car park. Cllr James referred yet again to the sunken gully by Maesterfyn.  Cllr Quant said he would look into the matter. Cllr Dalton gave a brief update on a recent PACT meeting. 
In the absence of Cllr Billy Williams he has asked the Clerk to bring to the Council’s attention the following issues. The bench by Ty’rhelyg is in the ditch and the bench on Heol Aberwennol needs repairing.
Cllr Hulse informed members that Lee Crumpler would be taking over as RNLI representative on the flood plan.  She has received leaflets from David Lewis of CCC on flooding etc. Cllr Hulse suggested moving on to a “Community Response Plan”. She gave an update on the recent beach clean. The issue of tents and camper vans staying overnight and litter on the Golf Course car park was raised, in particular as there are no toilet facilities etc available. Cllr Hulse agreed to speak to members of the Golf Club expressing the Council’s concerns. Cllr Hulse said that she had been informed that there was a lot of junk on the Council owned boat park which needed removing. Cllr Willcox volunteered to clear the debris.  Cllr Hulse referred to a pollination map for the Dyfi Biosphere which is being produced based upon habitat type and land management.  
40.   Cllr Quant gave an update on Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme. He said that a meeting had been arranged between Rhodri Llwyd of CCC and BAM Nuttall for Thursday 22nd May 2014 and that they hoped the project would begin in June. This would also include re-profiling the beach. Cllr Quant informed members that 31 new waste bins had been placed in various locations around the village.  He gave an update on the Hall AGM and thanked the Council for their ongoing financial support.  Cllr Quant also gave a brief update on a rail service meeting which he attended.
41.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 20.55pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 2 June 2014 to include Councillors Responsibilities, Balchder Pentrefi Project and Priorities for Borth. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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